Stone foresees Trump’s Democratic opponent in 2024.

Is Michelle Obama Running for President?

Political consultant Roger Stone recently discussed the potential of Michelle Obama’s presidential run in an interview with The Epoch Times.

Why Michelle Obama?

Stone believes that Joe Biden’s increasing unpopularity, combined with the various investigations into corruption by himself, his brother, and his son, as well as his increasing erratic performance in public, may convince Democrats that he is a weak general election candidate. According to recent polls, despite facing several politically driven inquiries, former President Donald Trump would prevail over Biden if the election were to take place today.

Stone thinks that the change in the Democrat primary schedule benefits the potential candidacy of Michelle Obama. It is clear that Barack Obama continues to control the machinery of the National Democrat Party. It is also clear that South Carolina holding the first Democrat primary where a plurality of primary voters is African-American, is potentially beneficial to a Michelle Obama candidacy, as is their decision to hold their convention in her hometown of Chicago.

Stone asserts that the more Michelle Obama denies an interest publicly, the more he is convinced that she will be their candidate. She is not out doing a book tour and voter registration drives because she needs the money or the publicity. The framework of the Democrat Party would only allow the party to bypass Kamala Harris for the more popular Michelle Obama, who will be an extraordinarily formidable candidate for the Democrats.

What About Ron DeSantis?

According to Roger Stone, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis may have the financial backing to present a viable challenge to Trump in the 2024 election due to his ability to secure funds. However, Stone raises several concerns about DeSantis as a candidate, stating:

  • He’s probably the only one with the war chest to pose a plausible challenge.
  • But I still think that he has a lot of problems as a candidate.
  • I don’t think he’s ready.
  • I don’t think there’s anything likable about him.
  • He can’t do anything that isn’t scripted, he’s very scripted, everything is practiced, and everything’s polished.

What Does Michelle Obama Say?

The Epoch Times reached out to Michelle Obama for comment, but there has been no response yet.

Michelle Obama encourages the University of Miami community to vote in the midterm elections, in Miami, Fla., on Sept. 28, 2018.

Will Michelle Obama run for president in 2024? Only time will tell.

Read More From Original Article Here: Roger Stone Predicts Trump’s 2024 Top Democrat Rival

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