Rep Jim Jordan Is Demanding 5 BITS OF Information From Biden’s DHS Secretary

House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan asked Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to come prepared to testify to members of Congress with answers to five demands regarding certain immigration and border enforcement data.

Jordan demanded that Mayorkas provide information on southwest border enforcement and other immigration programs, such as the number of migrants that have evaded arrest at the southern border, before his testimony to the committee on April 28, according to a letter Jordan sent Tuesday to the DHS secretary. (RELATED: Border Authorities Arrested 42 People On Terror Watchlist Under Biden, DHS Says)

First, Jordan asked for all Customs and Border Protection data on southern border encounters and gotaways since Jan. 20, 2021, according to the letter. Second, he requested that Mayorkas disclose all data related to interior immigration enforcement since Jan. 20, 2021. Jordan then asked for data on what is known as the Remain in Mexico program, in which certain migrants await court proceedings in Mexico.

Jordan’s fourth demand was for the Biden administration’s plan for the end of Title 42, which is the Trump-era public health policy used to quickly expel migrants that is set to expire May 23. Finally, Jordan asked for data on other immigration programs, including Special Immigrant Visas for Afghan allies, Temporary Protected Status and immigration benefits.

“The Biden administration’s radical immigration policies have caused a humanitarian and security crisis along our southwest border. As the Secretary of Homeland Security, you are responsible for carrying out President Biden’s far-left immigration policies. Republicans on the Judiciary committee have been seeking your testimony since April 15, 2021, and we are heartened that you have finally agreed to testify in person before the Committee on Thursday, April 28, 2022,” Jordan wrote in the letter.

DHS didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

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