the bongino report

“Trump Ignored China Spy Balloons” Story Turns Out to Be a Total Lie

Karen expressed the right amount of skepticism Biden defenders claimed Trump ignored 3 instances of Chinese spy balloons crossing into the United States.

Biden partisans tried to push the story, claiming Slow Joe was Maverick from Top Gun. Trump, however, took it when China did something similar during his presidency.

This story was published in the MSM. Biden toadies were everywhere on Twitter, with endless repetitions of posts like this:

We all knew that the story was a fabrication. The goal was to implant the idea in people’s heads that Biden was a strong leader, even stronger than Trump. The most important thing was that it muddied things.

Now that the idea exists, the story is beginning to change. Not just a little bit, but a lot.

A senior official in the administration told CNN that the Trump administration only learned about the transit of three Chinese spy balloons above the US continental during his tenure.

The official could not be reached for comment on when and how these incidents were discovered.

According to the official, the intelligence community was ready to provide briefings to Trump administration officials on the Chinese surveillance program. The Biden administration believes it has been installed in five countries on five continents in the past several years.

Last week, the Biden administration revealed that a suspected Chinese spy balloon The Pentagon claimed that similar balloon incidents occurred during the Trump presidency, as the aircraft was seen hovering over Montana. CNN was informed by Mark Esper, former Defense Secretary of the Trump Administration, that he was “surprised” This statement.

“I don’t ever recall somebody coming into my office or reading anything that the Chinese had a surveillance balloon above the United States,” He stated.

Trump’s former president said this week on Truth Social that reports of Chinese balloons transiting US during his administration are also true “fake disinformation.”

A Biden administration official claims that the incidents were only discovered after Trump’s departure. However, the official could not be reached for comment on when or how they were discovered.

CNN reported that Sunday’s briefing by the Pentagon included information about the previous Chinese surveillance balloons used during Trump’s presidency that flew in close proximity to Texas and Florida.

So…the Biden Administration “discovered” These balloons came ex post facto. “near” The United States has informed Congress about the incidents. They won’t reveal their knowledge or explain how they saw the balloon cross the United States. It was clearly visible to the naked eyes this time but never before.

It would be reasonable to assume that people would have murmured about the event had it occurred.

Sound plausible? This is not possible to me. This sounds like a great invention. The Pentagon didn’t even notice this balloon until it was in Canada, suggesting they dropped the ball.

So instead of the original story–that Biden exhibited his military bona fides by shooting the balloon out of the sky after its mission was complete, while Trump was a total wimp–we have this very weak tea of hypothetical balloons that didn’t cross into US airspace and that weren’t discovered until Slow Joe perused satellite photos himself while doing CrossFit and target shooting simultaneously.

This is the way misinformation is made. After you have written enough headlines to get the story out, then start writing less absurd stories.

Anybody paying close attention knew the original fake news story was complete BS, but we aren’t the target audience. It was average people who were pissed off about Biden’s weakness; the idea was to muddy the waters, and by the time everything is sorted out the original passion is gone.

The MSM should have known–probably did know–that the Biden folks were lying. They just didn’t care. Pushing “leaks” Starting at “insiders” It is simple and does not require fact-checking. This is the basic story. “somebody said…” They also have a fake scoop.

If media were to be honest, they would reveal the names and addresses of those who lie when it becomes clear. Instead, they encourage government officials lie, reward them by fabricating stories and don’t charge for it. Rinse, repeat.

Honest reporters will only reward honest leakers. It should be part and parcel of the deal. If you lie, it will be exposed.

Read More From Original Article Here:

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