Washington Examiner

The key moments of the Disney-DeSantis battle

Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), and the Walt Disney Company After the firm strongly opposed the Parental Rights in Education bill, they have been locked in battle for almost a year.

When the governor restructured, the debat between DeSantis (Disney) reached its zenith. company’s self-governing tax district Orange and Osceola Counties, previously known as the Reedy Creek Improvement District. The feud between GOP governor and entertainment mogul is captured here.


May 12, 1967: Gov. Claude Kirk (Republican from FL) signs into law the Reedy Creek Improvement Act. It creates a special district for tax that allows Disney to operate its own property and develop plans for Walt Disney World Resort. While the original E.P.C.O.T. plans were scrapped, Disney would create a new theme park named after it, and retain its power to establish a airport and nuclear power plant on its property.

Walt Disney gestures with Gov. Haydon Burns during the opening of Orlando’s Nov. 15 1965 press conference. In an earlier speech, the creators of Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse spoke to a crowd of lawmakers and business leaders. Roy is the father of Roy, the film magnate.

Feb. 24, 2022HB1557 (known as Parental Rights in Education) was approved by Florida’s state House.

This bill banned teachers from teaching sexual orientation or gender identity in classrooms, and prohibited schools from withholding data from parents regarding students’ well-being. This bill was commonly known as the “Don’t Say Gay” Opponents can make law.

March 7, 2022Despite being pressured by activists, Disney CEO Bob Chapek stated in an internal memo that the company wouldn’t take a public position on the bill despite the fact that it was under constant attack from activist employees.

“As we have seen time and again, corporate statements do very little to change outcomes or minds. Instead, they are often weaponized by one side or the other to further divide and inflame. Simply put, they can be counterproductive and undermine more effective ways to achieve change,” Chapek said.

March 8, 2022: In the state Senate, passed The Parental Rights in Education Bill.

March 9, 2022Chapek publicly opposed the legislation at a shareholder meeting.

“No matter how well-intended, didn’t quite get the job done, but we’re committed to supporting the community going forward,” Chapek stated.

DeSantis was also his name, he said. “express our disappointment and concern that if the legislation becomes law, it could be used to unfairly target gay, lesbian, nonbinary, and transgender kids and families.”

DeSantis later said In his book 2023, Florida’s Blueprint For America’s Survival: “The Courage to be Free”Chapek stated to Chapek that he was under immense pressure.

“As the controversy over the Parental Rights in Education bill was coming to a head, Chapek called me. He did not want Disney to get involved, but he was getting a lot of pressure to weigh in against the bill,” DeSantis wrote.

“We get pressured all the time,” Chapek was added to the book. “But this time is different. I haven’t seen anything like this before.”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sign the Parental Rights in Education legislation.

February 28, 2022DeSantis signed It was passed the Parental rights in Education bill.

DeSantis, in a press conference, accused the opponents of the bill. “sloganeering” Pushing “fake narratives,” Adding that the majority of critics hadn’t read the bill’s text.

Disney released a statement after the bill had been signed. It stated that they were trying to repeal the law or have it struck down by the courts.

“Florida’s HB 1557, also known as the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill, should never have passed and should never have been signed into law. Our goal as a company is for this law to be repealed by the legislature or struck down in the courts, and we remain committed to supporting the national and state organizations working to achieve that,” According to the company,

February 29, 2022DeSantis went after Disney For its declaration, declaring it as “fundamentally dishonest” While vowing to support the Florida interests, reside

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