Washington Examiner

Trump’s victory in Missouri caucus brings him closer to GOP nomination

Trump Triumphs in Missouri Caucus, Nears GOP Nomination

Former President Donald Trump⁢ emerged victorious in the Missouri ‌Republican presidential caucus on Saturday,⁣ easily defeating his opponent Nikki Haley and⁢ moving ⁢one step closer to securing ‌the​ party’s nomination.

The Associated Press declared Trump the winner at 12:45 p.m. EST, just two hours⁢ after voters gathered at their local precincts to⁤ cast their ballots. This⁢ expected triumph gives Trump a significant boost‍ as he‌ aims to solidify​ his position as the GOP nominee in⁢ the upcoming ⁢weeks.

Missouri is just the beginning ‌of ‌a series of victories Trump can anticipate this weekend, ⁤as‌ Idaho and Michigan are also holding nominating contests on Saturday, both of which he is projected ⁢to⁢ win.

Trump has emerged victorious in ‍every state where he has​ been on the ballot thus far, consistently outperforming Haley in every ⁣matchup. Despite this, the former South Carolina governor has chosen to stay in ⁢the ⁤race, arguing that it is crucial for the party to‍ have ⁢an alternative to Trump.

The Missouri caucus takes place just ‍days⁣ before Super Tuesday, when 15 states will hold their primary elections simultaneously. It is widely expected that Trump will surpass the 1,215-delegate threshold ⁤needed ⁣to secure the ‍party’s nomination.

As of now, Trump ⁣has already secured 155 presidential delegates in the primary cycle, far⁣ surpassing Haley’s ‍24. This number​ is ⁤set‍ to increase further as delegates⁢ are awarded in Missouri, Idaho, and Michigan over the weekend.

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Who ⁢won the Missouri Republican presidential caucus and how does this affect their chances of securing the​ GOP nomination?

Trump Triumphs in Missouri Caucus, Nears GOP Nomination

Former President Donald Trump emerged victorious in⁤ the Missouri Republican presidential caucus on Saturday, easily defeating ‍his‍ opponent Nikki Haley and moving one step closer to securing⁤ the party’s​ nomination.

The‌ Associated Press declared​ Trump the winner⁣ at ⁣12:45 p.m. EST, just two hours‌ after voters gathered ⁢at their ⁤local precincts to cast their ballots. ⁤This expected triumph⁢ gives Trump a‌ significant boost as he aims to⁤ solidify his position as the GOP ‌nominee in the upcoming weeks.

Missouri is just the beginning ​of a series of victories Trump can anticipate this weekend, as ​Idaho‍ and Michigan‌ are also holding nominating contests on​ Saturday, both ⁤of which he is projected to win.

Trump has emerged victorious in⁣ every ⁤state where he has been on the ballot thus‍ far, consistently outperforming Haley in every matchup. Despite this,‌ the former⁣ South Carolina governor has chosen to stay in the race, arguing that it is crucial for the party to have an ​alternative ⁤to Trump.

The Missouri caucus takes place just days before Super ⁣Tuesday, when 15 states will hold their primary elections simultaneously. It‍ is widely expected that Trump will ⁤surpass the 1,215-delegate threshold needed to secure ⁤the party’s nomination.

As of ​now, Trump has already secured 155 presidential delegates in the primary cycle, far surpassing Haley’s 24. This number is set to increase further‌ as delegates are awarded in Missouri, Idaho, and Michigan over the weekend.

Read more from ⁤The Washington Examiner:⁢ [Click here](#)

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