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Rep. Mike Gallagher warns that Wall Street’s investments in blacklisted Chinese companies are essentially funding our own downfall.

Wall​ Street Investments in China: A Threat​ to National Security?

“Our investigation, even in its early stages … has revealed that money continues to flow into companies that are blacklisted … We found that MSCI ⁢and ⁢BlackRock have⁢ directed investment ⁣in companies that produce the Chinese Communist Party’s military aircraft, its aircraft carriers, its aerospace technology, its artillery shells,⁣ even advanced nuclear technology,”

– Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.), chairman of the House ‍Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party.

According to ⁣Rep. Mike Gallagher, the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party ⁢has uncovered ⁢alarming information about Wall Street investments in China. In an interview, he revealed that companies like MSCI and BlackRock have been channeling funds into blacklisted companies involved in the production of various military technologies for the‍ Chinese Communist Party.

“We ‍are … subsidizing ​our own destruction,”

– Mr.⁢ Gallagher

Mr. Gallagher further emphasized the gravity of⁤ the situation, stating that these investments⁢ are essentially supporting the United States’ own downfall. ⁣The flow of money ⁣into companies associated with the Chinese regime’s military capabilities ⁤poses a significant threat ‍to national security.

In ⁣this episode of ‌”ATL:NOW,” we delve⁢ into the concerning issue of Wall Street investments in China. We also ​explore the Chinese regime’s acquisition of⁤ land near sensitive U.S. military installations and the potential implications of ⁣Xi Jinping’s economic‍ and demographic challenges.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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