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Tony Dungy Told His Super Bowl Team To Go Out and Party Before the Game

OutKick videos

Tony Dungy, former Super Bowl winner Indianapolis Colts head coaching gave insight and advice on how to keep a team calm during stressful times Super Bowl week.

Dungy was on OutKick 360 to talk about how he, the Colts, dealt with high-stress environment. This includes media, fans and a lot of media. Festive and other events.

Dungy’s advice? Have fun. He reaffirmed the advice he gave to his former team as head coach years ago: Just go out and live it up. Have fun.


“It’s a long week, they feel like they’ve been there forever. They’re going to want to play this game today if they could… And just handling the last 48 hours, that’s something where experience does come in,” The Super Bowl win Coach said.

When asked his advice for a head coach, the Eagles’ Nick Sirianni, Dungy made his Super Bowl debut and stressed the importance to be just human.

“Let the players enjoy the week, enjoy the moment. I told my guys we had Monday and Tuesday no curfew… I told them to just relax, enjoy the week and then we’re going to gear in 48 hours before the game,” Dungy, he said.

He is basically telling NFL players, many multi-millionaires, to party for 48 hours. Tony, that’s a great idea!

He was right, it worked out for the Colts team that won Super Bowl XLI.

Tony Dungy joined OutKick 360 to discuss this week’s Super Bowl. . (Photo by Icon Sportswire).


What do you know? I completely agree with Tony Dungy’s take here.

Anyone who’s ever played sports knows that it’s important to balance being loose, carefree and not being too stressed, while also being able to be focused when the time comes.

It doesn’t do anyone any good to be stressed out for the whole week leading up to kickoff. Dungy stated that it is important to be able and able to breathe.

Plus let’s be honest – we’re talking about the Super Bowl!

They have fought week after week all season. They’ve faced injuries, overcome challenges and tough opponents, and know what’s at stake tomorrow night in Glendale, Arizona. They’ve been through it all and know what it takes to reach the Super Bowl.

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It’s a once in a lifetime experience and opportunity. It’s something that the coaches and players, as well as the fans, have waited for years. It finally happens. It may never happen again.

We will see how players react when all eyes are on Super Bowl LVII tomorrow night.

Read More From Original Article Here:

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