Washington Examiner

Poll: Majority Fear Violence After 2024 Election

A recent poll conducted by the Washington⁤ Examiner indicates⁣ that a significant portion of the population is concerned about potential issues related to an unspecified event. ​Click “Read more…” to access‌ additional⁤ details. A recent poll by the Washington Examiner shows widespread concern among the population regarding potential issues tied to an undisclosed event. For‍ more information, click on​ “Read more…”

A recent poll found a majority of the country is afraid that the Nov. 5 election results could spark violence.

Reuters and Ipsos conducted a survey with nearly 4,000 respondents earlier this month and found that 68% reported a fear of violent retributions from extremists based on the results of the 2024 election. This poll comes almost four years after the Jan. 6 Capitol riot that followed former President Donald Trump’s loss to President Joe Biden. The two will be going head-to-head again this November.

Democratic respondents were more likely to anticipate violence, as 85% reported being afraid. Sixty-five percent of Republican respondents reported that they feared violence. Only 15% disagreed with the statement that they were concerned about post-election violence.

According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, more than 1,400 people were arrested due to their participation in the riot on Jan. 6, 2021. These arrestees represented nearly every state and the District of Columbia. Some 820 of them pleaded guilty to the charges against them. A large majority of the charges were misdemeanors.


Another 541 rioters have received prison sentences since then. More charges are likely to come as the FBI is working to identify additional rioters.

The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.

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