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Rep. Luna hints FBI Director Wray may go to jail for document implicating Biden in bribery.

Republican Rep. Threatens FBI Director with Jail Time Over Alleged Biden Bribery Scheme

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) has issued a warning to FBI Director Christopher Wray, stating that he could face jail time if he refuses to turn over a highly sought-after document alleging a $5 million foreign criminal bribery scheme involving President Joe Biden.

Luna made the statement during an appearance on “The Benny Show” less than 24 hours after firing off a tweet alleging that the FBI fears its informant, who brought forward pertinent information accusing Biden of criminal dealings, would be killed if unmasked.

“We’re gonna be holding them accountable, and this is potentially going to be a criminal charge if this guy doesn’t pony up,” Luna told show host Benny Johnson on Tuesday. “It’s very possible that the director of the FBI could end up in jail.”

The Informant

The person who alerted U.S. lawmakers last month about the existence of an FBI record that allegedly shows that then-Vice President Biden was involved in a criminal bribery scheme is a respected FBI source that the agency has used for years.

According to Fox News, Bureau officials reportedly found the unnamed person as a “highly credible” confidential human source in several investigations dating back to the Obama administration.

The whistleblower approached House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) earlier this week, alleging that the FBI was in possession of the FD-1023 form, dated June 30, 2020, that detailed information accusing Biden of dealing with a foreign national in a multi-million dollar criminal bribery scheme in exchange for influence in foreign policy decisions.

Transparency and Contempt of Congress

“We know the FBI has very serious allegations against then-Vice President Biden,” a spokesman for Grassley told Fox News Digital. “The question is, what did they do with it?”

Comer said earlier this week that Wray confirmed that the file containing the allegations does exist.

“Today, FBI Director Wray confirmed the existence of the FD-1023 form alleging then-Vice President Biden engaged in a criminal bribery scheme with a foreign national,” Comer said. “However, Director Wray did not commit to producing the documents subpoenaed by the House Oversight Committee.”

Luna signaled to Fox News the committee would begin the process to hold Wray in contempt of Congress on Thursday for “still conniving to shelter the Biden administration from its own sickening corruption.”

If the FBI fails to hand over the FD-1023 form as required by the subpoena, the House Oversight Committee will begin contempt of Congress proceedings.

FBI Response

When asked by The Daily Wire if the FBI had any comment regarding Luna’s remarks about the bureau’s informant, a spokesperson said the bureau doesn’t have any comment.

“The FBI has continually demonstrated its commitment to accommodate the committee’s request, including by producing the document in a reading room at the U.S. Capitol,” the bureau said. “This commonsense safeguard is often employed in response to congressional requests and in court proceedings to protect important concerns, such as the physical safety of sources and the integrity of investigations. The escalation to a contempt vote under these circumstances is unwarranted.”

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