Washington Examiner

Poll shows decline in Trump’s backing following debate absence.

Trump’s 2024 Rivals ​Chip Away at His Lead After Skipping Debate

According to a new poll, former President ⁣Donald Trump’s commanding⁤ lead​ over the⁢ primary field for the 2024 election is starting to shrink after‌ he chose not to participate in the recent Republican National Committee debate.

The survey, conducted by⁣ Emerson College Polling, shows that Trump’s support has dropped by 6 percentage points, putting him at ⁣50%. In a previous Emerson poll taken ‍before the debate, his support was at 56%.

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Trump campaign spokesman‍ Steven Cheung‍ released a statement saying, “In addition to President Trump crushing all of the other primary candidates by a dominant margin, he is ⁤now leading Joe Biden in the⁢ general election. This further proves that ​President Trump ‍is the only ​person who can win back⁤ the White House, supercharge the economy,⁣ secure our border, safeguard communities, and put an end to unnecessary wars.”

The most notable increase ​in‌ support came‍ from former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, whose⁤ support jumped from 2% to 7% after the ⁣debate. ⁤Former ⁤Vice President Mike Pence, who had the​ most speaking time during the event, also⁣ experienced a ⁣boost in support from 3% to 7%.

Vivek Ramaswamy, who was previously at 10% support, lost 1 point in the poll despite being considered the debate’s winner ⁣by some surveyed after the event. Florida ⁤Governor Ron DeSantis,⁢ who has seen a decline in national polling recently, saw a slight increase in⁣ support from 10% to 12% after the debate.

Spencer Kimball, executive director of Emerson College Polling, cautioned ⁤that⁤ it is uncertain⁣ whether ⁣Trump’s slip in ⁣support is just​ a temporary setback or if ‍other⁢ candidates ⁣will ​be able ‍to capitalize on ⁣any post-debate momentum.

Trump made the⁢ decision to skip the ‌debate at the ‌last ‌minute, instead choosing to upstage the event with an interview on ​Tucker Carlson’s show that aired simultaneously.

Nearly half of voters stated that Trump’s‍ absence from the debate does⁢ not affect their ⁤decision⁣ in‌ the primary. However, 30% ‍said his​ absence ⁣made them less likely to vote for him, while⁤ 22% said it made them more likely.

“There appears to be⁣ a ⁤softening of support​ for Trump since last week’s survey,‌ where 82% ​of⁤ Trump voters said they‍ would definitely‌ support him,⁤ compared to 71% after the debate. DeSantis’s support also softened from ⁤32% who would definitely support to​ 25%, while Ramaswamy’s support ‍remained consistent from 47%⁣ to 45%,” Kimball explained.

Click here to read⁣ more from ⁢The ⁣Washington ⁤Examiner.

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