
Trump vows to scrap Biden’s EV mandate, boost UAW workers’ wealth.

Republican‌ presidential candidate former President ⁤Donald Trump speaks ⁤to guests during a ⁤campaign ⁣stop at Drake Enterprises, an automotive ⁢parts manufacturer, on September 27, 2023 in Clinton Township, Michigan. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

OAN’s Daniel Baldwin
1:05 PM – ​Friday, ‌October 13, 2023

Former President Donald ⁣Trump⁤ took aim at President Joe Biden’s electric vehicle mandate in a new ⁣video ‌released Friday, pledging to end it if he returns to the White House.


“I will repeal Joe Biden’s electric vehicle, and I will do everything in my power to achieve a drastic reduction in the cost of a new car,” ⁤Trump said.

Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a strict new automobile pollution limit that would mandate at least ​two-thirds of new ⁣vehicles sold in the U.S. to be electric by 2032.

“The ⁣whole‍ concept of⁣ only electric is ridiculous,” Trump said in the video. “But it’s all ⁢because ⁣of Crooked ‍Joe’s‌ socialist ⁣Green New​ Deal.”

Trump argued that Biden’s push​ for more electric vehicles is driving up the ⁣cost of automobiles.

“Car prices are up nearly 30% since I left the⁣ office, with​ the average new car now costing an astonishing $50,000 and more,” Trump said. “The typical car payment‍ is now almost $750 per month. It’s a war on American automobiles, and it’s a war on the⁣ American​ family.”

The Consumer Price Index for September 2023 showed new vehicle prices ‍rose 2.5% year-over-year. Trump also ⁢took time to call on the leadership of the United Auto Workers to⁢ endorse ⁣him over Biden ‌for president.

“Tell your union ⁤head, United Auto Workers,‌ Shawn‍ Fain, tell him to not endorse‍ the Democrats,” said Trump. “They are going to put you out of business. You’re going to be out of a job.”

“I’m going to ⁣make ‌you rich,” Trump continued. “I’m going to get you a job. You’re going to​ make a lot of money, and ‌you’re going to make a lot of cars.”

Ford CEO ‌James Farley recently revealed that electric vehicles require 40% less⁤ employees to ‌manufacture ‍than gasoline-powered ​automobiles. In addition, the America First Policy Institute estimates that Biden’s ‍EV ⁤mandate⁢ could ⁢eliminate up to 117,000 auto-manufacturing jobs in the Rust Belt. Finally, according to Deloitte’s‌ 2023 Global ⁢Automotive Consumer Study, more than 60%⁤ of Americans want their next car ‍to be⁤ powered by gasoline while only 8% prefer a⁣ standard electric ‍vehicle.

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How does ⁣former President Trump ⁣perceive the impact of Biden’s electric vehicle⁢ mandate on car prices?

⁣ Title: Former President‍ Trump Vows to Repeal Biden’s Electric Vehicle Mandate


In a newly released video on Friday, former​ President Donald Trump targeted⁤ President Joe Biden’s ​electric vehicle (EV) mandate, promising to abolish it if he returns ⁤to the White House. Trump criticized the⁢ concept⁢ of solely relying on‍ electric vehicles, attributing it to what he called ​”Crooked⁣ Joe’s socialist Green New Deal.” He argued that Biden’s push for more EVs has driven⁢ up the cost of automobiles, presenting a challenge to American consumers and the automotive ⁣industry.

Biden’s‌ EV Mandate:

Under the proposal ​put forth by⁣ the⁢ Biden administration’s Environmental Protection Agency, at least‌ two-thirds of new vehicles sold in the United ⁢States would have to be electric​ by 2032.⁣ The aim is to enforce‌ stricter pollution limits and ⁣reduce the country’s dependence ⁣on fossil‍ fuels. However, Trump finds the notion of relying solely‍ on electric vehicles to ⁤be ⁢absurd.

Rising​ Car Prices:

Trump highlighted the soaring prices of automobiles ‌since he left office, attributing the over 30% increase‍ in average⁢ car prices to ‌Biden’s policies. According to Trump, ⁣”The​ typical car payment is now almost $750 per month. ‍It’s a war on American automobiles, and it’s a war on the American⁣ family.” His concern lies​ in the⁤ burden this places on⁣ American consumers and the potential negative impact on the automotive industry.

Concerns for Auto Workers:

Trump called ​on the United ‍Auto Workers (UAW) leadership to endorse him instead of ‍Biden for president, warning that Democrats could put them out of business.⁢ While ‍Trump promised to bring prosperity and secure jobs for the auto ⁢workers, he criticized Biden’s EV mandate, claiming it​ could⁢ result ‌in⁤ the loss of up to 117,000 auto-manufacturing jobs in the ‌Rust Belt. ‍These concerns are supported by recent estimations from the⁤ America⁤ First Policy Institute.


Former President Donald Trump​ strongly opposes President Biden’s electric vehicle mandate, ‌perceiving‍ it as ​a threat ⁣to American consumers and the automotive industry at large. Trump argues that relying solely on electric vehicles is unrealistic and that the move has led to a significant‌ increase ​in car prices. His concerns extend ​to ⁤potential job losses in​ the auto-manufacturing sector, urging​ the UAW to ‌refrain from endorsing Democrats. With the battle between‍ electric and ​traditional vehicles intensifying, the future‍ of the automotive industry remains uncertain.

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