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Start Taking These Supplements After Menopause

Menopause is a complex process. The most simple thing you can do is to end your menstrual cycle. It happens in three stages: Menopause, perimenopause and postmenopause.

Perimenopause is a period when hormones begin to decline and menstrual cycles are disrupted. Unusual and erraticAccording to the Cleveland Clinic, it is. Menopause itself occurs when your menstrual period has stopped for 12 consecutive months, and postmenopause—the time after menopause—lasts for the rest of your life, says the site.

Menopause symptoms You may experience the common hot flashes or vaginal dryness early. Unexpected signs These are some examples Bad breath Sleep problems and other sleep issues. As if all that wasn’t enough, your body will undergo changes after menopause ends and postmenopause starts.

There are many options to help you manage your menopause symptoms. But supplements are a popular option. Experts recommend eight methods that can help ease symptoms and improve quality of life.

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St. John’s Wort may be something you’ve heard. Can be used to treat anxiety and depression—which also Happen to be Two possible symptoms of menopause and perimenopause are perimenopause. According to Daniel PowersMS, the founder The Botanical InstituteThis popular supplement can help relieve hot flashes, increase sleep quality, and ease fatigue.

Calcium tablets, cheese, and milk.

“Bone loss” is something that can occur even though it may not be immediately apparent. a serious problem WebMD warns women that their hormone levels can drop after menopause. Although food is the best source for calcium, supplements can be helpful to meet your body’s calcium requirements. “Take smaller doses WebMD suggests that you limit your intake of food to 500mg per day.

“Women under 51 need 1,000 milligrams of calcium a day [and] women 51 and older need 1,200 milligrams a day,” According to the website, supplements are not recommended. “take smaller doses with food, no more than 500mg at a time.”

Capsules in bottle being poured into hand.

Vitamin D is vital “for calcium absorption and bone formation,” Johns Hopkins Medicine advises that the supplement should be taken with caution “can greatly cut your risk of spinal fractures.” The site warns you that too much calcium or vitamin D can cause kidney stones, constipation or abdominal pain. Kidney problems.”

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Flaxseeds and ground flaxseed in a spoon.

Flaxseed is best consumed in its ground form rather than in capsules. Pelin BaturThe Cleveland Clinic was informed by Dr. However, research has not proved this to be true. Ground flaxseeds They are able to ease hot flashes. “contain omega-3s and lignans, which may decrease your risk of breast cancer and lower your cholesterol,” Batur says. “This makes them a healthy addition to your diet, even if they don’t bring relief from hot flashes.”

Batur also shares these words of caution “Flax does contain phytoestrogens, which are substances that can have estrogen-like effects on body tissues and cells. So check with your doctor if you’re being treated for uterine or breast cancer.”

Probiotic capsules.
Michelle Lee Photography/iStock

Gut health is It is important to remember that it is always important It can be detrimental to your overall well-being. “This imbalance not just prevents your body properly absorbing supplements but can also lead to other health problems. These can cause symptoms “Like gas and bloating and constipation. Digestive issues. And belly fat,” according To Prevention. “Probiotics will help improve bowel function, stabilize your hormones, and assist with weight loss,” Clinical nutritionist Jacqui Justice The site was informed.

White flowers of black cohosh.

Black cohosh, an herb that is part of The buttercup family.”Its effectiveness in managing menopausal symptoms is still being researched, but some studies have shown promising results,” Powers states that there are potential benefits to hot flashes and depression reduction, as well as better sleep.

Fresh ginseng roots.

Ground ginseng root is “readily available in most drugstores, some supermarkets, and online” and can be taken as A capsule of tea or coffeeAccording to Healthline “Ginseng has been used as a sedative in Asian countries for centuries,” The site says so. “While there’s no evidence that ginseng can treat hot flashes, the soothing effects of ginseng improve the quality and duration of your sleep.”

In an article however, Complementary Therapies for Clinical PracticeResearchers reported that ginseng can be used in a variety of ways. Significantly reduced Hot flashes, menopausal symptoms and quality of life for menopausal woman.

Roots and leaves of valerian flower plant.

There are many ways to deal with sleep problems like insomnia. You’ve likely heard of valerian root when it comes to supplement use. It is “one of the most effective and popular.” Most commonly used Everyday Health says herbal supplements are “the best on the earth.”

According to the site, in addition to being well-known as a remedy for sleep problems, valerian roots has been proven to be effective in treating hot flashes.

Best Life is a source of the most current information from top health experts, researchers, and agencies. However, it is not meant as a replacement for professional guidance. Your healthcare provider should be consulted if you have questions or concerns about your medication.

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