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Second Amendment supporters worry about potential restrictions on private gun sales under the Biden administration.

Vice ‍President ⁤Kamala​ Harris Encouraged by Progress in Gun Control ⁢Agenda

Vice President Kamala Harris recently addressed a group of gun control⁢ activists, expressing her optimism about the advances made by the Biden administration in⁣ implementing its gun control agenda. Speaking⁤ at Gun Sense University, an annual gathering sponsored by Everytown⁣ for Gun Safety, Ms. Harris emphasized the importance of ⁣”common sense ⁣gun safety laws” and highlighted the widespread support for such measures among Americans.

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While ⁤gun rights activists⁤ acknowledge Ms. Harris’s optimism, they argue that it⁤ stems from the ‍support of a ‍minority ⁢of congressional Republicans⁣ who tipped⁤ the ⁤scales in‍ favor of President Joe Biden’s‍ Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) in June 2022. This‌ led to an ⁢executive order on March 14, ⁣2023, which enlisted various federal agencies to implement‌ aspects of the BSCA without ⁣congressional oversight. Second Amendment‍ advocates claim‍ that one of these changes could potentially eliminate legal private ‌gun sales.

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris speaks during ​National Small ​Business Week in the Rose Garden at the White House in Washington on May​ 1, 2023. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

The White House​ did not respond to an email ‌seeking comment for this story.

Concerns have been raised ‌following an Aug. 1 ‍ New York Times report which ‍suggests that gun ⁤control activists⁣ want to require individuals engaged in ‌”for-profit” private online gun sales ​to obtain a Federal Firearms License (FFL) and adhere to the same⁢ guidelines as ⁤brick and mortar‌ gun dealers. Currently, all sales must comply with applicable ⁢laws, including the involvement⁢ of an FFL holder in firearm shipping. ​Selling guns to individuals who are prohibited from owning them is also illegal.

The BSCA, hailed‍ as “the most significant gun safety‌ legislation in 30 years,” revised the ‍definition of ‌a gun dealer to focus solely ‌on profit-seeking rather than livelihood. However, the exact ‌boundaries of this definition remain unclear.

According‌ to The New York Times, gun ⁣control activists propose classifying anyone⁢ who ⁣sells five or fewer‌ guns per year as a gun dealer. This means that even someone who makes a $1⁣ profit from selling a single gun would be required to obtain an FFL and comply with⁣ all the regulations ‍applicable⁣ to⁤ large⁢ retail ‍stores.

President Joe Biden is reportedly​ going⁢ to instruct ‌the Bureau⁢ of Alcohol, Tobacco,⁣ Firearms, ​and Explosives to write a rule regulating private firearms sales. Here he delivers ⁤a speech at the‍ George E. Wahlen Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, on Aug. 10, 2023. (Madalina Vasiliu/The⁤ Epoch Times)

This would include conducting background checks​ and maintaining records of ⁤all ⁤gun sales.

Reports suggest that the Biden administration has‌ directed⁣ the ⁢Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF)⁤ to issue a rule clarifying the definition⁤ of a gun dealer. Second Amendment advocates argue that this rule would effectively ban private ​transfers ‌of firearms and establish a de facto universal⁤ background check and national gun registry system.

An ATF spokesperson stated ‌that ‌any⁣ rule would be‌ developed in accordance⁢ with‍ established policies.

“As part of‍ the implementation ⁢of the BSCA, ATF is⁣ developing ⁢a proposed rule ⁣and ⁢going through the proper process. We cannot specify a time when the NPRM ⁤will be announced, but like all notices‌ of proposed rulemaking,⁤ the public will be notified when it is submitted to the federal register,” ATF spokeswoman Kristina Mastropasqua wrote‌ in an email to ⁣The Epoch Times.

“Gun Owners ⁢of America” buttons are sold at the State Capitol in Lansing, ‍Michigan, on Sept. 27, 2022, during the annual rally organized by the “Second ​Amendment March” group.‌ (Rebecca Cook/AFP via Getty Images)

Aidan Johnston, director of Federal⁢ Affairs for Gun Owners of America, ⁤expressed⁣ concerns about the potential requirement for‌ private citizens⁤ to ⁢obtain an FFL even for selling a gun to a family member or friend. ⁤He highlighted ⁢the complexities⁤ and burdensome nature of ⁣obtaining and complying with an FFL.

Second Amendment supporters argue⁤ that these changes would effectively‌ eliminate​ private gun sales.

“The BCSA has ⁣proven⁣ to be the gift that keeps‌ on giving for extreme persecutory gun control, ⁤to ⁤the mortification ⁣of some of ‍its ⁢more moderate supporters who thought they were voting for provisions aimed at⁢ reducing crime and increasing ⁣access to mental health care,” reads⁢ a statement⁣ on the NRA-ILA website.

Gun‍ Control Making Headway

Gun ‍rights supporters warn that without action, the forces advocating for gun control will continue to make⁣ progress in their efforts to disarm the public.

“The ⁣other‌ side wants everything, they want the Second Amendment,” ⁤Mr. Johnston said.

Contrary to⁤ this viewpoint, Vice President Harris, speaking at the Gun Sense University gathering, disagreed⁢ and ​emphasized her ⁣support ⁤for the Second⁤ Amendment. However, she believes that ⁢certain ‍regulations are necessary‌ to ensure safer communities. She credited the attendees for their role in the passage ⁣of the BSCA and⁢ acknowledged that more work⁢ needs to be done, particularly in ‌implementing universal ⁤background ‍checks.

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