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R. Emmett Tyrrell: Defunding the Far Left’s Agenda

WASHINGTON — I have long held to the belief that the most conformist institutions in America are its universities. Recent research has shown that high schools have joined the ranks of universities to instill thought among students. Even more concerning, I discovered that grammar schools are producing goose-stepping student bodies and kindergarteners are joining the fray.

Our country’s student body is not being taught Marxist-Leninist claptrap, fascist bunkum, or nudism. However, I have been told that the man who attacked Nancy Pelosi with a hammer was a shirtless and pantsless ecdysiast. A new ideology is Wokeness, which is an amalgamation of ideas, stupid yells and farfetched thoughts, as well as idle daydreams, is being developed. Wokeness does not have a bible. “Mein Kampf” Or “The Communist Manifesto” The story or the entire thing. “The Three Little Pigs.” I think it is unlikely that a woke acolyte would wish to have his or her name attached at a wake undertaking. However, they do promote Wokeness within the schools.

It is a trap that few students are able to escape. Even federally funded penal institutions have more free-thinkers than universities, such as Harvard State University. Imagine if Rikers Island’s incarcerated population were to be polled about their favorite candidate in 2024. It would be more diverse than if such a poll was conducted at Harvard, Yale or the University of California at Berkeley. My mind wanders. I suddenly realize that there is some hope for freedom of thought here in America. It comes from sunny Florida.

Ron DeSantis (the governor of Florida) made a compelling case for freedom in thought a few days back. This was not just in Florida’s high schools or grammar schools, but also in Florida universities. The governor said this: “We believe in teaching kids facts and how to think.” He continued, “but we don’t believe they should have an agenda imposed on them.” The governor rejected an advanced curriculum developed by the college board, which contained nonsense like “black queer studies,” “‘postracial’ racism” “the case for reparations.” The names of these courses are a hint that this is the case “an agenda (was) being imposed on them.” It is to be said, that it was on the students.

Almost everything in the education system, including how teachers treat students, is Orwellian. DeSantis and others are apparently leading a counter-campaign. Educators speak of their goals. “diversity, equity and inclusion programs.” The acronym for these programs, DEI, is their acronym. These programs are not inclusive, diverse, or equitable. DeSantis proposes to eliminate such programs. DeSantis’ administration demanded that public colleges in his state report all expenditures related to DEI programs. It is likely that their budgets and critical race theory will be severely cut. They cost Florida taxpayers $35 million per year and have very little to do education. They are also political. They are political.

DeSantis has been frequently mentioned as a frontrunner in the race to become the next president in 2024. If this is an indication of his ambition, then I believe he has chosen at least one issue that is popular among Republicans, Independents, and Democrats. He is going to be a formidable opponent if he can pick other issues as intelligently. Taxpayers get tired of their children coming home from school every day and hearing the far left’s opinions.

Ukraine: Glory!

R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr., founder and editor-in chief of The American Spectator, is also the father of The American Spectator. He is a Senior Fellow of the London Center for Policy Research, and most recently the author of “The Death of Liberalism,” Published by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Credit: StockSnap Pixabay

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