The epoch times

Police video shows gallows being built early on Jan. 6.

A Mysterious Morning: The Construction of the‌ Infamous Gallows

As the sun began to rise on January 6, 2021,⁢ a ​team of five ⁣individuals gathered just west of the Capitol​ Reflecting Pool to‍ assemble the notorious‍ gallows. In a newly released⁢ Capitol Police security ​video, the process unfolds before‌ our eyes.

While four​ members of the team diligently worked on constructing⁤ the prop⁣ that ​would‍ later⁢ become ⁢an iconic image of that fateful day, one man, dressed in a trench coat and a long scarf, ventured four blocks north to a ​nearby coffee shop.‍ This particular establishment happened to be kitty-corner​ from the FBI’s Washington Field Office, as revealed by the ⁤Pro America Report and

Ed Martin, ‍the president of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles and host ‌of the Pro ​America Report podcast, made an intriguing discovery. While reviewing U.S. Capitol Police security footage, made available by a House committee, he stumbled upon footage of‌ the gallows construction crew. You can⁤ find more information ⁤about this discovery here.
A fascinating video mashup has been shared on the website, showcasing the “gallows gang” transporting sections of the structure on a cart to its final ‌position at ⁣the tip of the National Mall, offering a direct line of sight to the Capitol.
According to Greg Phillips, the founder of‍, the team arrived at around 6:32 in‌ the morning with a trailer filled with​ wood. ⁣They proceeded to ​unload it onto the ‌mall, where they meticulously constructed the gallows. ‍Interestingly, ‍one of the individuals left briefly to‍ grab some coffee,⁢ earning him the nickname “Mr. Coffee.”

Dressed​ in⁣ a dark trench coat, fedora, and​ a long white scarf, Mr. Coffee, with his distinctive appearance, embarked on a four-block journey ⁣along Third Street ⁢Northwest.‌ He made ⁣a stop at Jack’s Famous⁢ Deli,‍ conveniently located just down the block and ‍across⁢ the street from the FBI headquarters.

“How did anyone even know this⁣ coffee shop⁢ was there?” questioned Mr.⁢ Phillips.

Using⁣ Capitol Police ⁣CCTV footage,⁤ Mr. Martin ⁤meticulously​ tracked the movements of the gallows crew as⁢ they approached the⁢ green space⁤ near the⁢ Reflecting Pool. ⁤The ⁤crew successfully⁣ completed the assembly of the‍ structure.

Later in‍ the day,​ a crossbeam and a nylon ‌noose were added to the gallows, as revealed by ⁣Jan.‌ 6 defendant and video researcher William ‌Pope in an interview ‌with The Epoch Times.

“The image of​ the gallows perfectly framing the Capitol became an indelible symbol of ​Jan. 6, capturing the attention of people worldwide,” stated Mr. Martin in the video.

Interestingly, mainstream ⁤media ​coverage initially assumed that the platform was built and placed‍ by protesters. Some even believed that the gallows ⁢were real and not a form of street art. However, the newly released footage challenges these assumptions.

Representative Fred Upton (R-Mich.) claimed that the​ gallows were constructed by insurrectionists, emphasizing ⁤the bravery of⁢ the‌ Capitol ⁣and Metropolitan police officers ​who prevented further violence. He stated,⁣ “If it had not ⁢been for them, who knows‌ how‍ many of our heads would have been ‌swinging on ⁢those gallows?”

However, ‌despite the‌ media’s assumptions, ​law enforcement has ⁣not assigned blame ​or credit for the construction of the gallows. ⁤The structure was already in place when the first protesters arrived at⁢ the Capitol grounds that morning. It became a focal point, attracting ⁣constant media attention and serving as the backdrop for countless​ photographs.

The Agence France-Presse photo, featuring ⁤the‌ gallows’ beams framing the ⁣Capitol dome, was published in newspapers and ​magazines worldwide.

The⁢ release of Mr. Martin’s‌ Jan. 13 report, accompanied by video ⁣footage, raises ​new questions about the ‌true creators ⁤of the gallows. Was ​it a menacing message directed at⁢ the vice⁤ president and Congress, or was it a ​carefully orchestrated setup‌ to fuel a particular narrative?

Mr. Martin finds it intriguing that law enforcement ⁣has⁣ not identified the individuals who surreptitiously arrived at⁤ the⁣ edge of the National Mall, constructed ⁣the gallows, ​and‍ then vanished without a trace.

“Shouldn’t these people‌ be ⁣considered persons of‍ interest?” he⁤ pondered in ​the video mashup. “Shouldn’t federal law enforcement be concerned?⁣ We⁤ can’t help but wonder if ​there’s more to​ this story.”

Mr. Phillips echoed these ‍sentiments, stating, “The entire ⁣situation is utterly ‍mind-boggling. The public deserves to know not only about Mr. Coffee but ​also about the countless ​other stories surrounding January 6. The truth must be revealed.”

Mr. Martin’s gallows videos are part of a comprehensive Jan. 6 collection unveiled on October 13 at‍ This​ collection includes documents, photographs, and videos, with the aim ⁢of becoming a significant repository for all materials related‌ to⁣ January 6.

“We’ve designed to be the ultimate ⁢destination for the truth,” emphasized Mr.​ Phillips.

“Who built the gallows?” This question has been the subject of much speculation and debate since the events of January⁤ 6, 2021. As ⁤the world watched ⁢in shock and disbelief, a team ⁢of individuals gathered near⁤ the⁤ Capitol Reflecting Pool to construct what would later‍ become an iconic⁢ symbol of that f

Are there any eyewitness accounts or documented evidence that⁤ can provide insights into who may have been‌ involved in constructing ‍the gallows?

There may be eyewitness accounts or documented evidence that could provide insights into who may have been involved in constructing the gallows, but it would depend on the specific case or historical event under consideration. Some possible sources of information could include:

1. Historical archives: ⁤Official ​records,‌ correspondence, or administrative documents from the time‍ period may mention the names​ or details ‌of individuals involved in ⁣constructing the‍ gallows. These‍ could be found in local, state, or national ‌archives, depending on the jurisdiction.

2. Contemporary newspapers or ⁣journals: Newspapers or other publications from the ‍time might have reported on the construction of gallows‌ and could provide information on the individuals or entities⁢ involved. Newspapers often mentioned contractors, engineers, or other relevant parties responsible for such projects.

3.⁢ Diaries or journals: Personal accounts by individuals ‍who witnessed or⁤ participated in the construction may exist. ⁤These could include⁢ the records or ⁣memories of workers,​ architects, town officials, or community members ⁢directly involved in the process.

4. Oral history or local traditions: In some cases,‌ local⁤ communities may have passed down ⁣stories or oral history⁤ regarding the construction of the gallows. While oral history should ‌be carefully evaluated ‍for​ accuracy, it could potentially offer insights into the people involved.

5. Court records or legal documents: If the⁣ gallows were constructed ‍as part of a legal proceeding or execution, court records might reveal the identities of those ‌responsible. Proceedings, testimonies, or court transcripts could provide relevant information.

It’s important to note that the ‌availability and‌ reliability of such evidence may vary⁢ greatly depending on the time period, location, ‍and specific circumstances surrounding the construction of the gallows.

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