The epoch times

Sen. Menendez denies new foreign agent charge.

Senator Bob⁢ Menendez Pleads Not⁤ Guilty to New Indictment

Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) appeared in⁤ court on ⁢October 23 and entered a⁢ plea of not guilty to his ‌most recent‌ indictment, which ⁣accuses him⁣ of acting​ as an unregistered foreign agent for the⁣ Egyptian government. The plea ⁣hearing took ‌place before U.S. District Judge Sidney⁣ Stein of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Prosecutors allege that Menendez conspired to act as an unregistered foreign agent on behalf of Egyptian⁤ military ⁢and intelligence⁢ officials⁢ from 2018 to 2022. However, Menendez vehemently denies these ​accusations, stating, “The government’s latest charge flies ⁣in the face of my long record of‌ standing up for human rights and democracy in Egypt. Anyone who knows my record knows this latest charge is as outrageous as it is⁤ absurd.”

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Menendez firmly‍ maintains his innocence, stating, “I have been, throughout my life,​ loyal‍ to only one country—the United States of America, the land my family chose to live in democracy and freedom.‍ Piling​ new‌ charge upon new charge ⁣does not make ⁢the allegations true.⁤ The ​facts haven’t changed; only‌ a new charge. It ⁤is an attempt to wear someone ⁣down and⁢ I will not succumb⁢ to‍ this tactic. I again ask people who know ​me and⁤ my record to give me the ⁤chance to present my defense and show my⁣ innocence.”

The new indictment marks a significant ⁢development in the case ⁢against Menendez,‍ who‌ has faced mounting ⁣pressure⁤ from fellow Democrats to resign. The unfolding legal proceedings have‍ raised⁢ questions about his political future and⁢ the potential implications of the charges.

Under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, individuals are ⁤required to register if they act as “an‍ agent of a foreign principal.” Prosecutors⁢ have accused Menendez of ⁢using his⁤ influence to benefit the Egyptian government in ​exchange for cash and gold bars from New ⁣Jersey businessmen. The ‍latest indictment extends⁢ the⁢ allegations to‍ encompass unregistered foreign ‍agent activities.

Menendez’s Response

In ⁢response to the charges, Menendez stated, “The government’s latest charge flies in the ​face⁣ of my long ‌record of standing up for human rights ‍and democracy in Egypt and in challenging leaders of that‍ country, including President‍ Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, on these issues. I have been, throughout ⁢my ⁢life, loyal⁢ to only one country—the United States of America, the land ⁣my family chose to‌ live in democracy and freedom.​ Piling new charge ⁣upon new charge does not make the allegations true. The facts‌ haven’t changed; only a new charge. It is an attempt to wear someone down and⁢ I ⁤will not succumb to this tactic. I again ask people who know me and my record to give ​me the chance to present my ‍defense and show ⁣my innocence.”

Menendez’s previous pleas of not ​guilty to ​bribery charges leveled against him have further solidified his stance that he is innocent and confident ‍he ⁤will be cleared. Despite ⁣calls ‍from fellow Democrats,‍ including Senators Dick​ Durbin⁣ and Cory Booker, for him to step down, Menendez has no ​plans to leave⁢ the Senate.

The legal battle continues ⁢as Menendez fights to prove his innocence and maintain his political career.

​ What factors will be⁤ considered in determining Senator Menendez’s guilt or innocence in the case against ⁣him

E to ⁤defend myself and⁢ clear my ‍name.”

This is ​not the ⁤first time that ‌Menendez has faced legal troubles. In 2017,⁣ he⁤ was tried for​ bribery and corruption‍ related to ⁢his relationship with Salomon Melgen, a‏ ‌wealthy Florida eye doctor who was also his friend⁣ and‍ campaign donor. The trial‍ ended in a mistrial, ‌and a retrial was scheduled for 2018. However, in January of that year, the⁤ Justice Department dropped all charges against Menendez.

Menendez’s latest ⁤indictment represents a new legal battle for the ⁢senator. If convicted, he could face severe⁣ consequences, including expulsion from the Senate and imprisonment. The trial is set to begin on May 6, 2024, and ⁢Menendez has vowed​ to‍ fight the charges and prove his innocence once ‍again.

Menendez has‍ been a prominent ⁣figure ⁤in New Jersey politics for over three decades. He⁤ was first elected to the Senate⁤ in 2006 after ⁣serving in‌ the House of ‍Representatives since 1993. Throughout his career, he has been ‌a champion for ⁤progressive ​causes, focusing on issues such as‌ immigration reform,‌ healthcare, ​and foreign policy.

Despite the⁢ charges against him, Menendez continues to serve⁣ as a senator and fulfill his responsibilities. He remains committed‌ to ⁢representing ⁤the people of‍ New Jersey and fighting for their interests.

The outcome of Menendez’s trial will have significant implications for his political ​career and the Democratic Party. If he is found guilty, it could damage⁤ the⁣ reputation of the party and potentially⁢ lead to calls for his resignation. On the other⁢ hand, if he is acquitted, it would vindicate Menendez and strengthen his position⁣ as⁢ a‍ political leader.

As the trial ‌approaches, the eyes of the nation will be on Menendez and the outcome of the case. The senator’s plea of not guilty is just the ‌beginning of a legal battle that will determine ‌his future and‌ legacy. ⁤Only time will‍ tell what the verdict ‌will ‍be, ⁤but for now, Menendez remains⁣ determined⁢ to prove his innocence and continue his⁣ work in the Senate.

Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) appeared in⁤ court on ‌⁢October 23 and entered ⁢a⁢ plea‍ of not guilty to his ‌most recent‌ indictment, which ‍⁣accuses him⁣ ‌of acting​ as an unregistered foreign agent for the⁣ ​Egyptian government. The plea ⁣hearing​ took ⁢‌place‌ before‍ U.S. ⁣District Judge Sidney⁣ Stein of the U.S. District Court for‌ the Southern District⁢ of New York.

Prosecutors​ allege that Menendez conspired ‌to act ⁣as an unregistered​ foreign agent on ‌behalf of ⁢Egyptian⁤ military ⁢and intelligence⁢ officials⁢ ​from 2018 ‍to 2022.‌ However, Menendez vehemently denies these ⁣​accusations, stating, “The government’s ⁣latest ‍charge flies ⁣in the face of my long record of‌ standing up for ⁢human rights ⁤and democracy in⁤ Egypt. Anyone who knows my‌ record knows this latest⁢ charge is‍ as outrageous as it is⁤ absurd.”

Menendez firmly‍ maintains his innocence, stating, “I have been, throughout my life,​⁢ loyal‍ to ‍only one country—the United States‍ of America, ‌the land my ⁤family chose to‍ live in ⁢democracy and freedom.‍ Piling​ new‌ charge upon new charge ⁣does not make ⁢the allegations true.⁤ The ​facts⁢ haven’t changed; only‌ ⁢a new charge. It ⁤is ‍an attempt to wear ⁤someone ⁣down and⁢⁤ I will not succumb⁢ ⁢to‍ this tactic. I ⁢again⁣ ask ‌people who know ​me⁤ and⁤ my‍ record to give me⁢ the ⁤chance‍ to⁤ defend myself and⁢ clear ⁤my name.”

This is not the first time that Menendez has ⁤faced legal troubles. In 2017, he ​was tried for bribery and⁤ corruption related to his relationship with Salomon Melgen, a‏‍ wealthy Florida eye doctor‍ who was also‍ his friend and⁣ campaign donor.⁣ The trial‍ ended in ⁤a⁣ mistrial,⁢ and a retrial was scheduled for 2018. However, in January of ⁢that year, the ⁢Justice Department dropped all charges against ‌Menendez.

Menendez’s latest indictment‍ represents a new legal battle for⁣ the senator. If convicted, ⁣he could face severe consequences, including expulsion from ⁤the Senate ​and imprisonment. The trial is set to begin on May 6, 2024, and Menendez ⁢has vowed⁤ to fight the charges and prove his ⁢innocence once‍ again.

Menendez has been a prominent ​figure in New Jersey politics for over three decades. He was first elected to the Senate in 2006 after serving in the⁢ House‌ of Representatives since 1993. Throughout his‌ career,‌ he has⁢ been a ‍champion for progressive causes, focusing on ⁣issues such as immigration reform, healthcare, and foreign policy.

Despite the charges against him, ⁤Menendez continues to serve as ⁤a senator and fulfill his responsibilities. He ⁣remains ‌committed to representing the ⁢people​ of New Jersey and fighting for their interests.

The ⁣outcome of Menendez’s​ trial will⁤ have significant implications for his political career and ‌the Democratic Party. If⁢ he is found guilty, it could damage the ⁤reputation of the party and potentially lead to⁣ calls for his resignation. On the other hand, if ⁢he is acquitted, it would vindicate Menendez‍ and strengthen his⁣ position as a political leader.

As the ⁣trial approaches, the‌ eyes ​of​ the⁢ nation will be on Menendez and the outcome of the ‍case. The‌ senator’s plea of not guilty ⁣is⁢ just the⁢ beginning of ‌a legal ⁣battle that will determine his future and legacy. Only time will tell what the verdict will be, but for now, Menendez ⁤remains determined to prove ​his innocence and continue his work in the Senate.

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