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Over 55,000 Felons Will Have Voting Rights Restored Before Probation Ends in Minnesota

Minnesota Felons are eligible to vote upon their release from incarceration following the signing of the Democrat Governor. Tim Walz signed “Restore the Vote” On March 3, the bill was signed into law

“Minnesotans who have completed time for their offenses and are living, working, and raising families in their communities deserve the right to vote. As a state that consistently ranks among the top three in voter turnout, Minnesota will continue to lead in the fight to protect and expand the right to vote,” Gov. Walz spoke in press release.

“I am grateful to the community members, organizers, and legislators who are committed to strengthening the freedom to vote and ensuring every Minnesotan has a voice in our democracy.”

The Senate passed the bill. week prior It was after the Minnesota Supreme Court ruled The state Constitution did not guarantee felons voting rights, and the decision would be made by the Legislature.

As it stands now, felons in prison who are still under felony supervision or probation cannot vote.

The Legislation

According to the release, it will be in effect from July 1. It is projected to cover more than 55,000 felons convicted of crimes.

“Voting is one of the most basic building blocks of our democracy. By restoring voting rights for formerly incarcerated Minnesotans, we continue down a path of restorative justice for Minnesotans who have been historically and systemically disenfranchised,” Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan stated in the release.

“I cannot overstate the work of the countless organizers, community leaders, and advocates who never gave up the fight. Our democracy is stronger thanks to your work.”

The new law requires that the Department of Corrections and officials of the judiciary system provide a notice to newly released people stating their right to vote.

Based on KWLMRepublicans wanted to add a condition that anyone convicted for serious offenses must complete their probation before they can regain the right of vote. Democrats insist that each individual has their voting rights restored as soon as they are released.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz talks to journalists during a St. Paul press conference on June 3, 2020. (Scott Olson/Getty Images)

You can find out more at post on TwitterThe legislation was approved by the Minnesota Republican Party “undermines safe and secure elections and empowers violent criminals over law-abiding citizens.”

The GOP also criticized Democrats at the Legislature for their killings in the same thread. “legislation to require murderers and rapists to complete their sentences before becoming eligible to vote.”

Felons Have Voting Rights All Over the Nation

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures (Republican-led North Dakota and Indiana), 21 states currently restore voting rights for felons after they are released from prison.

In Maine, Vermont, and the District of Columbia, convicted felons are allowed to vote while they are still incarcerated, irrespective of their crimes—a situation some California lawmakers are currently looking to legalize in their state.

According to the NCSL, felons in 16 states lose their voting rights during incarceration and after a certain period. 11 other states strip felons from voting rights due to certain crimes or require that the governor pardon them or take other actions in order for their rights to be restored.

The following is an extract from the American Civil Liberties UnionTwo of these 11 states (Virginia and Kentucky) permanently deny anyone convicted in a felony the right to vote.

Minnesota has a distinct bill called the “Driver’s License for All” Bill (pdfThe Senate also approved the voting bill at the same moment as the House. Although it passed the House in January, any amendments made by the Senate have to be approved by the House once more before it can be sent to Governor. According to Walz, he has already indicated that he would sign the legislation. media reports.

According to the law, a applicant must apply for “noncompliant” License or identification card “is not required to demonstrate United States citizenship or lawful presence in the United States.”

Democrats claim that it will be a good idea, but “make roads safer,” Republicans voiced concern about illegal immigrants and terrorists using the law for illegal voting. The Republicans sought to modify the text to stop that.

Samantha Flom, The Associated Press and The Associated Press also contributed to this article.


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