Washington Examiner

Pentagon funding ‘Havana syndrome’ experiments on animals

THe Department of Defense It funds experiments that attempt to recreate the “Havana syndrome“On Animals.

The three witnesses to the matter and the documents revealed the results of the experiments Viewed by PoliticoThe purpose of this experiment is to determine if the phenomenon can be reproduced using radio frequencies on animals. “Havana syndrome,” First reported in 2016, this mysterious illness was first reported by many. U.S. Diplomats and spies abroad Characterized by Head pain, vertigo, vision problems and cognitive troubles can all be caused by dizziness.


The government has determined that the illness was not caused foreign an enemy or energy weapon. However, the Pentagon continues to investigate its causes. The Pentagon has provided funds for projects to reproduce the phenomenon on ferrets with brains that are similar to human and primate brains over the past year. The Wayne State University study on ferrets was the only one that cost $750,000.

“Behavioral, imaging, and histological studies will determine if the [animal brain injury] model is comparable to the abnormalities seen in humans following concussive head injury,” Lt. Cmdr., DOD spokesperson. Tim Gorman spoke to the outlet. “The model may subsequently be used to test potential treatments to alleviate the deficits associated with traumatic brain injury.”

“DOD continues to address the challenges posed by [anomalous health incidents], including the causation, attribution, mitigation, identification, and treatment for such incidents,” He continued. “Our foremost concern remains providing care to affected in

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