Tom Cotton: ' The Democratic Party Is Not Going to Be Tough on Crime'


During an appearance on FNC’s “The Ingraham Angle” on Wednesday, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) questioned Democrats who have taken a “tough on crime” posture with the 2022 midterm elections looming.

The Arkansas U.S. Senator predicted the Democrats’ rebranding effort would prove to be unsuccessful.

“It’s an amazing change of heart,” he said. “The Democratic Party is not going to be tough on crime. I’m just waiting for them tomorrow to announce that they’re going to protect unborn babies and protect your Second Amendment rights as well. I mean, I just can’t even believe this is happening. But here’s what all voters should keep in mind, it’s not actually happening. This is just campaign spin from Democrats because they recognize that Americans are prepared to hold them accountable at the ballot box for the fact that we have the highest increase in the murder rate in history.”

“That in so many cities now, parents are worried about letting their kids go play in parks or whether their kids can walk home safely from school or from a ballgame back home as it’s getting dark,” Cotton continued. “That’s the direct result of democratic policies, whether it’s defunding the police or eliminating bail systems, or cutting sentences for drug dealers. Just a couple of weeks ago, the President’s own chief of staff gave a speech celebrating that they had just let out more felons from federal prisons than any administration in history. So despite what the Democrats are saying, now the American people know that the Democrats are always have been soft on crime, and that is endangering Americans.”

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