The federalist

PolitiFact Tries To ‘Fact-Check’ A Federalist Article On Democrats’ Dark Money Election Takeover And Fails Miserably

In its latest bid to run interference for the Democrat Party, the historically dishonest, left-wing PolitiFact published a “fact-check” Federalist article about leftist nonprofits’ plan to use private funds to influence local election operations in favor of Democrats.

Titled, “How Georgia Became Democrats’ Test Site For Their 2024 Private Takeover Of Election Offices,” the article in question details how DeKalb County — one of Georgia’s most populous localities and a Democrat stronghold — had been selected to join the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence and how county officials had violated the spirit of state law by accepting a $2 million grant from the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL). The Federalist has previously reported that the Alliance was a $80 million initiative of left-leaning nonprofits like CTCL. “systematically influence every aspect of election administration” Democrat-backed voting policy in local elections offices.

In an ill-fated attempt to classify The Federalist’s reporting as “False,” Amy Sherman, PolitiFact staff writer decided to play semantics and interpret the meaning of the term “takeover.”

“When we’ve fact-checked claims that a bill in Congress equals a ‘federal takeover’ of an industry (such as health care), we’ve considered whether the measure calls for the government to assume total control of the sector,” Sherman writes. Sherman wrote. “claim of a ‘takeover’ of an elections office suggests that the nonprofit would control crucial tasks, such as in-person or mail-in voting operations.”

Sherman’s claim is flawed in one way: The Federalist doesn’t suggest that CTCL or other Alliance nonprofits would be in. “total control” the operation of local election offices.

Sherman might have spent more time reading the article than being a Democrat Party activist. She would be able to see how left-wing nonprofits have used private funds to change election administration in favor of Democrats if she had invested more. During the 2020 election, groups like CTCL received hundreds of millions of dollars from Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg. These “Zuckbucks” funds were directed to local election offices in the battleground states of the country to help change the way elections are conducted. The grants were heavily biased towards Democrat-majority countries, essentially making this a huge Democrat get out-the-vote operation.

The U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence (USA) is trying to duplicate the 2020 strategy for the 2024 elections. In a recent report, the Honest Elections Project and the John Locke Foundation revealed how the Alliance seeks to skirt existing “Zuckbucks” bans or restrictions passed by 24 states by providing election offices with “scholarships” To cover the cost of membership. These scholarships can then be used to cover membership costs. “instantly converted into ‘credits’ that member offices can use to buy services from CTCL and other Alliance partners.”

Sherman, instead of revealing such important details, tries to minimize CTCL’s influence on the 2020 contest. “Zuckbucks” were used “to cover staffing costs and for personal protective equipment and equipment that sorts absentee ballots.” It’s funny how she doesn’t mention reports that indicate this. Less than 1 percent CTCL spent nearly half of its 2020 funds on personal protective gear. Sherman quotes also a DeKalb County Commissioner and a “protective equipment” expert. “election expert” From the left-wing Bipartisan Center, which (predictably), offered statements reaffirming her efforts to “disprove” the notion that CTCL is running local election offices — a suggestion The Federalist’s article never made.

A History of Phony ‘Fact-Checks’

Sherman’s incorrect assessment of The Federalist’s reporting doesn’t surprise me. A quick skim through her repertoire reveals a history of dubious “fact-checks.” Following Democrat Rep. Mary Peltola’s victory in Alaska’s August special election for the state’s at-large district, for example, Arkansas GOP Sen. Tom Cotton tweeted that, despite nearly “60% of Alaska voters [having] voted for a Republican,” The state’s useof a was the main reason Peltola won. “convoluted” Voting system ranked-choice “ballot exhaustion.”

In ranked-choice voting, voters rank candidates according to preference. No candidate can receive a majority vote of first-choice voters in the first round. If this happens, the candidate who finishes last is eliminated and votes are redistributed to the voter’s second choice candidate. The process continues until one candidate has received a majority vote.

Sherman rejected Cotton’s assessment that almost 60 percent of voters voted for a Republican candidate during the first round of voting. “Mostly False” His comment “only applied to the first round of voting — which was not the final round — when that percentage voted for one of two Republicans.”

In a separate phony “fact-check,” Sherman also tried to disprove Blake Masters’ claim that Democrats support an open U.S. border was an electoral strategy. “bring in and amnesty tens of millions of illegal aliens.” Not only did Sherman ignore remarks from prominent Democrats who’ve publicly implied such an idea, she rated Masters’ claim “False” By trying to convince the world that the U.S.-Mexico border security is safe.

“The term ‘open border’ can be subjective, but controls at the southern border are significant,” Sherman and Jon Greenberg, a coauthor, wrote May 2022 as President Joe Biden’s lax policies at the border were causing record numbers of encounters at America’s southern border almost every month (239 416 in May). PolitiFact duo cited empty rhetoric from Biden regarding border security during the 2022 State of the Union address. This made it seem that America’s commander in chief is serious about stemming illegal aliens entering the country.

PolitiFact’s inept attempt to play with facts is not surprising. The failed attempt by the corrupt outlet to “disprove” Reporting by the Federalist is the latest example of legacy media distorting truth in order to promote their leftist agenda.

“From PolitiFact Tries To ‘Fact-Check’ A Federalist Article On Democrats’ Dark Money Election Takeover And Fails Miserably

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