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Pentagon Reports Hundreds of New Sightings in Latest UFO Report

Congress directed the Pentagon to create a new office in order to replace the UAP Task Force. It also instructed the Pentagon to investigate and establish the NDAA 2022 National Defense Authorization Act. “resolve” UFO sightings. Of course, we’re not supposed to call them UFOs anymore (too bad! I’m a rebel!Instead, they are referred to as UAP. That used to stand for unidentified aerial phenomena, but now they’ve changed it yet again to mean “unidentified anomalous phenomena.” (The nomenclature can change a lot so bear with me. The word “aerial” This refers only to objects flying in our atmosphere. This new name also includes sightings in space and under the water. “transmedium” objects.

As you know if you’ve been following this saga, the names of the various programs and offices dealing with this subject have changed many times over the past twenty or more years. Last year, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (or AARO) was settled. 2022 NDAA provided an order to AARO to submit quarterly classified reports to Congress regarding UFO investigations. It also included an annual report that was to be made public and a classified annex to Congress. The first annual report was due by Halloween last year. Missed the deadline It is quite substantial. Yesterday, the report was finally dropped. (You can You can read the entire report here (See the website of Director of National Intelligence.

The public document, which is 12 pages long, has very little detail and is similar to the UAP Task Force report of June 2021. There weren’t any new stunning videos or detailed reports on individual UFO sightings. There wasn’t so much as a hint or any mention of anything “exotic.” (That’s the word they prefer for something that might potentially be extraterrestrial or at least non-human in origin.) The majority of it dealt with administrative housekeeping, identifying the steps they have taken to establish the new office as ordered by Congress and how the reporting structure is organized, along with clarifications of ARRO’s goals. There was a section on page 6 that contained some interesting information. It detailed the number and types of sightings and cases they have received, and is currently being investigated. There are many of them, which brings the total number of cases to over 500. Here’s a portion of the relevant section.

The ODNI preliminary assessment of UAP covered 144 UAP reports. It had a cut-off date for information at 05 March 2021. AARO has received 247 UAP reports since then. An additional 119 UAP reports on events that occurred before 05 March 2021, but were not included in the preliminary assessment, have been discovered or reported after the preliminary assessment’s time period. This, combined with the 144 preliminary assessments reports, brings the total number of UAP reports to date at 510.

AARO was established in July 2022 and has since developed and begun to use a robust analytic approach against UAP reporting. Once completed, AARO’s final analytic findings will be available in their quarterly reports to policymakers. AARO’s initial analysis and characterization of the 366 newly-identified reports, informed by a multi-agency process, judged more than half as exhibiting unremarkable characteristics.

You should take note of the descriptions of more than half the 366 newly created reports “exhibiting unremarkable characteristics.” These are sightings they’ve begun to investigate that at most appear to have mundane origin. There are 26 sightings that they appear to have seen. “unmanned aircraft systems” (read: drones), 163 of which appeared to be balloons “balloon-like entities,” Six of them were attributed to “clutter.” (That’s military-speak for birds, weather events, or airborne trash such as plastic bags.) The report continues to highlight that none of these conclusions can be considered definitive or complete. “resolved,” however.

This leaves 171 sightings they weren’t able to describe. This doesn’t mean that all 171 were “exotic” Nature is a wonderful example of this. Some reports were so brief that it was difficult to draw any conclusions. The most striking sentence in the report is the one from AARO. It states that 171 UAPs were included in the report. “appear to have demonstrated unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities, and require further analysis.”

Bingo. ARRO is trying to say this in the least excitable fashion possible, but those are the ones that we’re waiting to hear about. Some of the pilots submitting these reports have described objects maneuvering in ways that they simply couldn’t understand or shouldn’t have been possible. These include objects reportedly making right-angle turns or even reversals of course at high speed or demonstrating sudden bursts of acceleration to velocities we couldn’t achieve with a hypersonic missile.

Unfortunately, most of the “good stuff” They will be kept secret and only available in classified reports that Congress receives. But it’s a start toward transparency and disclosure that is badly needed inside the Pentagon. It took us 75 years to convince them that UFOs existed. We may have to gently coax them.

The UFO topic is expected to be very interesting this year. A provision in the 2023 NDAA that protects whistleblowers from the government, military, and civilian contractors working on classified programs is worth keeping an eye on. The individuals who provide relevant information to AARO won’t lose their jobs, their security clearances, or face any other personnel action. Congress wants to know if the Pentagon may have been operating deeply classified operations. “legacy programs” Without the government knowing. This could include “crash retrieval” Programs (where military researchers recover UFOs from secret locations and study them in secret) or reverse engineering “exotic” Technology with civilian contractors. (Both of those possibilities were listed as potential examples in the 2023 NDAA, so that’s not just me speculating.) If Congress has not been informed about this and failed to perform oversight, it could be a serious matter. And if they’ve been spending taxpayer dollars on such programs completely off the books, someone may wind up going to jail.

Campers, buckle up! The UFO topic could be a wild ride this year.

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