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Survey finds declining support for Black Lives Matter movement.

Americans’ Support for the Black Lives Matter Movement Hits New Low

Americans’ support for the Black Lives Matter movement hit a new low in recent polling, far below the movement’s peak support during the 2020 George Floyd riots.

Fifty-one percent of U.S. adults said they support Black Lives Matter in a poll conducted in April by the Pew Research Center. That number has fallen from a high of 67 percent in June 2020, when only 31 percent of adults said they oppose the movement. Now, 46 percent say they do not support Black Lives Matter.

The fall in support comes as the finances of the group that became the face of the movement have been called into question. The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation’s revenues fell 88 percent from 2021 to 2022, the Washington Free Beacon reported. The founders of Black Lives Matter Global used donations to enrich themselves and their friends. The group spent around $15 million on real estate in 2020 and 2021, including a $6 million mansion.

Prominent Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King saw his income nearly triple in 2021, even as his activist group’s revenue fell more than 60 percent.

Minority Believes in Tangible Change

A slim minority of Americans believe that Black Lives Matter has brought about tangible change, the Pew Research Center reported:

In assessing the impact of the Black Lives Matter movement, 32% say it’s been highly effective at bringing attention to racism against Black people. Smaller shares say the same about increasing police accountability (14%), improving the lives of Black people (8%) and improving race relations (7%). Overall, 31% of Americans say they understand the goals of the Black Lives Matter movement extremely or very well.

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