Rand Paul: Potential Ties Between Green Groups, Russia Should Be Investigated, 'Maybe We Need to Spend about $100 Million'

On Tuesday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “Chris Salcedo Show,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) stated that potential ties between Russia and environmental groups should be investigated and sarcastically remarked, “Maybe we should get a special prosecutor. Maybe we need to spend about $100 million” investigating the matter.

Paul said, “Maybe we should get a special prosecutor. Maybe we need to spend about $100 million investigating Putin’s contributions to green — to the green alarmists in our country. I don’t have any information. I don’t know if it’s true, but can you imagine, there’s probably more truth to that than any of the BS they put forward about trying to connect the Russians to the Trump campaign.”

He added, “But yeah, if they are giving to our groups, we ought to know it. If we ought to know — if our left-wing groups that are anti-fossil fuel are being funded by the Russians, we at least ought to know it and it ought to be revealed, and that shouldn’t be too hard to find actually, and gives me another thing to investigate. If you guys give me a chairmanship and let the Senate be ruled by Republicans, guess what? Maybe I’ll subpoena these people and find out whether or not the Russians are actually giving these left-wing groups money.”

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