Trump reacts to DeSantis joining 2024 race, slams leftists in Truth Social post.

Trump Congratulates DeSantis on Entering 2024 Presidential Race

Former President Donald Trump responded to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis entering the 2024 presidential contest while jabbing liberals as “lowlifes and misfits.”

“I’d like to personally congratulate ‘Rob’ DeSanctimonious on finally announcing that he will be entering the race for President of the United States,” Trump said in a Truth Social post.

“Hopefully he will get the full experience of being attacked by the Marxists, Communists, and Radical Left Lunatics of our Country, without which he will never know the kind of job he is doing. These Lowlifes & Misfits are far worse than the leaders of hostile foreign countries. They must be soundly defeated in order to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

DeSantis Announces Candidacy

DeSantis announced his candidacy on Wednesday after filing his official Federal Election Commission forms earlier in the day.

Trump Shares Poll Results and Attack Ad

Trump posted the results of an unspecified poll showing him far ahead of DeSantis and other GOP presidential hopefuls. Another graph Trump posted showed him leading President Joe Biden by greater margins than DeSantis.

Trump also shared an attack ad claiming that his endorsement of DeSantis in Florida’s 2018 gubernatorial race saved DeSantis’ political career and landed him in the governor’s office.

Trump Criticizes DeSantis

Trump continued going after the Florida governor, claiming that he had voted to “OBLITERATE SOCIAL SECURITY” and had “FOUGHT HARD AND VOTED FOR A 23% ‘TAX ON EVERYTHING’ SALES TAX.”

“Ron DeSanctus can’t win the General Election (or get the Nomination),” Trump wrote. “He was, and is, a disciple of horrible RINO Paul Ryan, and others too many to mention. Also, he desperately needs a personality transplant and, to the best of my knowledge, they are not medically available yet. A disloyal person.”

Other Republican Candidates Weigh In

Other Republican presidential candidates also had something to say about DeSantis officially launching his campaign.

  • Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy posted on Twitter: “Competition breeds strength. Welcome to the race, [Sen. Tim Scott] and [Gov. Ron DeSantis].” South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott declared his candidacy on Monday.
  • Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley told Fox News that DeSantis is “copying Trump.”

“He needs to be his own person. He needs to get out there and say what he believes, what he thinks. If he’s just going to be an echo to Trump, people will just vote for Trump,” she said.

“I think he’s showing who he is and the fact that he’s just an echo of Trump. I think that’s not what the American people want to see.”

The post Trump Responds to DeSantis Jumping in 2024 Race, Takes Shot at Leftists in Truth Social Post appeared first on The Western Journal.

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