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Soros-backed PAC calls Black GOP member ‘Uncle Tom’ in ad: ‘Skinfolk ≠ Kinfolk’

A Liberal Super PAC⁣ Runs Racially Charged Ads Against​ Republican Daniel Cameron ⁢in⁤ Kentucky

A liberal Super PAC, backed by billionaire George Soros, is stirring controversy in Kentucky with racially charged ads targeting Republican candidate Daniel Cameron. Cameron, who is running for office against a Democrat⁣ opponent, has called⁢ for his opponent to condemn‌ the “racist⁢ and hateful” attacks being aired ahead of the upcoming election.

The ad, created by the Black Voters Matter⁣ Action PAC, refers to Cameron​ as “Uncle Daniel Cameron” and uses the phrase “Skinfolk ain’t kinfolk,” a derogatory term used by black liberals to label those who disagree with them politically as race⁤ traitors.

Black Voters Matter Action PAC has focused its efforts on Kentucky, a state with significant upcoming elections. The Super PAC has been actively supporting Democrat Andy Beshear, the incumbent governor running for reelection. The controversial⁤ ad was aired on ⁤WMJM⁢ Magic 101.3, an ⁢R&B ⁤station⁤ in Jeffersontown, Kentucky.

Cameron, Kentucky’s first black ⁣attorney general, has faced similar “racist attacks” from the Left in the past due to his differing political‍ views.

“I‍ never faced racism or discrimination ⁤while growing up or working in ​Kentucky until I decided to ⁤stand up to ‍the national ⁢Democrat establishment,” Cameron told The⁤ Daily Wire. “I don’t ‌support their policies, so​ the Left attacks ​me for my skin‍ color.”

Cameron⁣ firmly believes that individuals should⁤ be judged based on their character rather than the color of their skin. He criticized Joe Biden, out-of-state radical left interest groups, and the national Democrat Party⁤ for their belief that being black ‍and conservative is incompatible.

Cameron called ‍on Beshear to condemn the racist and hateful ad being used to support his ‌campaign. However, Beshear’s campaign did not respond to the request for comment, and Alpha Media, the ‍company ⁣that owns the radio station,⁣ also remained silent on their decision to air the attack ad.

The Super PAC responsible for the‍ ad has been actively involved in southern states and gained⁤ attention for its work ⁣in Georgia’s ⁣high-profile U.S. Senate races since 2020. Financial records ⁤show that a significant portion⁢ of its funding comes from George Soros through his Democracy PAC.

Cameron has been a target of political attacks centered on his race throughout his career. During his successful 2019 campaign for attorney general, the Lexington Herald-Leader published a‌ political cartoon depicting Cameron riding the coattails of the⁢ Ku Klux ⁣Klan.

In 2020, Cameron faced criticism surrounding his prosecutorial decisions in the ​Breonna ‍Taylor case,‌ with the phrase “skinfolk ain’t kinfolk” being used against​ him. ‌Cameron denounced ⁣these attacks as “repugnant.”

The saying, credited to author Zora Neale Hurston, is used in ‍modern politics​ to suggest that some people of color may actively discriminate against their ⁤own racial group and align with white supremacy. Cameron firmly believes that in Kentucky, individuals should be judged by ⁣their character rather than‍ their skin color.

Voters will have ‌the opportunity to decide whether to stick with Beshear on November 7. Limited polling data suggests that Beshear is currently leading in the state.

How has the⁢ Hern⁢ campaign reached out to voters in states with significant elections?

Hern ‌campaign efforts across the country, particularly in states with significant elections. The‍ Black ‌Voters Matter⁣ Action PAC ​claims to advocate for the interests of ‌black voters, but their ‌use of‍ racially ​charged language in their recent ad against Daniel Cameron⁣ raises questions about their true intentions and motives.

It is disheartening ⁣to see​ a Super ⁢PAC resorting to such divisive and degrading tactics in an attempt to influence⁢ an election. Instead of⁣ promoting healthy political ⁣discourse⁣ and substantive policy discussions, this ad aims to⁣ tarnish Cameron’s reputation by ‍attacking him based on his​ race and political beliefs.

This is not⁤ the first time⁢ Cameron‌ has faced such attacks from the Left. As ​Kentucky’s first black ⁢attorney ⁢general, he has been ​subjected to criticism⁣ and vitriol because of his conservative ideals. It is ​deeply troubling that individuals who claim to be champions of equality and justice ⁣would engage in such discriminatory⁢ behavior.

Cameron’s stance on judging ​individuals based on ‌their character rather than⁣ their skin color is a fundamental value that should be upheld by all political parties. It‍ is disappointing to witness the ⁣national Democrat⁣ establishment⁤ and left-leaning interest groups attempting to⁤ undermine this principle.

Furthermore, the silence from Andy Beshear’s campaign‍ and Alpha Media, the company that‍ owns the radio station, regarding the ad is concerning. The failure to condemn such racist⁢ and hateful language ​sends a message that these tactics are acceptable in political discourse. It is imperative for leaders and media organizations to denounce such behavior and‌ prioritize a‍ more civil ⁢and respectful ​approach to campaigning.

In a society where diversity of thought and opinion are valued, it is crucial that political ⁤opponents engage in substantive debates and discussions ⁤rather than resorting to personal attacks.⁤ Ad hominem attacks and racially charged language only serve ⁣to further divide us and hinder the progress of our nation.

As ⁤the upcoming election in⁢ Kentucky ⁣approaches, it is essential for voters to focus on the candidates’ policies and qualifications rather than being swayed⁤ by divisive and inflammatory ‌ads. It is our responsibility as citizens to demand better from our political leaders ‍and hold them accountable for‌ their actions.

Daniel Cameron ‌has demonstrated⁢ resilience in the face of⁣ these attacks,​ standing ⁢strong in his commitment to his principles and beliefs. ⁣Regardless of political differences, it ‍is crucial that we treat all ⁣individuals with respect and dignity.

It is my hope that Kentucky voters will see⁢ past these racially⁤ charged ads and make their decisions based on the character, qualifications, and policies‍ of the candidates. By doing ‍so, we can move towards a more inclusive and united future, free from the divisive tactics that seek to tear us apart.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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