Washington Examiner

Pence targets unsuccessful Trump picks, focused on moving forward.

Former Vice President Mike Pence: Focusing on the Past is Not a Prescription for Success

Former Vice President Mike Pence believes that dwelling on the 2020 election, in which he and former President Donald Trump lost to President Joe Biden, is not the way to achieve success in the upcoming 2022 midterm elections. Pence’s perspective challenges the prevailing sentiment among those who enjoyed the approval of the former president, as questioning the legitimacy of the 2020 election became a prerequisite for their support.

Trump’s Endorsed Candidates Face Setbacks

During the 2022 midterm elections, several candidates endorsed by Trump suffered defeats in crucial races, despite triumphing over potentially more appealing Republicans in their respective primaries. This outcome raises questions about the effectiveness of Trump’s endorsements and the impact of his focus on the 2020 election.

Trump’s Influence and the Election Stance

In a book released after his unsuccessful bid for the Republican nomination for Senate in Pennsylvania, David McCormick claimed that Trump endorsed his primary opponent, Dr. Mehmet Oz, after McCormick refused to acknowledge the alleged theft of the 2020 election. According to McCormick, Trump insisted that candidates must embrace the narrative of a stolen election to have any chance of winning.

Trump later attributed the Republican Party’s underperformance in the midterms to the mishandling of the abortion issue and criticized Minority Leader Mitch McConnell for insufficiently supporting his Senate candidates. Pence expressed disappointment in Trump’s stance, emphasizing that it deviated from their administration’s commitment to the right to life.

Pence’s Perspective on the Right to Life

Pence argued that candidates who stood firmly for the right to life while demonstrating compassion performed well in the elections. He expressed his disappointment in Trump’s attempt to blame the pro-life movement for the party’s losses, stating that it contradicted their administration’s core values.

Trump’s Endorsed Candidates Face Defeat

Ultimately, Trump’s endorsed candidates, including Dr. Mehmet Oz, Blake Masters, Kari Lake, Doug Mastriano, and Don Bolduc, suffered losses in the general election after initially winning their primaries with Trump’s support.

Pence’s Focus on the Present and Future

Pence believes that he and other Republicans should prioritize addressing pressing issues that concern Americans today, rather than dwelling on past elections. He highlighted the struggling economy as the top concern for voters in 2024, with two-thirds of Americans living paycheck to paycheck.

A recent Quinnipiac University National Poll revealed that 30% of Americans consider the economy the most important issue in selecting a president in 2024. Preserving democracy in the United States follows closely at 27%, with abortion at 9%.

Pence criticized the Biden administration for its high spending, record-breaking inflation, soaring gasoline prices, and increased utility costs. He emphasized the importance of taking this case to the American people and focusing on the future to secure victories in future elections.

Pence’s Call for Principled, Conservative Leadership

Pence reiterated that candidates who focused on re-litigating the past, particularly the 2020 election, did not fare well. He emphasized that the American people long for principled, conservative leadership that can articulate a vision for restoring American prosperity and security.

Pence concluded by stating that the American people want leaders who prioritize addressing the disastrous policies of the Biden administration and working towards restoring prosperity and security, rather than dwelling on the past like Trump and his selected candidates.

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