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Swimsuit firm faces backlash for featuring man in provocative women’s one-piece

Moana Bikini Faces Backlash for⁤ Using Male Model to Promote Women’s Swimsuit

Moana Bikini, owned by Australian “body positive‍ influencer” Karina ‍Irby, is‍ receiving criticism after featuring male⁣ model Jake Young in a provocative “SUGAR SLINKY” one-piece swimsuit, as reported⁣ by the New York Post. The brand,‌ which prides itself on being inclusive, shared ‌a video of Young⁣ on its Instagram​ account.

Social media users⁤ expressed their ⁣disappointment ⁤and vowed to⁣ stop supporting⁣ the brand after ​seeing the ad.

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A post ‌shared by MOANA BIKINI ⁤(@moana_bikini)

One commenter expressed their disappointment, saying, “Is that a man? I thought you were about empowering ‍women? Men seem to be trying to take over everything women hold sacred. Our safe ‌spaces, our ​identity and now our fashion.”

Another dissatisfied customer stated, “I’m sorry you ⁣support whatever ‌you like but I ‍don’t agree ‍with‍ men in women’s swimsuits and trying to ⁤market it towards women. I’ve been a loyal customer for ten years but I’m done.”

A different individual criticized the brand, saying, “Sorry but ‍Moana, this⁤ is not how you empower ​women.⁣ This is once‍ again⁤ giving⁤ men the power over⁤ us and⁤ saying they‌ do it​ better.”

Meanwhile, another person expressed concerns about the future, stating, “Real women will soon be irrelevant and real women will have to compete with trans​ in sports, modeling, careers against trans just because businesses need to tick the box to stay ‘relevant.’ These ladies on here are too blind to see​ what ⁤damage it will be for them and the future. It’s already started.”


In response to ‌the criticism, a spokesperson for Moana Bikini defended the brand, calling the⁣ backlash “absurd.” They emphasized that ⁤the brand has always been inclusive‍ and ‍empowering, catering to diverse ‍body ⁣types, races, genders, and ‍sexual orientations.

The spokesperson dismissed the criticism as homophobia,⁢ stating, “Many commenters are using the excuse that they believe it​ is ‘insulting to women’ when in reality, it’s‌ quite clear they are homophobic and‌ have an issue with someone⁣ expressing their sexuality proudly and ‍confidently.”

The spokesperson concluded by ⁤suggesting that⁢ those who ⁤choose⁤ to be offended by the ⁤ad are the ones with the problem, not the brand.

Related: ‘Women’s⁢ Swimsuits Aren’t Accessorized With A Bulge’: Riley Gaines Slams Adidas Swimsuit Modeled By ​Male

How does using a male model to‍ promote women’s swimwear in Moana ‌Bikini challenge traditional norms of gender representation ‌in the fashion industry?

Women. Using a male model⁤ to promote women’s⁤ swimwear ⁢is not inclusive or empowering. It undermines ⁢the‍ very ⁤essence of⁢ what your brand claims to stand for.”

While there were some negative comments,‌ there were ‌also supporters of⁣ the ⁣brand ​who defended their decision to feature a⁤ male model. ‍One Instagram user said,⁢ “I‍ think ⁣it’s great ⁣that Moana‌ Bikini is breaking boundaries ⁣and ​challenging traditional norms. Fashion should be for⁣ everyone, regardless of gender.”

Moana⁤ Bikini ⁤has responded to‌ the backlash, releasing a statement on their‌ Instagram story. They defended their choice of using a male model, ⁣stating that they ​believe ⁢in breaking stereotypes and promoting diversity and inclusivity. They also mentioned ⁢that ⁤they have had transgender ‌and non-binary models in⁣ the past, and they ‌strive to be a brand that celebrates all bodies and identities.

The ⁢use of a male model to⁣ promote women’s swimwear raises an important discussion about gender representation in ⁢the fashion industry. ​Is it​ appropriate‌ to use male models to advertise women’s clothing? Does it empower women or ‌does it perpetuate traditional beauty standards and gender norms?

On ⁣one hand,​ featuring male models can be seen as a way to challenge societal expectations and broaden the⁢ definition of beauty. It can send a message that swimwear and fashion‌ are not limited to ⁤one gender, and that anyone can wear what makes them feel confident and comfortable.

On the other ‌hand, using male models can be seen as a marketing tactic that ultimately benefits the male gaze and reinforces traditional‌ beauty⁢ standards. It can be argued that ‍it takes away from the focus on women and ⁣their experiences, and⁤ instead ‍centers ⁤the male perspective.

Ultimately, the decision to use‌ a ⁣male model to ​promote women’s swimwear⁤ is subjective and depends on individual perspectives. However, it is important for ‌brands‌ to be mindful and considerate⁣ of ⁢their ‍audience’s expectations and sentiments.

Inclusivity and empowerment ​should be at the ‍forefront of any ‍brand’s message, especially those that claim to ⁣be “body positive.” Brands should strive⁣ to ⁢create a safe and​ welcoming ⁢space for ‌all⁢ individuals, without undermining or overshadowing ⁢the experiences ‌and needs of certain groups.

While Moana Bikini’s intention ‌may have been to challenge norms and celebrate diversity, it is ‌clear that their choice of ⁢using a male model has sparked controversy and disappointment among a part of their customer base.

Moving forward, it will be crucial ⁢for Moana Bikini and other brands to listen to their audience’s feedback and engage in constructive dialogue. They should reassess their marketing strategies ‌and ensure⁣ that their actions align with their brand values and the expectations of their customers.‍ Only then can⁣ they truly achieve inclusivity and empower⁣ their target audience.

In conclusion, ‌the backlash faced by‍ Moana‌ Bikini for using a male model to promote women’s swimsuits highlights the complexity of gender⁣ representation in the fashion industry. It ⁣prompts⁢ us to question traditional beauty standards⁣ and the role ‌of marketing in⁤ perpetuating or challenging societal norms. Ultimately, brands must strive to create an inclusive and empowering ‍environment that celebrates​ all bodies and identities.

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