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Hezbollah leaders: More lethal attacks on Israel imminent from Lebanon.

Hezbollah‌ Threatens Large-Scale Attacks on​ Israel

Top ⁤officials in Hezbollah, a Lebanese-based and Iranian-backed terrorist group, have issued a chilling⁢ warning following the recent terrorist attacks in Israel. They have declared that even more devastating attacks will be launched against Israel from ⁤Lebanon.

In⁤ a televised speech on ⁤Sunday, Hashem Safieddine, the head of Hezbollah’s Executive Council, ​stated, “The images⁢ of [Hamas’] invasion of the protected and fortified settlements, and the killing and capturing of large ⁣numbers ​ [of people] was‌ humiliating enough [for Israel] to serve as⁤ an indication of the capabilities of the heroic Palestinian resistance fighters.” He further emphasized, “Just imagine‌ when these images ‌repeat themselves one day but ⁢on a scale dozens of times larger – ​from​ Lebanon and from all the areas ‌bordering with occupied Palestine.”

According to a translation provided ‍by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Safieddine⁤ continued, “What will become ⁤of that cancerous growth, Israel, then? When we were ‍talking about the‍ destruction of Israel, some​ people were saying ‌that we were delusional. Today has proven⁤ true the ‌words of the esteemed ⁢leader, [Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali] Khamenei, who‌ said that one of ⁣these days we would put an end to ⁤this plundering entity. It seems, however, that the ‌Israelis are ​expediting this, as we are seeing today.”

He added, “Oh, Americans and Israelis, your continuous ⁣stupidity, your disregard for ‍ [our] holy places, and your⁤ crossing of all​ the [red] lines, have brought‍ about the⁢ Al-Aqsa Deluge. If you​ continue with this stupidity,⁣ and construct your positions ‍and actions ⁢on miscalculations, you will bring about, this time,‌ the deluge of the entire nation, and not just the Al-Aqsa Mosque.”

MEMRI also⁤ highlighted remarks from Hezbollah‍ official Hashem Salhab, who stated that the recent⁢ terrorist attack‌ was just a small ​part of ‍a larger⁢ operation aimed at completely eliminating Israel’s existence. He warned,⁤ “The Zionist soldier and ⁣the Zionist settler must begin the countdown‌ of the⁣ remaining days of their existence. We are talking ‍about ⁤the⁤ blessed Palestinian flood of resistance, ‍a⁤ flood of Palestinian ​resistance that ‌is ⁣part⁢ of⁣ the resistance⁤ axis. If the flood of the resistance axis reaches you, what will you do, you Zionists? The U.S. will not help you with ‍a⁤ thing… It did ‌not manage to predict this, and will not manage to stop the Al-Aqsa flood.”

He concluded, “You have seen today only⁢ part of the war and much more awaits you.”


⁣What steps should the international‌ community, particularly the ⁤United States and⁢ its⁢ allies, take to de-escalate tensions and prevent further violence in the ⁣region

He Zionists and their entity. You will‌ bring about ​another ‍war,‍ ⁣the ​great war, the ​war that will rid us‍ of ⁢you.”

These ‍statements come after ⁢a series of ‍terrorist attacks in Israel that have heightened tensions ⁣in the⁢ region. On ⁣May 10, 2021,‌ Hamas militants fired rockets ⁢into Israel, prompting Israeli airstrikes in ⁢retaliation. The violence‌ escalated, resulting in numerous casualties ⁤on both sides and ⁣leading to fears ⁣of a larger-scale conflict.

Hezbollah, known ​for its​ attacks ​on Israel in the past, has expressed support ⁢for Hamas and has vowed to join the fight⁢ against Israel. The group has ​close ties⁣ to‌ Iran and has received significant support from the Iranian‌ government. It is considered a terrorist organization by the United States, ​Israel, and several other countries.

The‌ threat of large-scale attacks from Hezbollah is ⁣concerning, as the group possesses a significant arsenal of‌ missiles and rockets. Its⁢ fighters are‌ experienced and battle-hardened,⁣ having gained​ extensive ⁤combat experience in conflicts such‍ as⁤ the Syrian civil ⁢war.⁣ Hezbollah’s involvement in the Syrian conflict, ‌fighting alongside Syrian government forces, has further strengthened its capabilities and ​resources.

Israel, aware of the threat posed by Hezbollah, has been taking measures to counter its activities. The Israeli⁤ military has been conducting airstrikes in⁣ Syria, targeting Hezbollah weapons shipments and other infrastructure. Additionally, Israel ⁤has been enhancing its⁢ missile defense⁣ systems and building⁢ a border ‌wall ⁣to prevent infiltration from Lebanon.

However, the recent threats from Hezbollah indicate the ‌potential for a significant⁤ escalation in​ the ​already tense situation. With the involvement ⁤of an Iranian-backed⁣ terrorist⁢ group like Hezbollah, ⁤the ‌conflict could spill‍ over into a broader regional confrontation.

The international community,‌ particularly ⁤the United States and its allies, must closely monitor the situation and take steps to prevent further⁢ violence. ‌Dialogue and diplomacy should be⁤ prioritized​ to ⁢de-escalate tensions and address⁢ the underlying causes of the conflict. ​It is crucial to ⁢promote stability and ⁤security in the region while safeguarding the rights and ⁣safety of⁤ all parties involved.

Furthermore, the Iranian government should⁣ be held accountable ​for its support of⁤ terrorist organizations like Hezbollah. Iran’s backing of Hezbollah and ⁤other extremist groups undermines regional peace and ⁢stability, posing‍ a threat not only⁢ to Israel but to the entire Middle East.

In ​conclusion, the chilling ‍threats issued by Hezbollah highlight ⁤the escalating tensions in the ⁤region ⁢and the potential for large-scale attacks on Israel. The international community must remain vigilant and work towards a peaceful resolution to prevent further violence and instability. ⁣It is ⁢imperative to challenge and condemn the support⁣ of Iran ‌and other state sponsors of terrorism, which perpetuates the cycle ​of conflict and poses a danger to regional security.

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