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There’s Nothing Controversial About Bethany Hamilton’s Stand For Women’s Sports

Professional surfer Bethany Hamilton made waves over The weekend when she announced she would not participate in the World Surf League if it allows men to compete in the women’s division.

“I want to be clear that I strive to have love for all of mankind regardless of any differences. But this concerns me as a professional athlete that has been competing in the World Surf League events for the past 15 plus years and I feel that I must speak up and stand up for those in positions that they feel that they cannot say something about this,” the “Soul Surfer” Author said it in an Instagram video.

She was joined by many others in her plea Professional surfers, male and female athletes who oppose the transgender war on women’s sports.

WSL Last week, quietly announced that it plans to implement a new rule allowing male athletes to participate in female surfing competitions so long as they maintain a testosterone level of less than 5 nmol/L (nanomoles per liter) for 12 months prior to the women’s event.

This rule requires only that competitors self-report their testosterone levels. It is based upon a policy adopted by the International Surfing Association (Island Surfing Association) in October 2022. The International Surfing Association adopted the policy shortly after the death of a competitor. male surfer won The women’s divisions of the West Coast Suspensions Longboard and Logger State Championships in May 2022.

“The WSL is working hard to balance equity and fairness and it’s important for a policy to be in place,” the Recently promoted Jessi Miley – Dyer, Chief of Sport at WSL The Inertia. “We recognize that the policy may need to evolve over time as we get feedback and see new research in the field.”

Because she is open to asking questions and standing up in support of other female surfers. “are not in support of this new rule” Because “they fear being ostracized if they speak up,” Hamilton was mistreated “transphobic.” For not accepting the WSL’s narrative that the rule promoted “equity and fairness,” She was deemed “controversial.”

Hamilton is correct. There’s nothing fair about pitting women against men in a physical competition, This is something that most Americans dislike. There’s also nothing controversial about speaking that truth.

It’s well-known and proven that being male or female isn’t just the result of hormone shifts during puberty. It’s something that begins in the womb and is found in DNA regardless of attempts to tamper with it.

Allowing men who take castration drugs to compete against women isn’t “fairness.” It’s a rejection of the fact that sex is intrinsic and a slap in the face of female athletes who have devoted their time and effort to their sport.

“Have any of the current surfers in the World Surf League been asked what their thoughts and opinions are on this new rule before it was passed or announced? Before a rule change like this happens, should there be a conversation between the 17 women and all the men on Twitter?

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