the federalist

Biden’s lies are disturbing.

Did Joe Biden⁣ Fall Asleep During a‍ Ceremony Honoring Fire Victims?

NBC ⁢News’ David Ingram performed a forensic investigation yesterday into claims that Joe⁢ Biden had fallen asleep during a ceremony honoring victims of the devastating forest fires in Hawaii. The president, who had ‍finally mustered up the⁢ strength to fly‌ out to the state between vacation days,‍ may ‌or may not have taken a quick ⁣nap during one⁤ of the ‌speeches — a completely plausible scenario considering ⁢Biden struggles to step over‌ sandbags and ⁣string‍ together ‍consecutive coherent sentences. The president ​is an⁢ octogenarian.

Conservative⁤ Misinformation on ⁣Twitter

In any event,​ Ingram took the time​ to ask Twitter to comment on the problems of conservative misinformation on its site. ⁢Ingram also ‌allowed White House spokesman Andrew Bates to relay his thoughts on ⁣the matter (“It’s ​unfortunate they feel the need to⁤ lie. Instead, ⁢they should‍ join him in supporting the people ​of Maui.”) Yet, ‍it never occurred to​ him, apparently, to ask⁣ anyone why the president of the United States, the most powerful man⁣ on the planet, told a crowd of mourning constituents that he knew what it felt like to “lose a ‌home” due to ⁢a small kitchen fire in⁢ his Delaware home back in​ 2004 that nearly took the life of his microwave.

One might be tempted to blame the president’s mythologizing on his mental⁢ decline, ‍but this is not ​new. ​Though most politicians idealize or romanticize their past, ⁢it is unlikely that there has ever been a bigger fabulist in presidential history than Biden.​ Let’s again recall that this is a person who, during a presidential campaign, ⁣felt comfortable appropriating a ⁢stranger’s hard-boiled, mine-digging,‍ poetry-reading life in Wales. And‌ Joe didn’t merely steal Neil Kinnock’s ​words, as ‍reporter Maureen Dowd noted in 1987, he copied the ⁣story “with phrases, gestures and lyrical Welsh syntax intact.” ⁢One might call that sociopathic ‍behavior.

Certainly, Biden’s mendaciousness is​ abnormal even by the low standards we typically use to judge politicians. I⁢ mean, it takes a spectacular shamelessness for a man who began his political career sucking up to segregationists — even lying about getting⁤ awards from George Wallace — to retroactively place himself repeatedly at the center of the civil rights movement. Still, you might be able to rationalize those ‍lies.⁣ Biden has never held any political‍ principles. ⁣He’s willing to⁤ take any position that ‌helps him hold power. And he has. But there is something quite demented about a person inventing misfortune or using real heartbreak to​ make​ himself the center of a story.⁤ Joe Biden does this ‌regularly.

Until⁣ very recently, he’s been telling Americans that ⁤his ‌deceased son⁤ Beau⁤ died in Iraq even though he passed from glioblastoma six ‍years after returning home⁢ — really, an act of stolen valor by⁢ the⁢ president. After⁤ 13 ⁢service members were killed⁤ in Afghanistan, largely due to his administration’s ‍ incompetence, Biden visited the mother ⁢of ‍Lance Cpl. Dylan Merola. “When Joe Biden, our elected president, entered the⁢ room, when he​ approached me,” Gold Star mother ⁣Cheryl Rex recently testified,​ “his ⁢words‍ to me were, ‍‘My wife Jill ⁤and I know how you feel. ‍We lost our son as well and brought him home in⁣ a ‍flag-draped coffin.’” This ‍story rings true⁤ because Biden ‍has told much the same tale in public for years.

Recall also that Biden tragically lost ‌his first wife and daughter in a car accident in​ 1972, which he also mentioned in Hawaii. But Biden has claimed or ‌implied ‌ on numerous occasions that the driver⁢ of the truck that killed ⁢his family members was drunk — “drank his lunch instead of eating his lunch” – when there was no evidence that ⁤the man​ was intoxicated,‌ much less did anything wrong. Biden made it up.

There has been⁣ a long-standing myth of Biden as Middle Class Joe. The guy with a $2.7 million beach ‍house who lays‍ out some $20,000 monthly for rent on that third home in McLean, Virginia. You know the type.

The ⁢Myth of Biden’s Empathy

Most pre-election pieces on Biden also portrayed him as a man of deep empathy, religiosity, decency ‍— an antidote ​for the egotism and cruelty of⁤ Donald Trump.‍ This too was a mythology. “Empathy is the quality of putting yourself in the place of another, understanding how they are ⁢experiencing the world, identifying with their feelings, and being able to communicate that understanding to them,” explained Peter Wehner in a 2020 ⁤Atlantic hagiography headlined “Biden May⁢ Be⁣ Just ‍the Person America Needs.” The ‌endless need to inject yourself ⁤into⁤ everyone else’s tragedies — often with lies — isn’t empathy, it ⁣is narcissism.

Biden has⁤ delivered​ something like 60 ‍eulogies in​ his professional life, an “emissary of grief,” according to⁣ The New York Times. ​I⁢ would bet ​that the president has injected his ‌own life‍ story⁢ into many, if not most,​ of them in one way or another. Maybe Barack ⁢Obama was a political⁣ creation, and​ maybe he’s wrong about everything, but I simply can’t imagine hearing ⁣him use a family tragedy for political gain. Donald Trump has a⁣ preternatural ego, but I don’t recall him doing it either.​ And yet, instead of⁢ dealing with this ‌kind of ​perverse and unprecedented lying, the media ​was busy “fact-checking” whether ‍Biden‌ really fell asleep at an event.

Read More From Original Article Here: There Is Something Demented About Biden’s Lies

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