The federalist

Top 10 Questions A Covid Commission Should Probe About The United States’ Pandemic Response

In March 2020, American politicians orchestrated what would become the greatest assault against their citizens’ civil liberties in the modern era. Under the pretense of “public health,” To implement the Covid-19 outbreak, federal and state officials used it. Ineffective and dangerous Lockdown policies that crushed American jobs and small-businesses, shut down places of worship, and prevented low-risk kids from going to school, were a major factor in the American economy.

Despite the lack of evidence to support such policies in controlling the respiratory virus, politicians, government bureaucrats and others pushed ahead, using the so-called “public health emergency” To implement useless vaccine and mask mandates while simultaneously disregarding data about natural immunity and potentially life-saving treatments

Nearly three years later, a group of medical professionals has begun to demand that government officials be held accountable. In a new Report of 80 pagesThe Norfolk Group, made up of Drs. Jay Bhattacharya & Martin Kulldorff outline a blueprint “containing key public health questions” For a possible congressional “COVID-19 commission.” Throughout the document, the authors raise valid concerns and queries about the U.S. government’s and the medical industry’s handling of the Covid pandemic, in an effort to make sure that such destructive maladministration never happens again.

1. What could have been done to better protect older, high-risk Americans?

According to the report, the age of the population is the “single most important risk factor in predicting hospitalization or death” For patients with Covid. Consider, for instance, the fact that residents of long-term care facilities were affected by the Covid outbreak from June 2020 to the moment. 40% Deaths due to Covid are common in the country.

This information makes it impossible that Democratic governors like the former New York Governor would choose to be Democrats. Andrew Cuomo would send Covid-positive patients to nursing homes, potentially exposing other seniors. Why would this be justified? It was a terrible decision that resulted in the loss of many lives.

2. Why was Natural Immunity to Covid ignored?

Since centuries, immunity to virus infection acquired from prior infection (otherwise known by natural immunity) is a well-known concept. It is therefore surprising that Covid was so dismissively regarded by health agencies.

The pandemic began in its infancy. multiple studies People who had been infected with Covid showed that they were able to resist reinfection. The following is a Study For instance, researchers at Tel Aviv University and Maccabi Healthcare in Israel conducted the research. Shown to be more precise CDC studies also found that people with natural immunity to Covid were 13 times more likely to contract it than those who received the Pfizer shot.

“By October 2021, there was substantial evidence of robust immunity in persons with a history of only mild or asymptomatic infections,” The report from the Norfolk Group is as follows. “Despite this, the CDC claimed that ‘there are insufficient data to extend the findings related to infection-induced immunity at this time to persons with very mild or asymptomatic infection or children.’”

3. Why were schools and colleges closed?

As with natural immunity, The

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