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Imagination’s Realm, Where the Spirit Thrives

The Uniting Power of Story: Understanding Stories Through⁣ Abstractions

The following is a transcript excerpt from Dr. ‌Jordan Peterson’s ‍conversation ​with Angus Fletcher on how we understand stories through abstractions. You can listen to or watch the full podcast on DailyWire+.

Start ⁣time: ​34:43

Dreams: The ⁤Abstract Representation of Patterns

Dreams are precognitive ⁢in some⁢ sense. This is how I think it works: We are watching people act all the time — all the time — in small groups, in large ​groups,‌ as individuals, in fiction, all the time. So we have this vast knowledge of embodied action. Now, that is not propositionalized. It is imagistic. It is like ‌the movie that ‌runs in your head. It⁣ is like a dream, and we cannot propositionalize all that. That is partly what a great storyteller does, [a storyteller] takes a great set of images⁤ that reflect a compelling pattern of‍ behavior and turn it into verbalized propositions.

Imagine you​ have these images of behavior, and in those images,‍ there are patterns. But we do not know what the patterns are because they are extremely‌ sophisticated, and ​we are ​not intelligent enough to‍ fully understand them, which is only to say that human behavior, at the individual and the social level, supersedes our explicit grasp. No one would dispute that. That is why you have to learn about yourself, which is kind ​of a strange thing. You are you, but you do not know​ who ⁤ you are. So, we have these patterns of behavior at hand.⁢ Then we abstract​ out images of those patterns of behavior, ⁤and that is, ‌at least in part, the source of‌ dreams. It is the abstract representation of the patterns — not of ⁤the ⁢actual ⁣behaviors themselves ⁣but of the commonalities — the commonalities between behaviors.

The Power of Fantasy Play and‌ Religious Conceptions

You ⁤talked‌ about the Greek‍ gods as being super humans. So imagine this: There are patterns of ‌behavior that strike us as admirable. Those are in​ our zone of proximal development; otherwise, we do not understand them. Our brain — and maybe this is a right hemisphere⁤ function — makes​ associations between these patterns⁢ of admirable behavior based on their emotional commonality. Then it abstracts out a pattern that constitutes that set of admirable behaviors. OK, that is a super stimulus⁤ that is a hero or, perhaps, someone who is successful at romance.

I will go back ​to childhood. I was⁤ struck ⁣when my children ‍were young about their fantasy play. I was very interested in fantasy play as a psychological phenomenon. One of the things that is ‌interesting about watching children pretend play is that we tend to say that what they are doing is imitating. So, say​ they are playing “father”​ when they play house.‌ But they are not actually imitating because they never do exactly what they ​saw their father do. What they do is watch their father across multiple manifestations of father behavior, and they combine that with⁣ fathers in books and fathers in movies. They ​are pulling out a pattern of the father, ⁤and that is made out of all these representations of these behavioral patterns. Then the fantasy is trying to ⁤represent that abstractly‌ in images to draw⁤ out the central spirit, and the spirit ‌is the thing that is imitated.‌ That is what drives the fantasy play.

I will jump one more place here. I also think that is the source of the‌ abstraction of religious conceptions. Imagine that you extract out the Father as such. It is not characteristic of any one human being. It is that ideal spirit that ⁤transcends the individual that is immortal in some sense because it manifests itself in body‌ after body throughout time. [Carl] Jung talked about this space where these transcendent spirits existed. This is something almost ⁣no one knows about his work.​ He called that the Pleroma, ⁢and the Pleroma was the space where abstracted figures of imagination exist ⁤above temporality and death. It ​is a very weird way⁢ of thinking ⁣about it. You can imagine there is this space that is composed ‌of the collective imagination. In that collective‌ imagination, there ‍are beings, and​ those beings outlast all of us. I am not making a case that that place is material the same way that we think of materiality, but all ⁣the human ⁣nervous systems are constituent elements ‌of that space, and⁣ those characters inhabit that. It does not matter if one person dies; the spirit continues. You can think ⁢about the spirit of evil that way. And you can think about our attempts ‍to represent⁣ it.

The Role of Stories in Artificial Realities

Here is another interesting thought: My brother-in-law is a ⁣computer chip designer. He is one of the best computer chip designers in the world. I have had very interesting conversations with him about computation and artificial intelligence. To your point about the ​importance of stories, much of what drives the demand for higher and higher computational resources is the economic viability of producing artificial realities for fantasy simulation to play out scenarios like ‍the eternal battle between good and evil. Those Marvel movies, the superhero‍ movies, cost hundreds of millions ​of dollars; they are unbelievably technologically sophisticated. They gather huge audiences. That is part of the representation of ⁤that Pleroma.

To hear the rest of the discussion, continue by listening or watching this episode on DailyWire+.

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is a clinical psychologist and professor emeritus at the University of Toronto. From 1993 ​to 1998 he served as assistant and then associate professor of psychology⁣ at Harvard. He is the international bestselling author of Maps of Meaning, 12 Rules For Life, and Beyond Order. You can now listen to or watch his popular ​lectures on DailyWire+.

Straction, extracting⁤ the underlying patterns, and adopting them in our lives, we can ⁣find meaning and agency. In a divided world, stories have ‍the potential to unite us and remind us of our shared humanity and experiences.

‍ Ature‍ of

experience, all the products ⁤of human culture, are ⁣generated within that ⁤weird space⁢ in ‍some sense.

That is where you have ⁣to go ​— and I have been ‍there,⁣ and a lot of people have been there — to experience

⁣the collective storehouse of⁤ imagination.

Understanding Stories Through Abstraction

When we listen to stories, we are abstracting out ‌patterns of behavior. A great

story allows us to‌ abstract⁡ out‌ the patterns of ‌admirable​ behavior ‌that⁢ we would adopt if we⁤ were playing the

role of [[the hero]], say. Not simply because the hero⁢ is strong and admirable, but also because of the abstract

pattern that the hero ⁣represents. That is a pattern that we take out of the story, and ⁣we carry that pattern forth

into our lives. That is what truly⁢ great stories do:

  1. They‍ present us with⁣ a representation‍ of admirable⁢ behavior.
  2. They allow us to extract out the abstract pattern that underlies that behavior.
  3. They motivate us⁤ to adopt ⁣that pattern ⁢in‍ our ⁢own lives.

Stories give us a map of how to⁣ be successful in the world. They give us ‍an

ideal abstract pattern ​of ⁣success, ​and then we can ⁢transform that into ⁤action in the world. Great stories can

give⁢ us meaning because they allow us to‌ derive a ⁣meaningful​ pattern⁢ of behavior, and then​ ​we can practice

enacting that pattern. That is where agency comes from — the capacity to bring something ⁣about in individual

and social‌ experience. That is the ​goal of human life, to be able⁣ to bring something noble into being — to bring

something righteous into being, something that confronts the way things are and makes them better.

The Power of Story to Unite

Finally, stories have the potential to unite us. ⁢Stories ⁣have an underlying abstract

structure that all human beings can resonate with. They operate at that fundamental level⁤ of abstraction that

is accessible to all. That is why they can transcend individual differences and bring people together. A truly

great story can resonate with⁢ everyone, regardless of their cultural or linguistic background, because it speaks

to those fundamental patterns ‍and archetypes that are common to ‍all human beings.

In a world that is increasingly divided and fragmented, stories have ⁣the ‌power to

bridge ⁤the gaps between us. They have the power to remind us of⁣ our shared ‌humanity, our shared desires, ​our

shared ‌struggles. When we engage with stories, we tap into that deeper level of understanding and empathy,

and we realize ​that despite ‍our surface-level differences, we are all ⁣connected by our common experiences,

our shared joys and sorrows.

So, let us embrace the uniting power of story. Let us ​recognize the abstract patterns

that stories offer ⁣us, and let us use​ those patterns to guide our actions and ⁢shape our lives. By understanding

stories through ab

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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