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Portland School District introduces workshops on ‘Equitable Grading Practices’ banning zeros for cheating or missing work.

All schools in Portland system‍ are expected to⁤ implement the new⁤ guidelines by 2025

‍Students at Portland’s Parkland Elementary ‌School (Photo ‌by Jackie Butler/Getty‍ Images)

⁤ ‌ Portland Public⁣ Schools is workshopping new ⁣”equitable‍ grading practices” ‍that bar teachers ‌from assigning “zeros” to students ‍who cheat or fail to ​turn in assignments.

‍ The district’s initiative aims to address⁢ “racial disparities” and “inequities” in ​grading and instruction, a handout ​ reviewed by the Washington Free ⁣Beacon says. “Grading⁢ for equity,” the handout states, includes eliminating “zeros” as a grade—even when a ⁣student cheats or fails to turn in a⁣ test or assignment. It also calls for no penalties for late work ⁤and no grades for both homework and “non-academic factors,” such as “participation, attendance, effort, attitude, [and] behavior.”

‍ The new grading practices, which are expected to be ‌implemented districtwide by 2025 after some classrooms adopted them last ⁢year, ‌reflect left-wing ⁢efforts across the country to⁢ achieve ‍”equitable outcomes” among all students. ⁢In California, for example, new equity-focused math curriculum guidelines aim​ to narrow the gap between gifted and non-gifted learners by abandoning “student⁤ tracking” practices that help accelerated learners access more advanced instruction.

⁤ Erika Sanzi, the outreach director‍ at parental‌ rights group Parents Defending Education, said ​Portland’s “equitable grading practices” hurt both struggling and high-achieving students.

⁢ ‌”These ⁢equitable grading‍ policies, however well ⁢intended, are a disaster for the students⁤ who​ struggle most and for ⁣the students who need accelerated coursework,” Sanzi told the ‍ Free Beacon.

Portland Public⁤ Schools ​declined to ‍comment on its new grading practices.

⁤ ⁢ The district’s new “bias-resistant” grading initiative argues that teachers should assign grades ⁣”based on valid evidence of a student’s content⁢ knowledge, ‌not on⁢ evidence⁣ that ⁢… ⁤is likely to be influenced by a teacher’s implicit bias or reflect a‍ student’s​ environment.” Teachers who offer ‍extra credit, give ⁢zeros ‍for cheating, penalize late work, and⁢ dock students for poor attendance or​ classroom ‌behavior may be guilty ⁤of such ⁤bias.

⁢ The initiative also calls to only “base ‌grades on ‌summative ​assessments, ​instead⁤ of ⁣classwork,⁢ homework, formative assessments, etc.” Should a ‌student cheat or fail to submit an ‌assignment on time, ​teachers should provide a ⁤grade of at least 50 percent, ​the district handout outlining the initiative⁤ says. The initiative also ‌calls ⁢to replace the ​typical “0-100″⁣ grading scale with a “0-4” scale.

While the district says‌ it began implementing its equity-based grading ⁤policies in⁤ some ⁣classrooms during⁢ the⁣ pandemic, its delay in⁣ adopting them districtwide ⁢”has led to a mosaic​ of grading practices ‍across schools and across‌ the district that is confusing ⁣to students and families.” As a result, the district will in the coming years work to⁣ “consolidate”​ its policies, according to its⁤ equitable grading ‍practices handout.

​ “We need to organize and consolidate our efforts towards common policies ​to more consistently‌ and ⁤better support ⁤students and families with equitable grading,” the ​handout‍ says.

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