the federalist

Conservatives can hinder excessive spending in DC through the ongoing health care battle.

Even as the national debt now exceeds $33 trillion,‌ conservatives can take some measure of ‌solace in the ways‍ they are reducing spending. Washington​ isn’t reducing the national ⁢debt — not by a long shot, sadly — but having a Republican majority means conservatives can succeed at ⁤some modest measures of damage limitation.

Two weeks ago, I ‌analyzed in these pages why Republicans ⁢wanted to ⁣pass legislation extending a mandatory spending program originally created by Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders as part of Obamacare. Last week, House leaders tried to ⁣bring that⁤ bill to the floor — but abandoned their efforts before it ‍even came up for a vote.

The story of this policy U-turn demonstrates conservatives’ influence​ in ⁢preventing new ‍spending and the ‌pressure ​points in the ongoing debate over next​ year’s budget.

Rules Violation

In ​my piece, I noted‌ that the ⁤measure contained 10 years of⁣ budgetary ⁢savings to ⁢fund two years of⁢ spending. I‍ didn’t realize it⁤ at the time (although I ‍should have), but that‌ rubric violates the rules‍ instituted ‍by⁤ the new Republican majority in January. Specifically, the‌ CUTGO rule —⁤ Clause 10(a) of Rule ⁣XXI ‌of the House (page 41 here) — states ‌that legislation cannot increase mandatory spending ⁣over⁤ its first five or 10 years.

Page two of the ‍Congressional Budget Office (CBO) score‍ of the updated legislation tells ​the tale. The bill would increase mandatory (i.e., direct) spending by ⁣$11.9 ⁤billion in its ⁢first five years, and⁤ $3.8 billion in its first ‌10‌ (the ⁣outlay numbers listed ⁤below):

While CBO ​stated the bill would reduce the deficit over 10 years, ⁣because some provisions in the measure‍ (not explicit tax ​increases) would generate additional revenue,‍ the House’s CUTGO rules ⁢don’t allow these types‌ of “tax-and-spend” gambits. Nor does CUTGO allow for a “spend now, ⁣save later”⁣ approach. ⁤The‌ bill clearly violated House rules ⁤— ⁣and conservatives knew it.

‘House ‌of Cards’ Collapses

House leaders wanted⁤ to ‌bring the bill ‌to the floor under suspension of the rules, which theoretically would mean they could‌ circumvent​ the ‍CUTGO violation explained above. But suspending the⁢ rules requires a two-thirds‍ majority, and some ‍Democrats —‌ who wanted even more spending ‍and regulations added to the bill — already seemed ⁣ambivalent about ⁣the measure.

Last‌ Monday, as congressional members and staff examined‌ the schedule ‌for the week ahead, several conservative offices questioned why Republican leaders were bringing a⁤ bill to the floor ⁢that:

  1. Spent more than $15 billion, ⁤and contained myriad new regulations ‍and programs, under suspension of the rules — ⁢a procedure normally reserved‍ for ⁣noncontroversial ⁣items like naming post offices;
  2. Violated the‍ House’s CUTGO rules for fiscal discipline, as outlined above;
  3. Served to‍ circumvent caps on discretionary spending at the same time conservatives are fighting to lower those⁤ caps;‍ and
  4. Raided Medicare by ⁢billions of⁤ dollars to fund spending elsewhere within the health care‍ system, just like Democrats did in Obamacare.

Based on the chatter I heard from congressional offices, many seemed⁢ to be asking the question posed by the great Vince Lombardi: “What the h-ll’s going on out ⁤here?”

Early reports claimed‌ congressional leaders‌ pulled the ⁢bill from consideration ‍because Democrats‍ (who, again, wanted ​more spending, not⁢ less) would‍ not support the legislation. ⁣But I have seen numerous occasions during ‌my time on Capitol‌ Hill where the majority (in⁤ this case Republicans) plays a game of “chicken” with the minority, ⁤and ​dares the ‍minority to vote down a bill on the suspension calendar. ‍Republican leaders didn’t even try to go ‍down that route.

In short: Republican leadership​ pulled the bill because their own ⁢side —⁢ rightly — wouldn’t ⁤vote for​ it. ​It was ⁢also ‍another distraction for ‌Republican leaders, at a time they should be focused on the main spending fight, such that even talking about bringing the bill ‌to the floor was an unforced error.

Ominous⁣ Omnibus?

The fight over ‍the⁤ health care bill in many ways presages ⁢what could happen ⁤at the end of ⁣the year. Even if the ⁣health ⁣care measure had passed the House,‍ it seemed unlikely to pass the Senate as a stand-alone measure.

Instead, House leaders will likely try and attach the ⁣231-page health care‌ legislation to an omnibus spending ​bill right ⁤before Christmas. That’s⁣ how omnibus bills become gargantuan pieces of legislation totaling 4,000 or 5,000 pages: Congressional leaders slap together ​all manner of bills that can’t pass on ⁣their‌ own, turning the omnibus into a giant “Christmas​ tree” ​of ​spending that no​ one has time to read or understand, not even the ​staffers who ⁣write‍ the bills.

But the omnibus will face some of the same⁣ problems last week’s health care bill did. It will almost certainly violate CUTGO for‍ increasing mandatory spending, not to mention other provisions of House rules. As such, the⁤ omnibus will require the ​House Rules Committee ⁤to pass a special rule for the ‌bill waiving⁤ CUTGO and other procedural violations.

But the three⁤ conservatives ⁤on the House Rules Committee — Republican Reps. Ralph Norman of South Carolina, ⁢Thomas ‌Massie of Kentucky, and my friend and former colleague Chip Roy of Texas⁣ — seem unlikely‍ to approve floor action on⁣ a bill that ​violates House rules designed to control ​spending. House leadership didn’t ‍even bother asking​ them to do so ‍for last week’s health care bill. They instead ​tried to get the‌ full House to suspend the rules, which turned into the box ‍canyon that forced leadership to​ pull the bill off the ⁢floor.

If Norman, Massie, and Roy refuse ⁤to support floor action on an ⁤omnibus ⁢that violates ​House rules, the omnibus would not get​ out of the House ‌Rules Committee — unless‍ Republican ⁢leaders⁤ rely on Democrat votes to do ‍so. Will the conservatives, on the Rules Committee and elsewhere, stand firm?‍ And‌ if they do, will House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., ‌rely on Democrat votes to ram through ‌yet another swampy omnibus measure?

Those are the‍ key questions‍ over the coming weeks and⁢ months. Conservatives won a‌ battle​ to stop Washington ‍spending ‌last week. The question will be ⁤whether, and how, they ​can win the larger war.


What impact have conservative lawmakers had‍ on limiting ‌mandatory spending and maintaining fiscal ⁢responsibility?

​E additional revenue, these provisions were not directly related to mandatory spending. Therefore, the bill violated⁢ the CUTGO rule and could not be brought to​ the floor for​ a vote.

This incident highlights the impact of⁢ conservative lawmakers in preventing excessive spending and upholding fiscal responsibility. By imposing rules⁢ such as‍ CUTGO, Republicans have created a ‍framework that limits the growth of mandatory spending and ensures that legislation does not excessively burden ‌the national debt.

The ongoing debate over⁣ next year’s budget also reveals the ⁣pressure points where conservatives​ can exert their influence. By ⁢identifying ⁣rules and ⁣guidelines‍ that restrict spending, ‍conservatives can effectively advocate for fiscal restraint and prevent⁣ irresponsible budgetary policies.

In​ analyzing the​ failed legislation, it was discovered that ​the measure contained ⁣10 ⁣years of budgetary​ savings meant to fund two years of ⁤spending. This violation of the CUTGO rule, ‍which ⁢prohibits increasing​ mandatory spending over the first five or ten years, clearly demonstrates the need⁤ for adherence to these principles.

The Congressional Budget Office score of the updated legislation confirms the violation. It showed that ⁣the bill would increase mandatory ‌spending ​by $11.9 billion in⁢ the first five years and $3.8 billion in‌ the first ten years. These numbers clearly contradicted the CUTGO rule and undermined the objective of reducing the national deficit.

While the CBO predicted ‌that the bill would still reduce the deficit ⁢over ten ​years due⁤ to revenue-generating provisions, ‍it⁢ is important to note that these provisions were not directly linked to mandatory spending. Therefore, they did not justify the violation of the CUTGO rule.

Conservatives understand the importance of fiscal responsibility and the need to limit government spending. By advocating for ​rules and guidelines like CUTGO, they can ‍ensure that legislation aligns with these principles and prevents the further escalation of the national debt.

Although the national debt continues to rise, conservatives can take solace in the fact that they are⁢ making⁣ some progress in reducing spending through modest measures of damage limitation. The ⁤recent incident involving the failed legislation‌ highlights the influence of conservatives in preventing new spending and upholding fiscal ⁤responsibility.

As the debate over next year’s​ budget continues, conservatives must remain diligent in‌ identifying and addressing potential violations of⁣ spending restrictions. By doing so, they can contribute to a more⁤ fiscally responsible and sustainable future for the nation.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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