Ten New Hunter Biden Scandals the Major Networks Are Censoring

ABC, CBS and NBC still refuse to cover the latest Hunter Biden scandals, even as they pile up on an almost daily basis. 

Because they are so in the tank for the Biden administration the broadcast networks remain stubborn in their refusal to report on evidence that links directly to the President himself like Joe Biden’s voicemail to Hunter that disproves his claim he “never” spoke to Hunter about his “business dealings. The networks have also been completely silent on the kind of salacious headlines (Hunter may face federal prostitution charges) that would dominate the news cycles if this was a son of a Republican president. 

The lack of Hunter scandal coverage is something NewsBusters has been tracking on almost daily basis since March 16, when the New York Times finally confirmed that Hunter’s laptop is real and not an example of “Russian disinformation.” If the liberal broadcast networks were waiting for an all-clear to admit the explosive Hunter Biden laptop story (that was first broken by the New York Post way back on October 14, 2020) was real and legitimate, that was it. That still hasn’t spurred them to cover the wayward son’s mischievous and criminal activities that could hurt the Biden administration. 

Back in June, NewsBusters ran down seven Hunter Biden imbroglios that the networks virtually ignored. The following are ten NEW Hunter scandals that have been revealed since then and how ABC, CBS and NBC have covered or, more accurately, not covered them:

Possible Federal Prostitution Charges for Hunter Biden

On July 11, The Daily Mail reported the following: 

Prosecutors may have a case for federal prostitution offenses against Hunter Biden, according to documents, texts and videos that show he spent a staggering $30,000 on escorts in a five-month period. The president’s son wrote checks to a Ukrainian woman whose transactions were red-flagged by banks for suspicious activity, documents reveal.

A Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) filed by JPMorgan Chase named Florida and New York-based Ekaterina Moreva after she received tens of thousands of dollars from Hunter’s company and women who the First Son paid for sex.

Texts from Hunter’s iPhone also show him handwriting checks disguised as medical services to escorts supplied by Moreva, whose website offers a “girlfriend experience’ with prostitutes as young as 20.

Some of Hunter’s hooker payments came just hours after he received thousands of dollars from his father.

Videos and pictures show Hunter helping transport those prostitutes over state lines for a debauched night with him – a potential federal offense. The material has been in the FBI’s hands since December 2019, raising the prospect that its investigation into Hunter could lead to charges over his dealings with prostitutes – though experts say prosecutions over prostitution charges alone are rare.

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President Sold Oil from Emergency Reserves to Chinese Company That Hunter Had Stakes In 

On July 9, The Daily Mail reported the following: 

Joe Biden has sold 950,000 barrels of the United States’ Strategic Petroleum Reserve to a state-owned Chinese firm in which Hunter Biden’s private equity firm held a $1.7 billion stake, reports say. Last week it emerged five million barrels of oil have been sent abroad, after the White House claimed releasing them would help ease Americans’ pain at the pumps. The president was first slammed when it emerged between a fifth and a sixth of the reserve oil he bragged about releasing to boost supply made its way offshore to Europe and Asia in June.

Then on Friday it further emerged some of the oil was shipped to a firm previously connected to the president’s son. The 950,000 barrels were sold to Unipec, the trading arm of the China Petrochemical Corporation – better known as Sinopec. Sinopec is also tied to the private equity firm BHR Partners – which Hunter co-founded in 2013.

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Hunter Biden Repeatedly Insults First Lady Jill Biden, Uses Vulgar Slur in Texts 

On July 8, The U.S. Sun reported the following: 

Hunter Biden blasted First Lady Jill Biden as a “vindictive moron” after she urged him to get sober. 

President Joe Biden’s son, 52, revealed in text messages exclusively obtained by The Sun how he lashed out at his step-mom. In one text to his late brother Beau’s widow, Hallie, – with whom he was romantically involved at the time – Hunter referred to Jill as a “selfish silly entitled c**t.” He also admitted he had told the now-First Lady to “go f**k yourself” and ridiculed her teaching skills during a row just after Christmas in 2018.  

The bitter showdown came as Hunter’s penchant for crack cocaine and wild sex sessions with call girls was reportedly spiralling out of control. Text messages appear to show that Jill, 71, supported Hallie, 47, in pushing for him to seek inpatient rehab treatment.

Most of the texts were found on a bombshell Apple iPhone backup found on Hunter’s infamous “laptop from hell.”

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Rep. James Comer Accuses White House of Stonewalling Hunter Biden Investigation 

On July 6, the New York Post reported the following: 

The top Republican on the House Oversight Committee pressed Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Wednesday for information on the shady foreign dealings of first son Hunter Biden — accusing the White House of thwarting the panel’s probe in order to protect the president.

Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) claimed in a letter to Yellen that the Biden administration may be preventing the release of suspicious activity reports related to Hunter Biden. The reports, known as SARs, are generated by banks that flag suspiciously large transactions and are meant to guard against money laundering.

“The Biden Administration is restricting Congress’ access to SARs, and Committee Republicans are investigating whether this change in longstanding policy is motivated by efforts to shield Hunter Biden and potentially President Biden from scrutiny,” Comer wrote. “Though the Committee requested documents and information ‘no later than June 8, 2022,’ the Department of the Treasury has provided no documents or information.”

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Hunter Films Himself Smoking “Crack” In a Sensory Deprivation Tank, One Month After Convincing Father to Send Him $20,000 for Detox Program

On July 6, the Daily Mail reported the following: 

Sleazy Hunter Biden is seen filming himself smoking ‘drugs’ and fondling himself inside a sensory deprivation tank – during a detox program funded by his dad, President Joe Biden. 

The president’s exhibitionist son, 52, is bathed in trippy green light as he floats naked on his back and plays with himself in the shocking cell phone video retrieved from his abandoned laptop. He leaves briefly to grab a can of White Claw hard seltzer and what appears to be a crack pipe before taking several hits and staring wild-eyed into the camera as ambient music plays softly in the background. 

Text messages seen by DailyMail.com confirm the seven-minute clip was recorded at Blue Water Wellness in Newburyport, Massachusetts, where Hunter booked a float therapy session on January 30, 2019.

He was urged to visit the spa by a therapist pal, whom the First Son had turned to for help in his battle to kick drugs. Just one month earlier, Hunter had texted his dad, Joe, complaining he didn’t have enough money for the treatment program on top of bills and alimony….In another exchange weeks later, just before New Year’s Eve, Hunter messaged his father convincing him to fund a $20,000 three-month program at a ‘sober house’ and detox facility in New York City.

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Hunter’s Laptop Had Contacts for U.S. Officials for China Policy and Google Executives

On July 2, the New York Post reported the following: 

Hunter Biden’s hard drive contained an enviable lineup of contacts for top US officials tasked with overseeing the US-China relationship, and at least 10 senior Google executives — raising new questions about the extent to which Joe Biden’s well-connected son could have leveraged his connections for personal profit, The Post has learned.

Many of the top-level government officials would have been in position to help Hunter Biden’s business aspirations in China during father’s term as vice president from 2008 to 2016. Throughout that period, he infamously looked to capitalize from his family name and connections — often while his father conducted sensitive state business.

As for the Google braintrust, one former exec there told The Post that Hunter Biden sought the tech giant’s cash for Chinese ventures, and that several of the company’s bigwigs wound up working for the Obama-Biden administration during his father’s vice presidency.

Among the names and personal cell phone numbers of the dozens of government officials and federal employees found in the infamous laptop Hunter Biden abandoned at a Delaware computer repair shop in April 2019: John Kerry and Max Baucus, who served as Secretary of State and U.S. Ambassador to China, respectively, during the Biden vice presidency.

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Smoking Gun Voicemail from Joe Biden to Hunter: “I Think You’re Clear” 

On June 27, The Daily Mail reported the following: 

President Joe Biden spoke with Hunter about his business dealings with a Chinese criminal his son dubbed the “spy chief of China,” a voicemail to his son reveals. The president has repeatedly denied personally and through his press secretary that he ever talked about Hunter’s foreign business with his [son] Hunter – despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Now, in a voicemail left on Hunter’s iPhone, the evidence has come from POTUS’ own mouth.

Joe called Hunter on December 12, 2018 saying that he wanted to talk to him after reading a New York Times story about Hunter’s dealings with the Chinese oil giant CEFC. Files on Hunter’s abandoned laptop previously disclosed by DailyMail.com show that he struck a deal with the Chinese company worth millions of dollars after touting his family connections.

The Times’ 2018 story pointed out CEFC’s chairman Ye Jianming had been arrested in China and his top lieutenant Patrick Ho had been convicted in the US for bribing African officials to help Iran evade oil sanctions. It revealed that Ye had met with Hunter at a Miami hotel in 2017 to discuss “a partnership to invest in American infrastructure and energy deals.”

The Times reported that when Ho was arrested, he called Joe’s brother Jim Biden – who told the newspaper that he believed the call was meant for Hunter. The Gray Lady said it was “unclear whether Hunter Biden struck any business deals with CEFC”, not knowing at the time the depths of his connections with his Chinese business partners. 

After seeing the story online, Joe called Hunter and left a voicemail.

“Hey pal, it’s Dad. It’s 8:15 on Wednesday night. If you get a chance just give me a call. Nothing urgent. I just wanted to talk to you,” he said. “I thought the article released online, it’s going to be printed tomorrow in the Times, was good. I think you’re clear. And anyway if you get a chance give me a call, I love you.”

The message flies in the face of the president’s repeated denials that he ever discussed Hunter’s overseas business dealings with his son.

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Hunter’s Russian “Escorts” Unknowingly Financed by Joe Biden

On June 27, the Washington Examiner reported the following: 

President Joe Biden apparently unwittingly financed his son’s participation in an escort ring tied to Russia, records from a copy of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop show. Hunter Biden spent over $30,000 on escorts, many of whom were linked to “.ru” Russian email addresses and worked with an “exclusive model agency” called UberGFE during a 3 1/2 month period between November 2018 and March 2019. 

He managed to do so thanks in part to Joe Biden committing to wiring him a total of $100,000 to help pay his bills from December 2018 through January 2019. In one instance, Joe Biden wired his son $5,000 while he was actively engaged with an UberGFE escort. In another, texts indicated Hunter Biden convinced his father to wire him $20,000 to finance his stay at a New York City drug rehabilitation program that he never checked into.

“What’s wrong with you?” Hunter told the Washington Examiner shortly after this story was published. There is no suggestion in these messages that Joe Biden knew what his son was spending his support payments on.

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Hunter Sat Down with Russian Oligarch Now Wanted for Murder

On June 25, the New York Post reported the following: 

When his father was the second most powerful man in the world, Hunter Biden met in Russia with at least four oligarchs closely aligned with Vladimir Putin — including one who is now wanted for murder in the country, The Post has learned.

The meeting with Telman Ismailov took place on Feb. 17, 2012 at the Moscow headquarters of AST Group, his vast holding company which once owned a publishing house, a tour company, and had a telecom division, according to the Moscow Times.

Ismailov was accused in 2017 by Russian authorities of paying $2 million for the murder of two entrepreneurs a year earlier, Agence France-Presse reported. Vladimir Savkin, a shopping mall magnate and Yury Brilev, founder of Lyublino Motors, were both bumped off on the Novorizhskoye highway in Moscow, allegedly over a business dispute with Ismailov, according to the Investigative Committee of Russia, the country’s primary federal investigations agency.…It’s unclear what Hunter Biden wanted with Ismailov, but the trip was part of a two-day meet and greet between Hunter and wealthy oligarchs in the country — which at least in part focused on seeking foreign cash for Rosemont Realty, an offshoot of Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca Partners. The investment company was co-founded by Hunter Biden, Devon Archer and Chris Heinz.

The flurry of meetings raise questions about what matters were discussed and whether the oligarchs sought any untoward access to Hunter Biden’s father. On Feb. 22, 2012 — just days after returning from Russia — Hunter Biden met with Vice President Biden at his home in the Naval Observatory, his calendar shows.

“The only reason someone — other than a crack dealer or a hooker — would want to meet Hunter Biden is to get to his dad,” said Jim Hanson, president of the Security Studies Group. “They were selling access, it was their business model. The Biden family was involved in capitalizing on Joe’s political career.”

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Hunter Brags That Joe Will Adopt Any Political Position He Wants, “He Thinks I’m a God”

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On June 14, the Washington Examiner reported the following: 

Hunter Biden recorded himself boasting that his father will adopt political positions at his command, footage obtained from a copy of his abandoned laptop shows.

“He’ll talk about anything that I want him to, that he believes in,” Biden said in reference to his father, Joe Biden, in the Dec. 3, 2018, recording. “If I say it’s important to me, then he will work a way in which to make it a part of his platform. My dad respects me more than he respects anyone in the world, and I know that to be certain, so it’s not going to be about whether it affects his politics.”

“All those fears you think that I have of people not liking me or that I don’t love myself…I don’t fear that. You know why I don’t fear that? Because the man I most admire in the world, that god to me, thinks I’m a god,” Hunter Biden added in the 77-minute recording, which was taped about five months before Joe Biden launched his successful 2020 presidential campaign in late April 2019. “And my brother did, too. And the three of us, it was literally — I had the support to know I can do anything.”

The recording was located on a copy of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop within a password-protected backup of his iPhone XS. Konstantinos “Gus” Dimitrelos, a cyber forensics expert commissioned by the Washington Examiner, located the password during his examination of the hard drive.

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Now just imagine a similar stretch of events but it involved Donald Trump Jr. and not Hunter Biden. ABC, CBS and NBC would have wall-papered their programming with those scandals. If President Biden was a Republican, the nets would have hung Hunter around his neck like an anchor. Instead they’ve all but scrubbed Hunter’s name from their airwaves all to save the Biden administration from having to patch yet another hole in their sinking ship of an administration. 

For this study MRC analysts looked at the ABC, CBS, NBC evening and morning shows and their Sunday roundtable programs from March 16 through the morning of July 11.

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