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Trump dominates while Nikki Haley moves into second place in New Hampshire poll

Former President Donald Trump continued to steamroll his GOP rivals in a new poll from CNN conducted by the University of New Hampshire released on Thursday. However, Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley firmly overtook all other 2024 rivals for second place, further cementing her campaign’s claims that she is the best candidate who can take on Trump and President Joe Biden.

The poll showed Trump at 42% among likely Granite State Republican primary voters, with Haley at 20%, followed by former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie at 14%, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) at 9%, and biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy at 8%. None of the other candidates surpassed 2% support.


Haley has seen her support among New Hampshire GOP voters rise 8 percentage points since CNN and the University of New Hampshire last conducted the poll in September. In contrast, Ramaswamy, who was in second place in the fall, saw his support decrease by 5 percentage points, while Trump, Christie, and DeSantis remained steady in their support.

The poll also matches another survey of New Hampshire voters from Emerson College released on Wednesday that showed the former South Carolina governor surging to second place at 18%, a 14 percentage point increase since August, behind Trump at 49%. The momentum for Haley comes in the wake of three solid debate performances in August, September, and October and put her on a full-on collision course with DeSantis, whose status as Trump’s chief competitor may be fading.

Among registered GOP voters in New Hampshire, 55% are backing Trump, 17% support Haley, and 11% are backing DeSantis. Undeclared voters, who are not registered with either party but likely to vote in the GOP primary, were more divided in their support, with 25% supporting Haley, 24% backing Trump, and 24% supporting DeSantis. Undeclared voters make up roughly 43% support of likely GOP primary voters who were surveyed.

The poll also showed more than half of voters, 57%, said Trump has the best possibility of winning the general election next year, a 6 percentage point increase from the September poll. A majority of voters, 54%, said they would feel at least satisfied if Haley became the nominee. Undeclared voters were more likely to be satisfied if Haley were the nominee at 50% compared to 44% of undeclared voters who would be satisfied if Trump were the nominee.


New Hampshire Secretary of State David Scanlan announced on Wednesday the state’s primary will take place on Jan. 23, 2024, just eight days after the Iowa caucuses on Jan. 15.

The poll surveyed 1,946 New Hampshire adults and was conducted online Nov. 10-14 by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center. The margin of error for the poll is plus or minus 2.2 percentage points.

Who are the top contenders in the 2024 Republican presidential race, according to ​the‌ CNN‍ poll in November?

Poll in November. ‌This significant increase solidifies her position as ‌a front-runner in the 2024 presidential ​race within the Republican Party.

The continued dominance of Donald ⁣Trump in the poll is not surprising. Despite no‌ longer holding the presidential office,​ Trump has maintained a devoted following ⁣among conservative voters. His ability to⁢ connect with his base‌ and his strong stance on‌ key issues have kept ‌his ​popularity ⁢high. With⁢ 42%⁣ of likely Granite State Republican primary voters supporting him, it is ‌clear that Trump remains a formidable force within the party.

However, what is⁤ noteworthy is Haley’s surge in support. With her impressive jump to 20%, ‍she showcases her ability to resonate with Republican voters and build⁤ a strong‍ campaign. This surge⁤ further reinforces ‍her⁣ claims of being the best candidate to go ⁤head-to-head against both Trump and President Joe Biden.

Nikki ⁤Haley, a former ambassador to the United Nations and former⁢ governor of‌ South ⁣Carolina, ⁤has a‌ proven track record of​ leadership and ⁤a deep understanding of foreign affairs. Her experience and reputation as a strong conservative make her an ⁤attractive ‌candidate for many Republicans‍ seeking a ‌fresh and effective leader.

Chris Christie, the former governor of ⁤New Jersey,​ and Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida, are also prominent contenders in the 2024 ⁤race. However, their support in the CNN ⁢poll falls significantly behind⁣ Haley, with ​Christie at 14% and DeSantis at 9%. While both have their own strengths and accomplishments, ⁣it is clear that Haley has managed to capture the attention and support of New ‌Hampshire GOP voters.

Vivek Ramaswamy, a biotech entrepreneur, secures 8% of the support in the poll. Although still behind the ⁢top three candidates, his presence in the race demonstrates the diverse range of experience and expertise that the ​Republican Party has ⁢to ⁤offer.

It is crucial to note that‌ none of the‍ other candidates in the poll surpassed 2% ⁢support. This further illustrates the dominance and appeal of​ Trump, Haley, Christie, DeSantis, and Ramaswamy in the 2024 Republican⁢ primary race.

The ​results of this CNN poll serve as ‌an early indication of the⁤ potential‍ field for the 2024 Republican⁣ nomination. While Donald Trump remains ⁤the front-runner, Nikki Haley⁢ has firmly established herself as‌ a viable contender ⁢who can⁢ successfully challenge both Trump and President Joe Biden. With her rise to second place in the poll,‌ Haley’s campaign can​ confidently assert that‍ she is the best candidate to lead the Republican Party and bring‌ about ‌change⁣ in ​our nation.

As the ‌election season unfolds, it will‍ be interesting to see how these candidates continue to gain support and shape the narrative of the 2024 presidential race. The New Hampshire primary will‌ undoubtedly play a significant role in determining the direction of the Republican Party and the future of‍ American ⁣politics.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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