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Texas lawmakers propose placing the controversial Colony Ridge development under conservatorship.

A Call for ‌Action: Placing Liberty County Under State Conservatorship

A group of passionate⁢ Texas⁢ state lawmakers are demanding immediate ⁤action to address the issues surrounding Colony Ridge, ⁣a massive land development that has become a hotbed for illegal ‌immigrants. In a powerful letter to Governor Greg Abbott, Lieutenant ‌Governor Dan Patrick, and House Speaker Dade Phelan, ⁢the four State Representatives propose the establishment of⁣ a conservatorship to effectively coordinate law enforcement operations and county restrictions in order to clean up ⁣and restore order in Colony ⁤Ridge.

The urgency to address Colony Ridge has intensified‍ following an eye-opening investigation by the Daily Wire. The investigation uncovered marketing practices that seem to target ⁢illegal immigrants, as well as a community plagued by crime, which experts⁣ believe is fueled by drug cartels.

The lawmakers express ⁢their concern that Liberty County’s⁢ Commissioners Court may have failed to protect their citizens by supporting the Colony Ridge developments. They suggest allocating state‌ funds for a‌ Department of Public‍ Safety substation to increase law enforcement presence in the​ Colony‌ Ridge ⁤community.

The lawmakers, including Reps. Steve Toth, Nate Schatzline, Brian Harrison, and Tony Tinderholt, commend Governor Abbott for his‌ decision ⁢to address Colony Ridge during a special legislative session in the near future. They emphasize that the conditions ⁢in Liberty County demand immediate attention, alongside the strengthening of border security.

READ MORE: Inside Colony Ridge: The⁤ ‘Fastest Growing Development’ In⁢ The U.S. Is A Magnet For Illegal Immigrants

The letter highlights the alarming threat to public safety within these developments. It references comments from Liberty County Sheriff Bobby Rader ⁣regarding the ‌high crime rates in Colony Ridge, as well​ as reports ​from the Center for Immigration Studies that suggest the involvement of Gulf‍ and Sinaloa Cartels in the development. ‍The ⁤representatives also draw attention to the ‌recent surge in drug overdoses within the⁤ school district serving Colony Ridge.

Amidst growing concerns, numerous elected officials are joining the call for‌ action to address Colony Ridge. The entire Republican Congressional delegation from Texas recently⁢ signed a​ letter urging⁢ Governor Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton to investigate the development.

The letter asserts that if even a fraction of the claims made are accurate, it is unthinkable to allow such ‌a‍ massive settlement to persist and expand in‌ Texas. The congressmen urge Paxton to thoroughly investigate the land purchasing, use, tax status, and other authorizations related to Colony Ridge ‍and its affiliate entities.‌ They emphasize ⁣that any new⁢ state laws​ created to address these concerns ⁢should be applied and ‌upheld in Colony Ridge and the surrounding area.

The Texas Republican Party has unanimously voted to urge a special legislative session to address Colony Ridge.‍ They also request that ⁤Paxton initiate a full ‌investigation into the development⁢ activities of⁣ Colony Ridge Land, LLC, and its potential connections​ to elected officials in the⁣ region.

In ⁤an attempt‍ to alleviate concerns,‌ the Colony Ridge developers have invited legislators to tour the development. Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, after visiting and meeting⁣ with Colony Ridge developer ‌William Trey ​Harris, believes that​ the legislature should hold hearings during the special session to address ‌the issues⁤ at hand.

What factors have contributed ‍to the influx ⁣of illegal immigrants and increase in crime in Colony Ridge, Texas?

‍Development in the U.S.‌ is a Magnet for Illegal Immigrants

Colony Ridge, located​ in Liberty County, Texas, has seen‌ exponential growth in recent years. However, along with its development, the ⁣area has also witnessed an​ influx of illegal immigrants and an increase in crime. This has prompted a ⁤group of Texas state lawmakers ⁣to call⁤ for immediate action to address the situation and restore​ order‍ in the community.

In a letter addressed to Governor Greg Abbott, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, and House Speaker ‌Dade Phelan, State ⁣Representatives Steve ​Toth, Nate Schatzline,⁢ Brian Harrison, and Tony Tinderholt⁢ propose the establishment of‍ a conservatorship. This conservatorship would effectively coordinate law⁣ enforcement operations and county restrictions in order to tackle ‌the issues in Colony Ridge.

An investigation conducted by the ‌Daily Wire has highlighted concerning marketing‌ practices that seem to target illegal immigrants in Colony Ridge. Additionally, experts believe that ⁤the area’s‍ high crime rates may be ⁢linked to drug cartels.‌ This investigation has further emphasized the urgent need to address the situation.

The lawmakers express ​their concern​ that Liberty County’s Commissioners Court may have failed​ to adequately protect their citizens by supporting the Colony Ridge developments. To address this, they propose allocating state ⁣funds for a Department of Public Safety substation, which ⁤would increase law enforcement⁤ presence in the community and ensure the safety of ⁣its residents.

Furthermore, ⁢the lawmakers commend Governor Abbott for his decision to address Colony Ridge during a special legislative session in the near future. They believe that immediate attention is required to ⁢resolve the issues in Liberty County, alongside strengthening border security.

The proposal for placing Liberty County ⁤under state conservatorship aims to bring accountability ⁣and coordination to the area. By ⁤streamlining law enforcement efforts and implementing stricter county restrictions, the hope is to effectively address the⁤ issues and restore order in Colony Ridge. The lawmakers urge swift action to protect the ‌rights and safety of the residents and to curb illegal immigration and criminal‌ activities in the community.

As the situation continues to‍ escalate,⁤ it is imperative that ⁣the voices of⁢ these state lawmakers are heard, and ‍decisive action is taken. Colony Ridge‍ and Liberty ‌County cannot afford to wait any longer for a resolution that ensures the safety and ⁢well-being of their citizens. Placing Liberty County under state ‌conservatorship is a call to action that demands immediate attention ⁢and swift implementation.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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