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Orange County Vector Control sprays to stop the spread of mosquito-borne diseases.

Relief from Mosquitoes in Fullerton, California

Residents of Fullerton, California can breathe a little easier now, thanks to recent mosquito abatement efforts by the Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District. City officials have announced that sprays were conducted over three days last week to reduce‌ the risk of mosquito-borne ⁤diseases.

This⁤ comes as a welcome relief after the county’s vector control agency discovered ‍West Nile Virus-positive mosquitoes in Fullerton​ on July 27. The affected area was near Rosecrans Avenue and N. Filbert Street.

The West Nile Virus, which typically⁢ circulates ‌during the summer, can be ⁢transmitted ​through mosquito bites. According to the Orange County Health ⁣Agency, approximately 20 percent⁤ of ‍those⁣ infected may experience symptoms such as fever, headache, body aches, nausea, tiredness, and possibly a skin⁣ rash.

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“Fullerton ⁣is historically a high-risk area for West Nile virus activity,” said Amber Semrow, director of scientific and technical services in a⁢ vector control press release. “Conditions across the region⁢ are favorable for sustained virus activity during the warm summer months.”

According to the county ⁤health agency, there has been one reported case of West Nile ⁢Virus infection in Orange County⁣ this year. In Los Angeles County, health‌ officials have identified 19 human cases of the ⁢virus, resulting in one death as of September 7.

Mosquitoes are seen inside ​a trap in Pleasant Hill, Calif., on June 29, 2012. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Vector control will continue surveillance in the coming weeks and ⁤apply additional control sprays based on their findings.

The office assures residents that the spray used will not harm people, pets, fruit trees, vegetable gardens, or fishponds. Additionally, there is no⁤ need to turn​ off air conditioning systems during the application.

To further prevent contracting the virus, the agency advises residents to:

  • Empty standing water on their property where mosquitoes may breed, such as near flowerpots and pet bowls
  • Ensure window and door screens are in good condition
  • Limit⁣ outdoor activity after dawn
  • Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants ⁣when outdoors
  • Use insect repellent containing DEET, picaridin, oil of ‍lemon eucalyptus, or products containing IR3535—a​ biodegradable insect repellent

Last year, the Orange County ‍Health Agency reported 11 infections in the county, resulting in two deaths.

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