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Pro-Life Org Says Biden’s FBI Spying on Group Meetings

Republican lawmakers demand that Attorney General Merrick Garland address the alleged spying

Getty Images 2018 Pro-life & pro-choice activists

An organization that supports life claims President Joe Biden’s FBI employed a federal informant in spying on its activities. The allegation has caused backlash from Capitol Hill.

Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising claims that the FBI monitored their January 19th meeting in Washington, D.C. and used this information to prosecute their director of activism. Rep. Chip Roy (R. Texas) and Sen. Ted Cruz, (R. Texas), sent an a letter Merrick Garland, Attorney General of the United States asking for clarifications by Wednesday Daily Caller reported.

“The American people deserve the truth,” Cruz and Roy wrote. “Are their tax dollars and federal law enforcement agencies being used to spy on pro-life Americans?”

PAAU’s claims have raised questions about a pattern FBI interference with prolife activists. Armed FBI agents raided Mark Houck, a pro-life activist was arrested in September for violating Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE) Act. This Act criminalizes blocking access to abortion clinics. Houck was found not guilty of any charges.

“They were trying to scare pro-lifers from coming out on the sidewalks and being active,” Houck’s attorney spoke about Biden administration charges.

PAAU reports that Eric Mike Santos (FBI informant) was sent by PAAU, and that he was allowed to attend the meeting by the FBI based upon his apparent pro-life Facebook status. This page was eventually deleted.

An audio recording of the meeting was reportedly made by Santos and presented in court as evidence against Lauren Handy, director for activism.

“It is shocking that the FBI is spending time and resources to physically send informants into our spaces to secretly record the work of totally nonviolent life-saving actions which are compliant with federal law,” PAAU founder, executive director Terrisa Bukovinac.

“From Pro-Life Org Says Biden’s FBI Spying on Group Meetings

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