Rep. Jordan falls short of 217 votes for House Speaker nomination as House Republicans break for the weekend.

U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) (C) speaks as House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) (L)⁢ listens during a news ⁤conference in front of the U.S. Capitol July 27,‍ 2021 in‍ Washington, DC. ​Leader McCarthy held a news conference to discuss ⁣the Jan 6th Committee. ⁣ (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

OAN’s Daniel Baldwin
1:53 PM‌ – ⁢Friday, October ‌13, 2023

Ohio Representative Jim Jordan is one‍ step ⁤closer to becoming ​the next Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Jordan emerged victorious in a ‍secret ballot⁢ vote against Georgia ⁢Representative ⁢Austin Scott ⁣(R-Ga.), with⁣ a score of 124-81 on‍ Friday afternoon.

However, Jordan still needs 65 more votes to reach the ⁢required 217 votes to secure the position of Speaker. In a validation ​vote, ⁢Jordan won 152-55.

Sources told Politico that House‌ Republicans would be ‍taking a break for the weekend.

Jordan previously lost a ⁤secret ballot against Louisiana Representative‌ Steve Scalise (R-La.). Scalise withdrew ⁢from the race on Thursday night when it became clear he couldn’t secure the necessary⁢ 217 votes on the​ House floor.

Currently,‍ the House Republican conference does not⁤ have a candidate who ‌can⁢ gather 217 votes on the House floor, with the November 17th government funding deadline ‌approaching.

Jordan has⁤ received the endorsement of former President‌ Donald⁤ Trump.

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How​ many more votes does Jordan need to secure to become Speaker, and what factors will likely ‌influence his ability ⁣to gather enough support from fellow representatives

He first ballot. Scalise‍ endorsed Jordan as his replacement, giving Jordan‌ a boost in his⁢ campaign for Speaker of the House.

The position of Speaker of the House is one of the most⁢ influential roles in the⁤ U.S. government. The ⁤Speaker is responsible for leading the House⁤ of Representatives, setting the legislative ​agenda, and representing the House to the ​President ​and ​the Senate. It is a position of great power and influence, and Jordan’s potential ascension to ‍this role carries significant ⁣implications for the ⁢future of American politics.

Jordan, a staunch conservative ‍and ally of former​ President Donald Trump, has been a vocal⁢ and controversial figure‍ in the House of Representatives. He is⁢ known for his combative style ‌and his strong support for⁣ conservative principles. If chosen as Speaker, he would​ bring a more confrontational‌ and conservative approach to ⁣the position, potentially reshaping the House’s legislative priorities and its relationship with the Senate.

However, Jordan‌ still faces an uphill ⁢battle to‌ secure the necessary ‍votes for Speaker. While ‌his victory in the validation vote is a positive ‌sign, he still needs 65 ‌more votes to reach the required 217 votes. It remains to ⁢be seen⁣ whether‍ he can gather‍ enough⁣ support from his fellow representatives to achieve this goal.

In the meantime, ‌House Republicans have ​decided⁣ to take a break ⁢for ‌the ⁣weekend, potentially ⁤allowing for further negotiations​ and discussions around‍ the Speaker’s race.‍ The outcome of these deliberations will be ⁤crucial in determining whether Jordan can ultimately secure the position.

Regardless of ‌the final outcome, Jordan’s rise to prominence within the Republican Party is a testament to his ability to rally support and advocate ⁢for his conservative agenda. His potential elevation to Speaker of the House ‌would ​mark⁤ a significant shift in ⁣the party’s leadership and could have far-reaching consequences for the legislative agenda ⁢and the direction of American politics.

The race ⁣for Speaker of the House is far from ⁢over, and the coming ⁢days and weeks ​will be ​crucial in determining the final outcome. As representatives continue ⁤to gather and discuss, the future direction‍ of the House of ‌Representatives​ hangs in the balance. Only‍ time will tell if⁤ Jordan ‍can rally enough support⁢ to become the new ​Speaker or if another candidate will ​emerge victorious.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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