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The Naval Academy Targeted by the Naming Commission

NCarlos Del Toro, avy Secretary, was previously ahref=””>identified Climate change is the biggest threat to U.S. security. Renamed Maury Hall at U.S. Naval Academy will honor Jimmy Carter, a Naval Academy grad (class of 1946), and former president of United States. Del Toro’s actions are part of a larger initiative. broader effort By Congress’ Orwellian “Naming Commission” To exterminate any historical figures that are associated with slavery or the Confederacy or racial separation.

This is the moment news reports are being published state The official reports that the former president, now 98 years old, is currently receiving hospice care at home. Official Statement The Carter Center states, “After a series of short hospital stays, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter today decided to spend his remaining time at home with his family and receive hospice care instead of additional medical intervention.” While one can wish former president well, the judgement of history shouldn’t be clouded with emotion or sympathy. Jimmy Carter is one of the most unpopular presidents in American history. The Naming Commission, Del Toro and other disservices to the nation were done by him. (RELATED: Biden’s Orwellian ‘Naming Commission’ Recommends Renaming USS Chancellorsville)

Joshua Muravchik was inspired by Carter’s postpresidential diplomacy. Label Carter as “our very worst ex-President.”

Maury Hall was named in his honor Matthew Fontaine MauryHe was one of America’s greatest naval pioneers. However, he also served in the Confederate Navy as a Confederate Navy officer after Virginia, his state, seceded. Del Toro announced the name change. , “I can think of no one more worthy of this renaming than President Jimmy Carter.” Perhaps the secretary is unaware of Carter’s, shall we say, complicated history on race and civil rights, as well as his near-treasonous efforts to undermine U.S. foreign policy during the first Gulf War in 1990–91.

As Hans A. von Spakovsky notes in a Piece For National ReviewCarter, in his autobiography Keep Faith He wrote that he “was not directly involved in the early struggles to end racial discrimination.” He certainly wasn’t. Carter was a member the Sumter County Schools Board that refused to follow the Supreme Court’s ruling in Brown v. Board of Education. Spakovsky points out that Carter was a supporter of Plains, Georgia whites who wanted to end the construction of an. “Elementary Negro School” It would be positioned “too close” A local white school “Carter and the rest of the Sumter County School Board then reassured parents … that the board ‘would do everything in its power to minimize simultaneous traffic between white and colored students in [sic] route to and from school.'” In his successful 1970 campaign for governor — one Described By the WAshington Examiner as “racist” — Carter courted the Lester Maddox–George Wallace segregationist vote. Carter was also elected Georgia’s governor Contra Busting to reach your goals “artificial racial balance” in schools. Carter understood that the only way to win in politics in deep South was through the schools “race” Card had to be played skillfully

The Naming Commission and Del Toro seem to be willing to overlook Carter’s complicated past on the subject of race. Matthew Maury, however, does not receive the same consideration. Maury was Born In Spotsylvania County Virginia near Fredericksburg in 1806. Maury joined Navy with the assistance of Rep. Sam Houston from Tennessee in 1825. Between 1826-1830 Maury, a midshipman, literally sailed between the two worlds. “around the world.” Maury was later injured and began to concentrate on the scientific aspects. He wrote several articles about modernizing the Navy, as well as suggesting the creation of a naval academy. Maury was a retired navy captain who explained that he had a profound influence on the development of naval science. “strong leadership … was probably the greatest single factor in bringing about … the creation of the Naval School at Annapolis,” Earn him “wide acclaim as ‘Father of the Naval Academy.'”

Maury also saw the necessity for the United States of building a. “ship canal” The Isthmus between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans via Panama. He led crucial navigational investigations of rivers and oceans, advocated the creation of a national meteor bureau, supported explorations at ocean floors in preparation for laying transatlantic cables, and encouraged America and other countries to hold international maritime conferences. Maury published “The Land of the Rising Sun” in 1855. The Physical Geography of the SeasIt is also known as a>=”″>considered To be the first modern oceanographic text “the most widely read study of the oceans published in the nineteenth century.”

Maury decried “The.” “tendencies toward disunion” They were tearing apart the nation in the 1850s. He reportedly “deplor[ed]” slavery. As the secession crisis grew, Maury encouraged Virginia and other border states not to leave the Union. Maury supported Virginia’s decision to seize the Union. He was also a fellow Virginian, Gen. Robert E. Lee. He was made a Confederate Navy Commander. He was also sent to England in September 1862 to buy more ships for Confederacy and strengthen his relations with an important ally in wartime. He remained in England through the war, and he returned to the United States in 1868 to teach meteorology at Virginia Military Institute.

Jimmy Carter as president First pledge to add 160 new ships to our naval force, but he then slashed that by more than half — the Washington Post Indicted Carter “emasculat[ing] shipbuilding” And handing over the Navy “defeat.” Only after Carter’s cuts the Navy rebounded when John Lehman was appointed Navy secretary in Reagan’s administration. He launched a program for building a 600-ship Navy and Constructed a maritime strategy vis-à-vis the Soviet Union. Carter’s failure to recognize American naval power was but one example of his overall approach in diplomacy. “speak softly and carry a small stick.” Remember that Carter’s presidency began with a foreign-policy policy Speech That informed Americans that we were completely free from that “inordinate fear of communism.” He promoted a “human rights” Campaign that discredit allies and empowers enemies in Iran, Nicaragua. On his watch, the Iranian revolutionaries seized our embassy in Tehran and held embassy personnel hostage for 444 days — they were Only free Ronald Reagan, who the Iranians feared, was elected president. Carter was there when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. Which “deeply shocked” The president. Carter even bungled the strong hand the Nixon administration had left him in dealing with the China–Taiwan issue. Not Nixon, but Carter was the one who officially severed Taiwan was later recognized diplomatically. Taiwan Relations Act. Carter did not understand that China required us more than we needed them during our shared struggle with the Soviet Union. Jimmy Carter’s foreign policies were a disaster. This, along with his disastrous domestic policy, helped voters elect Reagan to the presidency in 1980.

If Maury’s Confederacy service was deemed treasonous, the Naming Commission can remove Maury from the Naval Academy building. But what about Jimmy Carter in 1990 and 1991? President George H.W. With the support of Congress Bush was creating a coalition of countries to launch military action against Saddam Hussein’s forces in Kuwait. “During the buildup to the Gulf War in 1990 and 1991,” Recalls Chris Suellentrop Slate, “Carter unsuccessfully worked to undermine the foreign policy of America’s democratically elected president, George Bush.” Carter called on the UN Security Council’s permanent members to rescind their support for Bush’s imminent military action and instead support peace efforts by the Arab League. Carter’s actions were described by Suellentrop as “a guerrilla foreign policy operation” Carter’s policy was overthrown by that. Carter was the one to give Bush’s ultimatum to Iraqi leaders to follow UN resolutions, or face war. “wrote the leaders of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Syria and asked them to oppose the impending military action.” Brent Scowcroft, Bush’s foreign-policy advisor, was then forced to accuse Carter for violating the Logan Act. Joshua Muravchik was affected by Carter’s post-presidential diplomacy. Label Carter as “our very worst ex-President.”

History records no perfect American. And the continued woke campaign to purge less-than-perfect Americans from our nation’s memory — despite otherwise-worthy achievements — is in many instances hypocritical and in most instances unfair.


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