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Our Tax Dollars Are Going Toward Gruesome Dog Abuse (Again)

The experiments involve drugging dogs and locking them in mesh cages. Sand flies then eat the dogs alive, before they are finally killed and dissected.

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U.S. tax dollars have funded ongoing experiments at University of Iowa. “donated” Pet dogs are often drugged and kept in mesh cages. Sand flies attached to their ears carry the sand flies, which trap them in tiny capsules. When the sandflies fly “feed” They infect the dogs with leishmaniasis. This parasitic disease is fatal to dogs. Causes fever, severe weight loss, diarrhea, vomiting, and bleeding from the nose, among other symptoms in pups. There are no treatments for leishmaniasis. The dogs used in the experiments were killed and dissected.

White Coat Waste Project

White Coat Waste Project (WCW), the nonpartisan watchdog group that broke the story, reported that the experiments have received close to $10 million in taxpayer funds from the two grants, one from the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the other from the National Institute of Health’s Fogarty International Center. Anthony Fauci, the former director of NIAID was responsible for granting the NIAID grant. Both grants continue to fund the abuse even after Fauci’s retirement and are set to expire in June 2023.

White Coat Waste gathered information about dog-abusing trials from a Published NIH document. WCW claims that further information has not been made public by the university after it admitted to having destroyed several records related to the experiments. 

This isn’t the first time the NIH and NIAID used American tax dollars to needlessly torment dogs. WCW exposed last April the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) for the same flying-eating experiments. beagles In Tunisia

White Coat Waste Project

Another NIH experiment with dogs is the “septic shock” tests, where the canine’s throats are cut open, and infectious bacteria is implanted directly into the dogs’ lungs, causing them to develop pneumonia. “Experimenters then bleed out the dogs, give them transfusions, and wait to see how long the dogs who survive surgery live,” Reports The Daily Caller 

White Coat Waste Project reported in May that $1.8 million of taxpayer funds was being used by the NIAID to fund a new series of beagle pain experiments to test a drug. “allergic rhinitis,” Otherwise known as a runny nostril. These are some of the experiments. Inclusion Giving dogs experimental drugs injecting They were given cocaine and their vocal cords were cut so that they couldn’t bark during the torture. 

After significant backlash from lawmakers and the public, the NIAID backed down and Fauci was forced make a statement Promising The runny nose drug experiment would see canines replaced with rodents. Although dogs may have been spared the runny nose experiment by the NIAID bureaucrats, it is clear that abuse continues at American taxpayer expense. 

Congress has reintroduced a legislation to end the abuse. bipartisan “Protecting Dogs Subjected to Experiments Act” to defund all of the NIH’s cruel and wasteful dog experiments. “…NIH-funded white coats

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