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Report: Immigrant Asylum Seekers Fleeing NYC Squalor for ‘Safer’ Canada

In Democratic-run City, Migrants are Appalled by Crime, Homelessness, Drug Use

What’s the latest?Eric Adams, the New York City mayor (D.), is offering immigrant asylum seekers bus tickets for free to Canada. Many of them are happy. To leave In search of a better lifestyle, they left behind a filthy, crime-ridden, Democratic-run municipality. According to New York PostAt a rate of hundreds per hour, migrants from the city are fleeing towards the Canadian border.

They are saying this::

• “I wanted to live in New York because I thought it would be a better future for my daughters,” Susy Sanchez Solzarno (33) from Peru “But as the days went by, I saw insecurity, many homeless people, many people who shout and are disrespectful, and many people on drugs. … I am going to Canada for the safety and future of my girls.”

• “A lot of the Americans used drugs [in New York],” Manuel Rodon, 26 years old from Venezuela. “I feel like Canada will be safer. It is a much quieter country than America.”

Why it is important: Democratic politicians insist that it is racist for them to oppose their preferred solution for the immigration crisis which is to do nothing. They also claim that it is racist to suggest that their states should ease the burden on the border states overloaded by the immigration crisis. Invasion of migrants President Joe Biden took in migrants and paid for their housing and food.

As it turns out, sending these migrants to squalid cities such as New York and San Francisco—where Democratic leaders have done their best to encourage criminal activity, homelessness, and open-air drug use—is one of the most effective ways to persuade them to leave the United States out of fear for their family’s safety.

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