
Pentagon official accused of operating dogfighting ring.

U.S.⁢ District Court for the District of⁤ Maryland

OAN’s Taylor ‍Tinsley

1:30 PM – Tuesday, October 3, 2023

A Pentagon official has now been charged with promoting and furthering animal fighting ventures in running an illegal dogfighting ring in Maryland.


Frederick Douglass Moorefield, 62, ​who is a deputy chief information officer for ‍Command, Control, and Communications for the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and co-defendants Mario Damon Flythe, 49, were indicted on Monday.

According to the affidavit, Moorefield and Flythe used encrypted messages in order to communicate with⁣ individuals ⁣across the country. They⁣ reportedly discussed how to train dogs, exchange videos, make bets, arrange and coordinate dog fights, and how to conceal their conduct from law enforcement officials.

Officers raided a handful of residences ​in early September and recovered 12 dogs, veterinary steroids, a blood-stained carpet, and battery jumper ⁣cables, which investigators claimed⁢ were used to⁤ execute dogs who lost the fights.

The 62-year-old⁢ Pentagon official allegedly took part in the ring for more than 20 years and a ‍spokesperson told The Washington Post that Moorefield is no ‍longer in the agency.

If convicted, both face up to five years behind​ bars. Federal investigators continue to crackdown on dogfighting rings across the country.

In September, unsealed court documents revealed that police rescued at least 75 ​dogs from a⁢ fighting ring in Indiana. 21 people were federally charged in the investigation, where police also seized guns, drugs, and money.

In South Carolina, authorities also‍ recently seized about⁤ 120 dogs in what they called the second largest seizure in the state’s ⁤history. Officials rescued nearly 300 dogs across several properties in the state in 2022.

The largest-ever dogfighting bust took place in 2009, when investigators recovered 500 dogs in a six-state operation known as‍ the “Missouri 500.”

The Humane Society ⁢noted ways to help put a stop to dogfighting ‍rings, highlighting signs for people to look out for.

The‍ following ‍warning⁢ signs can help aid in⁤ ending dogfighting rings:

  • An inordinate number of pit bull-type dogs being kept in one location, especially multiple dogs who are chained and seem unsocialized.
  • Dogs with scars on their faces, front legs and hind-quarters.
  • Dogfighting training equipment such as ⁤treadmills used to build dogs’ endurance, “break sticks” used to pry apart the jaws of dogs locked in battle, ⁤tires or “springpoles” ​(usually a large spring​ with ‍rope attached to either end) hanging from tree limbs or unusual foot traffic coming and

The organization continues‌ to rehabilitate the animals that were rescued so that they can go on to find their forever homes and families. The‌ Human Society noted that while the rehabilitation process ⁣can be lengthy, the rescued dogs can ‌learn⁢ to trust again.

“If you suspect an ‌operation in your area, alert ⁢your local ⁢law⁢ enforcement agency and urge officials to contact the HSUS ‌for practical tools, advice and assistance.”

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How were the individuals involved in the dogfighting ring communicating with each other?

Title‍ of this article‌ is “Pentagon Official ​Charged With Running Illegal Dogfighting Ring in Maryland”

In recent news, a shocking‍ case of animal abuse and illegal activities has emerged involving a Pentagon official. Frederick Douglass Moorefield, a 62-year-old deputy chief information officer for Command, ​Control, and⁤ Communications for ​the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and his co-defendant ⁢Mario Damon Flythe, have been indicted for their involvement in running‌ an illegal dogfighting ring in Maryland.

According to an affidavit, Moorefield ​and ⁣Flythe used encrypted messages to communicate ‌with individuals‍ across ⁤the ⁢country. These messages reportedly include discussions on training dogs, exchanging⁣ videos, making ⁤bets, ⁤arranging and coordinating dog fights, and‌ ways to⁤ hide their activities from law enforcement officials.

The illegal dogfighting‍ operation ​was uncovered ⁤when officers raided several ⁣residences in early September. During the raid, authorities discovered 12 dogs, veterinary steroids, a blood-stained carpet, and battery jumper cables, which investigators believe were used to execute dogs⁤ that​ lost the fights. This inhumane and cruel behavior is deeply disturbing.

It has been revealed that Moorefield has been involved in this dogfighting ring for over⁣ two decades. A spokesperson for the ‌Pentagon stated that Moorefield is ⁢no longer employed by the agency. If convicted, both Moorefield and Flythe could ⁣face ⁤up to‌ five years in ‌prison.

This case brings attention to the ongoing ​issue ⁣of dogfighting rings in the⁤ United States. Federal investigators ​have been actively cracking down on these⁣ illegal operations across the country. Just last‌ month, court documents were unsealed, revealing ‌that 75 dogs were⁤ rescued from a fighting ring in Indiana, leading to ‍federal‌ charges against⁤ 21⁢ people involved in the operation. Guns, drugs, and money were also seized by the police.

Similarly, in South Carolina, authorities recently seized approximately 120 dogs in what they described as the state’s second-largest seizure in history. In 2022, nearly 300 dogs were rescued from various properties⁤ in the state.

The⁤ largest-ever dogfighting bust‌ occurred ‌in 2009, with 500⁢ dogs recovered in a six-state operation known as‌ “the ‍Missouri 500.” ​These cases highlight the persistent problem of dogfighting ​and the⁢ importance⁣ of ⁣continued⁢ efforts to eliminate ​this cruel practice.

In light ‍of these disturbing incidents, organizations ‌like‌ the Humane Society play a crucial role in​ raising awareness ⁢and advocating for the​ end ⁢of dogfighting. They have ⁣provided a list of warning signs for ‍people to look out for,‍ including an excessive number of pit bull-type dogs in one location, dogs with visible scars from fights, and dogfighting ⁢training equipment.

The Humane‌ Society, alongside⁤ other rescue organizations,⁢ continues to rehabilitate the dogs rescued from these illegal operations,⁤ providing them with a chance to find loving forever homes. However, it⁤ is essential for society as a whole to work together to prevent and put an end to dogfighting⁤ rings and all forms of ​animal abuse.

It is disheartening to witness such barbaric acts being committed, especially by individuals in positions of authority. Justice must be served, and stricter measures need to be implemented to ⁤prevent the recurrence of ​such heinous activities.​ Only through collective ​efforts ​and education can we create a society that upholds the rights⁣ and‍ welfare of all living beings.

Read More From Original Article Here: Pentagon Official Charged With Running Dogfighting Ring

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