The daily wire

Jamaal Bowman, aka ‘The Fire Alarm Guy,’ poses a threat to democracy due to his disregard for rules.

If this author knows anything about anything, it’s that Democrats and the Left think that even the most minor disruption of ‌an official proceeding ‌of Congress is ​just about the worst thing you can do in American‍ politics these days (or so they claim). Such an action desecrates the hallowed ground⁣ walked‍ upon by our nation’s public ⁤servants and ⁣spits on⁢ the Constitution itself,⁣ Legacy ⁣Media has beaten into us ⁢for the last two-and-a-half years.

No matter how⁢ small or non-violent the action might be, even if accidental, anybody who would disrespect Congress must be thrown into the slammer, ⁣made an example out of, and ⁤have his or her life ‍ruined. They should be given a nickname, too. Like The Lectern Guy, or The⁣ QAnon Shaman⁣ fella with the horns.

And so, it gives ⁤me no pleasure to say, but the ⁣evidence suggests that Congressman Jamaal “The ‍Fire Alarm Guy” Bowman (D-NY) ‌is now a threat⁣ to democracy⁢ who must⁤ have the ‌book thrown at him.

On ⁤Saturday, The ​Daily Wire reported that Bowman was‌ seemingly⁤ caught on‍ camera pulling the fire alarm ‍at the Cannon⁢ House ‍Office Building ahead of a motion to adjourn on Saturday as Democrats seek to ​delay a continuing resolution vote. Bowman and his ilk are threatening to shut down the government if Ukraine doesn’t get their money ‍in the ‍stopgap spending bill.

We didn’t think ⁤Bowman⁢ would literally⁣ threaten to shut down the government by sending everybody into a ⁣panic, but a still image of a man who looks a lot like Bowman pretty‌ much⁣ confirmed it.

Bowman allegedly broke multiple laws with such a heinous action. First, it’s a crime in Washington, D.C., ‍to pull a fire⁣ alarm when ‍there‌ actually isn’t‌ a⁢ fire.


Secondly, obstructing‌ a Congressional ‍proceeding is a‌ felony.

Congressman Troy Nehls (R-TX) offered to apprehend him.

Now, Bowman’s spokesperson is saying⁣ that‌ he did not mean to cause a panic. It was all a ‍big ⁣misunderstanding.

But oh no,⁣ just like those who ​entered the Capitol on January 6 and have argued they‌ didn’t mean to break any laws, Bowman can’t be ‌let off the‌ hook. He wouldn’t want⁢ that either if he had ⁤any legal‌ and moral consistency.

As Bowman​ once said, “No one in this country is above the law.”

Rules are rules. Bowman needs to be held to the same standard set ⁤by the Democrats. He can ⁣tell his‍ sob story to the judge.

PS: Bowman‍ is a⁤ former middle school principal. He didn’t ⁣know​ pulling the fire alarm would cause chaos? Give me ⁤a break.

The ‍views expressed in this‍ piece are the author’s own⁤ and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

Is Congressman Jamaal​ Bowman’s alleged action of pulling the fire alarm a significant threat to democracy, and should he be ‍held accountable ‍for it?

If this author‍ knows anything about anything, it’s ‍that Democrats‌ and the Left think ‍that even the most⁤ minor disruption of an official proceeding‍ of Congress is just ⁤about the worst thing you can do in American ​politics these days (or so they ‌claim). Such an action desecrates the⁢ hallowed ground walked upon by our nation’s public servants and spits on the Constitution itself, Legacy Media‌ has beaten into ⁢us for the last‌ two-and-a-half years.

No matter⁣ how small or non-violent the action might be, even ⁤if accidental, anybody who would ‍disrespect Congress must be thrown into the slammer, made an example out of, and have his or‍ her life ruined. They should be given a nickname, too. Like The Lectern Guy, or The QAnon Shaman fella with the horns.

And so, it gives me no pleasure to say, but the evidence suggests that Congressman Jamaal “The Fire Alarm Guy” Bowman (D-NY) is now a threat to democracy who must⁢ have ​the book thrown at him.

On Saturday, The Daily Wire reported that Bowman was⁣ seemingly caught on ⁢camera pulling the ⁢fire alarm at the Cannon House Office Building ‌ahead of​ a motion to adjourn on Saturday as Democrats seek to delay a‍ continuing resolution vote. Bowman and his ilk are threatening​ to shut down the government if Ukraine doesn’t‌ get their money in the stopgap spending bill.

We didn’t⁣ think Bowman would literally threaten to shut down the ‌government by sending everybody into a panic, but a still image of a man who looks a lot like Bowman pretty much confirmed it.

🚨🚨NEW — Capitol Police ⁣are circulating this‍ photo of a man‌ pulling the fire alarm in Cannon. Looks a lot like⁤ Jamaal Bowman⁤

— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) September 30, 2023

Bowman allegedly ​broke multiple laws with such a heinous action. First, it’s a crime in Washington, D.C., to pull a fire alarm when there actually isn’t a fire.


Jamaal Bowman⁤ reportedly pulled the fire alarm to further delay the⁢ CR vote

That’s legitimately a crime

— John Hasson‌ (@SonofHas)

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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