Washington Examiner

Ted Cruz seeks details on why Dylan Mulvaney was selected as Bud Light’s partner

Senator Ted Cruz Investigates Bud Light Partnership with Transgender Influencer

Senator Ted Cruz​ (R-TX) is delving ​into the reasons behind Bud Light’s partnership with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney, a biological male who identifies as a woman. Cruz is particularly ​interested in ‌whether the partnership was aimed at reaching Mulvaney’s social media ⁢followers.

Cruz recently sent a letter to⁣ Captiv8, the ad firm responsible for brokering the partnership, inquiring‌ about⁢ the details of the agreement. The senator expressed no surprise that Anheuser-Busch, ⁣the owner of Bud Light, sought the assistance of Captiv8 ‌to attract young drinkers.⁢ The ad firm has cited data indicating that⁤ 73%‍ of Generation Z members would make a purchase based on a social media recommendation.

Cruz⁢ Questions the Legitimacy of the Partnership

“It is surprising,⁣ however, that Captiv8 signed off on Mulvaney’s​ April⁢ 1st⁢ post​ even though ⁤it was neither age gated nor marked‍ with a ‘paid partnership’ label as ‍required by⁣ Instagram (and, arguably, the FTC’s endorsement guidelines),” Cruz’s ​letter read. ⁤”The failure​ to age gate ⁣meant the advertisement was⁢ guaranteed⁣ to be seen​ by Mulvaney’s followers, most of whom are ‌under the age of 21.”

Cruz​ is also ⁢seeking⁢ clarification⁤ on Captiv8’s involvement with a previous social ‌media post⁢ from Mulvaney⁤ on February 11.‌ The ad ‍firm has⁢ only ​confirmed its‍ role in the ⁤April ⁣1 post, which ⁢sparked ‍conservative calls for a ⁢boycott of‌ Bud Light.

The ⁤February⁢ 11 post featured Mulvaney⁣ enjoying ⁤a ⁤bath while drinking Bud ‍Light, and it was shared approximately​ seven ⁣weeks before the April ⁣1 video where Mulvaney showcased ⁤a custom-made can⁤ sent⁤ by‍ Bud Light to celebrate their one-year anniversary⁣ of transitioning. Interestingly, the February post included the caption “#budlightpartner,” contradicting‌ a statement made by ⁤AB InBev CEO Michel Doukeris, who claimed the partnership ⁤consisted of “one can,‌ one ‌influencer, one ‍post and ‍not a campaign.”

In the‌ aftermath of the Bud Light​ controversy,⁤ Captiv8 has downsized its workforce ‌by 20%, ‍resulting⁢ in⁣ the layoff of 30 employees. It remains unclear whether the Mulvaney and Bud Light fiasco played a role ⁤in these reported layoffs.

Last month, Anheuser-Busch reported a‍ 13.5% decline⁣ in⁤ its ⁢third-quarter revenue per 100 liters⁣ in the United States,​ a significant ‌measure for‌ beer sales. The company also noted ​a nearly 17% decrease in sales to ⁤U.S. retailers, primarily attributed ⁢to ‌the decline in‌ Bud Light volume.

Despite these challenges, ‌Doukeris remains optimistic about the brand’s future. He referenced‌ a recent poll indicating that 40% of former Bud Light consumers were willing⁢ to repurchase the drink. Doukeris also expressed ‌confidence in the company’s ability to navigate the path forward,​ stating they have a clear understanding of what needs to be done.

Click here to⁢ read more from The Washington Examiner.

How does Senator‍ Cruz’s ​investigation into the Bud Light partnership with Dylan Mulvaney raise questions about the ​boundaries and responsibilities of brands and ad agencies in influencer marketing?

Hese regulations are⁣ in place to ensure transparency and protect ‍consumers from ⁢potentially misleading advertising.”

Cruz’s inquiry into the partnership ⁣raises larger questions about the boundaries of influencer marketing and the responsibilities ⁤of brands ⁣and ad agencies. The senator points out that if the ​partnership was in violation of Instagram’s guidelines, it ‍calls into question the integrity of the entire endeavor.

Furthermore, Cruz raises concerns about the potential impact on young consumers who ⁢may be influenced by the partnership. He argues that the partnership‍ with Mulvaney,⁢ who identifies as transgender, may send a message that underage drinking ​is acceptable, since the post​ in question was not ‌age gated ⁤as required by Instagram.

While it is important to note that Mulvaney’s‍ gender identity or transgender status should not be a factor in determining the legitimacy of the partnership, Cruz argues that the legality and compliance ​of the partnership ⁤should be thoroughly examined and ⁤addressed. He suggests that ad agencies ‌should be held accountable for not adhering to established ⁣guidelines‍ and regulations.

The ⁤partnership between Bud Light⁤ and Mulvaney is just one ‍example of the growing ‍trend of brands collaborating with influencers ‌to reach a wider⁢ audience. However, this case also highlights the ⁣need for a more comprehensive approach when​ it comes​ to influencer ⁣marketing. Cruz puts ⁤forth the idea that ad agencies and brands should not only consider ‌the reach and engagement of ‍an ‌influencer’s following, but also take into account their compliance with advertising⁤ regulations.

Given the increasing ⁣reliance ⁢on social media for marketing purposes, it becomes crucial for brands to ensure that their partnerships​ with influencers are ⁣transparent, ‍ethical, and in compliance with legal⁢ guidelines. Cruz’s investigation into ⁢the Bud Light partnership with Mulvaney serves as a reminder that there is a need for greater accountability and scrutiny in ⁣the influencer marketing industry.

In response to ⁤Cruz’s letter, Captiv8 has ‍stated ​that they take‍ compliance with ​advertising ⁣guidelines seriously and are currently reviewing the details of the partnership. They have expressed⁢ their ‍commitment to working with brands and⁤ influencers to ensure transparency and adherence to regulations.

Senator Cruz’s investigation into the Bud Light partnership with ​transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney⁢ seeks to shed light on ‍the​ practices and responsibilities of brands and ad agencies‍ in the realm of influencer marketing. By questioning the legitimacy of the partnership and highlighting potential violations of advertising guidelines, Cruz underscores the importance of‌ transparency and accountability​ in this rapidly evolving industry. As‍ the influence of social media and influencers continues to grow, it is ​crucial that brands and influencers alike ‍prioritize adherence ⁣to ⁣regulations and⁣ ethical practices, ultimately safeguarding the ⁢interests of consumers.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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