Trump’s Retirement Destination Excites Locals

Former President‌ Donald Trump made⁤ an‌ announcement at the National Rifle Association’s meeting in Dallas, ‌expressing his desire to⁢ retire ​in Texas, much to the excitement of Texans. Trump praised Texas Governor Greg Abbott and hinted at potential residence in the state, sharing anecdotes about golfing with Tony⁢ Romo. The news ⁢stirred interest and speculation among residents. Former President Donald Trump excited Texans by revealing his retirement plans at the National Rifle Association’s Dallas ‌meeting. Expressing his interest in retiring in Texas, ⁣Trump praised Governor ‌Greg Abbott and mentioned possible residence in the state, including anecdotes about golfing​ with Tony Romo. The announcement⁤ sparked curiosity and discussions among residents.


By Connor Cavanaugh May 23, 2024 at 3:09pm

It appears that the Lone Star State may be getting another former president within its border in the future.

During the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) annual meeting in Dallas on Saturday, former President Donald Trump told the excited crowd of Texans that he wants to retire in the southern state.

“I want to move to Texas and I want to retire in Texas,” Trump told the audience. “A lot of people are moving to Texas.”

Dropping his retirement destination was far from the first time the business mogul-turned-politician discussed his fascination with the 28th state.

Trump discussed Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, calling him “a very special man” and “a hot politician, very hot.”

“You know why he’s hot? Because he’s doing a good job. That’s a good reason, right?” Trump joked with the crowd.

He also shared how he went golfing with former Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo, an icon among Texans.

“Well, I played golf today with a really good golfer, Tony Romo. Do you know Tony Romo?” the former president asked. “He may be a better golfer than a football player.”

Would you retire in the great state of Texas?

“We were talking about the state. We were talking about a lot of things, and we were at a wonderful course, very nearby.” he shared. “We had a tremendous amount of support from the people at that club. I’ll tell you, it’s amazing. They love this state. They love your governor, your lieutenant governor.”

Trump also had to bring up the border issue, something that Texas has to deal with as a state that borders Mexico especially.

“We have a lot of stories we could tell, but the saddest thing of all is that crooked Joe Biden has turned your state, and the entire country, into a dumping ground for the world,” he said.

The former president noted how Venezuela has seen decreasing crime levels as they all flee to America and joked that the NRA should “have the next year’s meeting in Venezuela, where it’s going to be a lot safer than our country.”

If Trump were to one day live in Texas, he would be joining fellow former president George W. Bush who currently resides in Crawford, Texas, according to Architectural Digest.

Notably, even outside of the convention in Dallas, Trump has shown an appreciation for the Lone Star State.

As noted by the Houston Chronicle, he visited Texas 18 times during his tenure in the White House, far more than the 11 times former President Barrack Obama made over two terms or the seven times President Joe Biden has visited.

Additionally, in the years since leaving of office, he has visited another 13 times showing a clear love for the state.

Now, while the announcement of his retirement in Texas is great news for residents of the Lone Star State, it does raise questions about why he doesn’t intend to retire in Florida.

Trump declared residency in the Sunshine State back in 2019 and has held many events at his famous Mar-a-Lago estate.

Florida is far from hostile to Trump and Republicans as Gov. Ron DeSantis has done much to turn the state into a GOP paradise.

But perhaps it’s just a simple case of preference — that Florida humidity is not for everyone.

Nonetheless, it appears that Texas can look forward to another historical figure living out his golden years within its borders.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:

“We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” Those 12 words have been stuck in my head since I first read them.

Former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn recently made that comment to Floyd Brown, founder of The Western Journal.

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Connor Cavanaugh is currently a student at the University of North Texas studying Political Science. Connor has lived in Texas for the majority of his life and is a proud conservative.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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