Conservative News Daily

Warning to Americans Supporting Gaza: ‘They’ll Target You Next…They Despise You’

Sobering Message for ⁢Americans ⁢Backing Gaza: ‘They’re Coming for All of You Next…They Hate You’

Wayne Allyn Root, host ‌of “America’s‍ Top 10‍ Countdown” on⁢ the Real America’s Voice network, delivered a chilling reality check for the United States ⁤on a recent show.

He painted a vivid picture of what could ⁢happen in our own country if we allow the Biden ‍administration ‍and‍ Democratic leaders to welcome millions of Palestinian refugees ‌in response⁤ to ⁣the Israel-Hamas‍ war.

Root issued a stark warning on his Oct. 21 show, stating that “for the few that will⁢ be saved, many more American citizens will unnecessarily ⁤die.”

According ​to Root, Islamic ⁢extremists do not differentiate between Jews and Christians, Israelis and Americans. ‍Unless you are Muslim and ‍living⁤ under Sharia law, your life is in danger.

He cautioned that these ‌terrorists will infiltrate the refugee ‌population, plotting to spread death and destruction throughout our ​nation.⁤ Many have already slipped across​ our borders and have been transported across the country without detection.

“These are not humans,” ‍he declared. “These are savages. These are animals. My apologies to my wonderful dog, Bubba, for comparing these evil, Nazi savages to animals. Animals are much nicer.”

Root drew a‌ chilling parallel⁢ between the atrocities committed by the Nazis‌ and the brutal acts of murder, beheading, rape, burning, and ‌terror carried out by Muslims in Israel. ⁤He urged those with short-term memories or a lack of historical ⁣knowledge⁤ to truly “think” about the situation.

He went on to reveal how Israel had uncovered and exposed Hamas’​ plans, which ⁢included deliberately targeting elementary schools.

“They want to kill children,” he emphasized.

Root continued his impassioned speech, urging ⁣viewers ⁢to imagine the use of⁣ babies and grandparents as human shields by Hamas.

The purpose of Root’s message is⁣ to ‍awaken people to the⁣ dangers of allowing hate-filled Palestinians, disguised as innocent refugees, ⁢into our country.

“But they⁣ are ‌coming‌ for all of you next,” Root warned. “They hate Jews because they live next to Israel. But ​if Democrats bring a million refugees from Gaza here, a million ⁤Palestinians, they hate anyone who isn’t a Muslim. They hate America. ​They ⁣hate Christians. They hate Western civilization.”

Root⁣ ultimately emphasized⁢ that Hamas and other Islamic terrorist organizations despise the modern world, including our freedom​ and individuality.

“They hate you,”⁤ Root concluded.

He urged Americans not to allow Democrats to bring these ⁢terrorists to our‍ shores, warning that we ‍could become the next Israel, living with uncivilized killers among us.

Root pointed out⁤ the vulnerability Americans already face due to the crisis at ‌the border and cautioned against exacerbating​ our ⁢security issues​ by welcoming‍ hate-filled Palestinians into the United States.

He emphasized that what ​is happening in Israel could easily spill ‍over to America‍ under the ​right conditions.

Root’s message is a sobering reminder‌ of the dangers we ⁢face and should not be ignored.

How can we strike a balance between showing compassion for those in ⁣need and ensuring national security when considering ‍the⁢ influx ‍of Palestinian refugees?

⁤ Lear line between humanitarian concerns ⁤and national security, emphasizing that​ while ⁢it is ⁤important to have empathy and‍ compassion‌ for those in ⁢need, we must not overlook the⁤ potential ‌threat that allowing a large⁤ influx of Palestinian refugees could pose ⁣to our own country.

He argued that ‍history has shown us that Islamic extremists have no regard for human life, and their ultimate goal is to‍ spread their ideology‍ and eradicate anyone⁤ who does not conform to their radical beliefs. Root warned that ⁢if we open our doors to these ‌refugees without ⁤proper vetting and security measures in place, we are essentially inviting a‌ Trojan⁤ horse into our communities.

Root’s warning is not​ without​ merit. In recent years, we have witnessed numerous attacks carried out by individuals⁣ who were radicalized or inspired⁤ by‍ extremist ideologies. These attacks have taken place not only in other parts ⁤of ⁣the world but also on American soil.⁣ Therefore, it is ​crucial that we take ‍these threats seriously and‌ proactively protect our‌ citizens.

The issue of border security is not‌ a new ‍one. It has been at the forefront of political debates for‍ years, with ‌arguments revolving‌ around immigration ⁢policies ‍and the need ‌to protect our borders from illegal entry. Root highlights the fact ​that terrorists have already exploited our lax border ⁤controls and slipped⁣ into⁣ the country ⁢undetected. ⁢Adding a ‌wave of Palestinian refugees to this⁤ equation‍ would only exacerbate an already⁢ pressing issue.

While Root’s message may‌ be sobering, it serves as a reminder that we must prioritize⁣ the safety and security of ‌our own⁤ citizens.⁤ We cannot ⁢be ⁣blinded by ‌misplaced compassion and allow ourselves to become vulnerable to potential threats. It is⁢ crucial that we implement ⁤comprehensive screening and vetting procedures for any individuals seeking refuge within our borders.

Root concluded his chilling message by stating, “They hate you.” This⁢ statement serves as a stark reminder that we ⁣are not exempt from‌ the animosity that extremists⁤ hold towards ⁤Western values and ideologies. If we fail​ to take the necessary precautions, we risk becoming victims of the same hatred and⁤ violence that ‌is plaguing other parts‌ of the world.

In a time when divisions seem to be deepening within⁢ our own country, it is important that‍ we come together to address these complex ‍issues. We⁣ must have honest conversations about⁣ the ⁢balance between compassion ⁤and national security, and​ work ‍towards finding viable solutions that protect⁤ both⁣ American ⁢citizens ‍and those⁢ in ‍need.

The‍ situation ⁢in Gaza and the Israel-Hamas conflict is undoubtedly ⁣a complex⁤ one, with deep-rooted historical and political implications. While ⁤our hearts‌ may go out to those suffering in the region,⁢ we must‌ approach the ‍issue ​with caution and⁣ ensure that‍ our actions do not ‍compromise the‍ safety ​and security of our own nation.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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