Throwing Millions at Abortion Advocacy Won’t Bring Midterm Success, Dems Say

Abortion advocates are spending millions of dollars to rally supporters before the midterms, but some Democrats and their allies say it won’t be enough to bring success in November, according to a Politico report.

While pro-abortion advocacy groups like EMILY’s List, Planned Parenthood, and NARAL have pledged a “historic” $150 million in 2022, Democrats are cautioning against running on the issue. “Democrats can’t rely on one issue or one problem to change people’s minds,” said Nebraska state senator Megan Hunt, when asked about the 2022 elections. Democratic pollster Josh Ulibarri also doubts abortion advocacy will usher in Democratic victories due to inflation, rising costs, and supply-chain problems.

“Is that more powerful than when a voter looks at their receipt when they check out at Target?” Ulibarri said.

Political operatives began the midterm messaging strategy after a leaked draft opinion revealed the Supreme Court plans to overturn Roe v. Wade this month. Recent polls have shown, however, that Americans are still more concerned about record-high inflation under President Joe Biden than potential abortion regulations. Just 10 percent of voters say abortion is their biggest concern, whereas 55 percent of Americans are more worried about inflation. A majority of suburban Phoenix women are more worried about inflation than the Court overturning Roe, according to a May Reuters report.

National Right to Life president Carol Tobias told the Washington Free Beacon the Democratic Party’s support for no-limit abortion up until birth lacks public support, which will limit their electoral victories.

“What voters won’t hear from that $150 million spending spree is that Democrats want abortion for any reason, without limit, through all nine months of pregnancy, up to the moment of birth,” Tobias said.

Democrats could suffer a “greater-than-average” loss in the 2022 midterm elections, according to a new Gallup poll, as less than 15 percent of Americans have a positive view of economic conditions under the Democratic administration.

The post Throwing Millions at Abortion Advocacy Won’t Bring Midterm Success, Dems Say appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.

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