Oregon Governor Encourages People To Call Police On Neighbors Violating COVID Orders

Oregon Governor Encourages People To Call Police On Neighbors Violating COVID Orders

Like the oppressive Soviet regimes of the Cold War and their secret snitching, Oregon governor Kate Brown is encouraging citizens to call the police on people who not adhering to her arbitrary COVID decrees. If you have more than six people at your home, or people from more than two households over for Thanksgiving, you are in violation of Her Majesty’s edicts, and your neighbors are to rat you out. Leonid Brezhnev would be applauding Governor Brown!

KGW Reports:

Days before Thanksgiving, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown said she believes residents who know their neighbors are violating the most recent round of COVID-19 protocols, which includes capping the number of people allowed in your home at six, should call the police.

“This is no different than what happens if there’s a party down the street and it’s keeping everyone awake,” Brown said in an interview Friday. “What do neighbors do [in that case]? They call law enforcement because it’s too noisy. This is just like that. It’s like a violation of a noise ordinance.”

The restrictions, known as a freeze, were implemented this week via an executive order by the governor. For the next two weeks in Oregon, and four weeks in Multnomah County, residents are banned from eating out at restaurants and going to the gym, among other restrictions. Social gatherings in our homes are also limited to no more than six people. Violators could face up to 30 days in jail, $1,250 in fines or both.

Video report by KGW:

This comes on the heels of incoming Chair of suburban Clackamas County, Tootie Smith, making national headlines for her refusal to obey Brown’s dictates. Smith vows to have a large Thanksgiving celebration in defiance.

Meanwhile, law enforcement, such as the Marion County Sheriff’s Office, are crafting PR-friendly ways of telling Governor Brown to shove it:

Over the last several days the Marion County Sheriff’s Office has had a number of community members reach out to our team to ask questions about family gatherings, and the role the Sheriff’s Office will play in helping to slow the spread of COVID-19. As a community, we all must work together to protect the health and well-being of our family and friends and to avoid overwhelming our local health service providers.

As you may remember, since the beginning of the pandemic, your team here at the Marion County Sheriff’s Office has emphasized communication and continued education of our community members about this public health crisis. As law enforcement professionals, our continued focus will be to help educate our community members about recommended best practices which have been shared by public health professionals. As a community it’s important we work together to make informed decisions based upon up to date medical data and work collaboratively toward voluntary compliance.

As expressed by law enforcement agencies from across the state, we too recognize the inconvenience and health risks the pandemic has caused all of us. We know the risk to our most vulnerable populations is extremely high at this time and we urge everyone to follow these recommendations to protect them. We are all in this together.

We recognize that we cannot arrest or enforce our way out of the pandemic, and we believe both are counterproductive to public health goals. We can work together in following these recommendations to make our communities a safer and healthier place.

If you find yourself at a location where you are uncomfortable with the situation, we recommend you remove yourself from that area or situation. We include the following recommendations if you feel the need to report potential violations of these restrictions:

– Business/workplace violations – you may report these to Oregon OSHA

– Restaurant/Bars – you may report these violations to OSHA or OLCC.

Our law enforcement resources are faced with many challenges, often receiving more police calls for service than available resources to respond. Because of this, we are asking the public to follow the above-mentioned recommendations if they feel the need to report alleged violations of current public health restrictions.

We’ll see who, if anyone, gets the call to haul Tootie Smith in during her illegal Thanksgiving dinner, and if the responding officers will ignore the order.

Read More From Original Article Here:

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